DOCUMENT:Q101616 30-JUL-2001 [lanman] TITLE :A Program to Generate Documentation on LAN Manager Servers PRODUCT :Microsoft LAN Manager PROD/VER: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== SUMMARY ======= This article contains a REXX program that can be used to easily document much of a server's configuration--including users, groups, resources and configurable parameters. MORE INFORMATION ================ To use the program do the following: - Cut-and-paste the listing beginning with (including) the first dollar sign and continuing to (but not including) the pound sign. - Search-and-replace the dollar sign with a forward slash (/). - Save the file as LANDOC.CMD or some other *.CMD name. There are three command line switches to the program: - A or /A adds the results of "net access" to the document - G or /G adds a verbose group listing to the document - U or /U adds a verbose user listing to the document "Verbose" means that instead of getting just a list of groups or users on the server you will receive information on each individual group or user. You must run this program at the server or other OS/2 machine while logged on with ADMIN privileges. Examples of program execution at an OS/2 command prompt are: landoc (this produces minimum documentation) landoc a (adds the "net access" results) landoc g (adds group information) landoc u (adds user information) landoc g u (adds user and group information) landoc g u a (maximum documentation) NOTE: This program may take some time to run. It requires a minimum temporary free disk space of approximately 24K plus 1K per user in NET.ACC and 1K per 30 groups in NET.ACC--if you use all options. $* MUST be logged on with ADMIN privilege *$ parse upper arg cmd_param_1 cmd_param_2 cmd_param_3 push cmd_param_1 push cmd_param_2 push cmd_param_3 do 3 pull parameter if (parameter = '/U') | (parameter = 'U') then do_user = 'yes' if (parameter = '/G') | (parameter = 'G') then do_group = 'yes' if (parameter = '/A') | (parameter = 'A') then do_access = 'yes' end "if exist lan-doc.bak del lan-doc.bak" "if exist lan.doc ren lan.doc lan-doc.bak" "if exist get_list.dat del get_list.dat" "net config workstation >> lan.tmp" "net config server >> lan.tmp" "net comm >> lan.tmp" "net device >> lan.tmp" "net print >> lan.tmp" "net accounts >> lan.tmp" call cleanup if do_user <> 'yes' then "net user >> lan.tmp" else do "net user >> get_list.dat" call do_list user 1 end if do_group <> 'yes' then "net group >> lan.tmp" else do "net group >> get_list.dat" call do_list group 2 end call cleanup "net share >> lan.tmp" if do_access = 'yes' then do "net access >> lan.tmp" end call cleanup exit do_list: parse arg use_type start_pos do i = 1 to 4 tempstr = linein("get_list.dat",,1) end do while lines("get_list.dat") > 0 do 3 name = substr(tempstr,start_pos,25,' ') if substr(name,1,1) = ' ' then iterate "net " use_type name " >> lan.tmp" tempstr = delstr(tempstr,1,24+start_pos) end tempstr = linein("get_list.dat",,1) i = pos( "command completed successfully", tempstr,1) if i > 0 then do while lines("get_list.dat") <> 0 tempstr = linein("get_list.dat",,1) end end tempstr = lineout("get_list.dat") "del get_list.dat" return cleanup: tempstr = linein("lan.tmp",1,1) do while lines("lan.tmp") > 0 i = pos( "command completed successfully", tempstr,1) if i = 0 then j = lineout("lan.doc",tempstr) else do j = lineout("lan.doc"," ") j = lineout("lan.doc","******************************************") j = lineout("lan.doc"," ") end tempstr = linein("lan.tmp",,1) end j = lineout("lan.tmp") "del lan.tmp" j = lineout("lan.doc"," ") j = lineout("lan.doc","*********************************************") j = lineout("lan.doc"," ") j = lineout("lan.doc") return # Additional query words: 2.10 2.1 2.10a 2.1a 2.20 2.2 ====================================================================== Keywords : ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.