DOCUMENT:Q274256 26-FEB-2002 [msnetwork] TITLE :MSN Companion Troubleshooting Tool FAILSAFE PRODUCT :The Microsoft Network PROD/VER::1.0,2.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - MSN Companion, versions 1.0, 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= FAILSAFE is a feature of MSN Companion that formats its flash memory, dials the upgrade servers, and downloads a "last known good" flash image. FAILSAFE should only be used under the supervision of MSN Companion Technical Support. MORE INFORMATION ================ When should it be used? ----------------------- Use FAILSAFE when the user has a core OS-level problem with starting the machine, per the following scenarios: - The user has been using MSN Companion, but during an overnight upgrade something went wrong. Now, whenever the user starts the device, they get the manufacturer's splash screen, and then the screen goes black; the device appears to be dead. - The user has already gone through the initial set-up experience and everything worked fine. Later, inexplicably, the device now "blue-screens" at every boot, never shows the connecting window, and never tries to dial When should it NOT be used? --------------------------- - When in doubt, don't use FAILSAFE. FAILSAFE should never be used as an "I don't what else to do" fix, because the process takes over an hour. - Do not use FAILSAFE without the assistance of MSN Companion Technical Support. Call Technical Support at (1) (888) 386-6497. - In addition, FAILSAFE should never be used to troubleshoot a dialing problem. If the machine cannot dial, it cannot reach the FAILSAFE servers. For connection problems see Q278715 - Unable to connect to Web Companion To use failsafe --------------- 1. The update will take about one hour on the phone, as the device downloads its software. 2. Unplug the device to completely shut it down, and then plug it in again. 3. When the manufacturer's splash screen appears press CTRL+U several times until the splash screen goes away and the FAILSAFE screen appears. It looks similar to a BIOS settings screen (see facsimile below). ----------------------------- Modem Settings ----------------------------- | |    UserName: [WEBC/user_name  ] |    Password: [********......] | |    Phone Number: [5551234........]             Tone Dialing:         [X] |                                                            Wait for Dial Tone: [X] |                                                            Dial Audibly:          [X] |                                                            Dial Quickly:          [X] | |   Post Data: [Current Version=0&Component=Mariner; Compaq-1-1;40] |   URL:         [] | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |                                             < CANCEL > | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. To change settings, use TAB and arrow keys to move around within the fields and enter the information as follows: Note: In most cases, the information will already be entered correctly by default. - USERNAME: The username must be preceded by WEBC/ as above. - PASSWORD: Ensure that the password is correct, capitalization is correct, and CAPS LOCK is not on. - PHONE NUMBER: Include the exact digits that need to be dialed in order to connect. Call Technical Support to ensure that this number is a correct local access number. Contact your phone company to determine is this is a local toll-free call. You are responsible for any toll charges that may accrue from using a long distance access number. Ensure that any needed prefix numbers are also included: - 9, - If dialing an outside line from inside a corporate phone system. - *10, - or other numbers to turn off Call Waiting. - Area Code - If ten digit dialing is required. - 1 before the Area Code - If necessary. - Note that a comma "," inserts a one second pause in the dialing sequence. - The items below are the same settings that can be changed using FIXIT. In most cases you shouldn?t need to change these. (For more information on FIXIT, see Q278481 - MSN Companion Troubleshooting Tool FIXIT) - TONE DIALING - WAIT FOR DIAL TONE - DIAL AUDIBLY - DIAL QUICKLY - POST DATA: Do not change this. If you accidentally change this, cancel immediately. - IA - 1 Post Data: [CurrentVersion=0&Component=Mariner;Compaq-1-2001;409&SSN=1] - IA - 2 Post Data: [CurrentVersion=0&Component=Mariner;Compaq-2-2001;409&SSN=1] - URL: The "s" needs to be removed from the end of the word http://, so that it reads http://. If you accidentally change anything else on this line, cancel immediately. URL: [] 5. When all settings are correct, press TAB until the cursor reaches OK, and then press Enter to initiate the failsafe upgrade. 6. When the upgrade is done, the device will restart automatically. If the device is still broken, return it to the manufacturer. Note: if your receive the following message The new software is corrupted. Please try again. the server connection was lost during the FAILSAFE download. Click Try again and the download is continued and will eventually download the entire flash image and restart MSN Companion Additional query words: kbimu FAILSAFE ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : _IKkbbogus kbMSNSearch kbMSNCompanion Version : :1.0,2.0 Issue type : kbprb ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.