XL5: Hang Using WORKDAY Function with Large Number of Days

ID: Q114856


The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel, if you reference the WORKDAY() function in the MS Excel 4.0 Analysis Functions add-in file, ANALYSF.XLA, and you use a large number for the days argument, your computer appears to hang.


A reference on your worksheet to the WORKDAY() function in ANALYSF.XLA does not actually cause your computer hang; however, the function may take a long time to be calculated when you use a large number for the days argument. When you use this function, the number of days is equal to the number of loops that the WORKDAY() function goes through to calculate the result.


To avoid this long processing time when you use the WORKDAY() function, do either of the following:

When you reference the WORKDAY() function in ANALYSIS.XLL, the function is calculated faster than when you reference the WORKDAY() function in ANALYSF.XLA.

For more information about using the Add-In Links add-in, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   updtlink.xla and update


The Add-Ins dialog box lists several add-ins that comprise the Analysis Tools. The part of the add-in that contains all of the functionality is the Analysis ToolPak, ANALYSIS.XLL. If you open a Microsoft Excel version 4.0 worksheet that contains an analysis function, such as WORKDAY(), you must load the MS Excel 4.0 Analysis Functions add-in in order to use the function.

If you are no longer going to use this file in Microsoft Excel version 4.0, you should use the Update Add-in Links add-in to update the Analysis function to the Microsoft Excel version 5.0 format. After you do this, and you save the file, you no longer need to load the MS Excel 4.0 Analysis Functions add-in in order for the function to return a result.


For more information about WORKDAY(), choose the Search button in Help and type:

   WORKDAY function

KBCategory: kbprb KBSubcategory:

Additional reference words: 5.00 addins atp

Version           : 5.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: September 14, 1996