XL5: List of Help Topics in MAINXL.HLP File (Part 2 of 2)

ID: Q125231

The information in this article applies to:


This article contains the topic numbers and descriptions for the topics available in the MAINXL.HLP file. Topics 438-585 for Microsoft Excel 5.0 are different from those for 5.0c; therefore, these topics are listed under separate headings. For information about topic IDs 1-437, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q125230 : "XL5: List of Help Topics in MAINXL.HLP File (Part 1 of 2)"

Note that topics 1-437 apply to Microsoft Excel version 5.0 AND Microsoft Excel version 5.0c.

Using a Help Topic

You can use these topics in conjunction with dialog boxes that are equipped with Help buttons; you can call them with the HELP() function in Microsoft Excel 4.0; or, you can call them with the Application.Help line in a Visual Basic, Applications Edition, macro. The following are examples of both types of macros.

   Visual Basic code:

      Application.Help "MAINXL.HLP", 3

   Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro:


Finding a Help Topic ID

To find the help topic ID numbers for a help file in Microsoft Excel, use the following macro:



Topic IDs 438-585 for Microsoft Excel version 5.0 only

Topic      Description 

Note: The topic numbers in this section may be off by one row. Please bear this fact in mind when using these topic numbers to display specific help topics.

438        Cannot open pivot table source file '[filename]'.
439        Pivot table field name is not valid.
440        The source database must have at least one record.
441        Not all source records have been copied.
442        No item of this name exists in the pivot table. Rename '[current
           item name]' to '[proposed item name]'?
443        Cannot pivot a data field button that does not appear in the
           pivot table.
444        At least one item must be showing. Choose the Delete button to
           hide the field.
445        Too many items are hidden. Unhide some items to continue.
446        Too many items to create pivot table.
447        Cannot create a pivot table on a hidden sheet.
448        Cannot show or hide detail for this selection.
449        Cannot change this part of a pivot table.
450        Cannot edit a pivot table in group edit mode.
451        Cannot edit pivot table on protected sheet.
452        Cannot edit pivot table in data entry mode.
453        Cannot paste items into a different field.
454        Cannot paste items into a different group of items.
455        Replacement creating duplicate item or field name ignored.
456        Cannot enter a formula into a pivot table.
457        Cannot enter a null value as an item or field name in a pivot
458        Cannot delete this selection from the pivot table.
459        Cannot move subtotals or block totals.
460        Cannot edit subtotal, block total, or grand total names.
461        Cannot delete every item of '[field name]' field from the pivot
462        Cannot hide the (all) item of a page field.
463        Cannot delete the last item in a page field.
464        Cannot move a pivot table to a macro sheet.
465        You have not specified any source ranges for your pivot table.
           Type or select at least one range in the Ranges box before
           choosing Next or Finish.
466        Cannot show or hide detail for the data area.
467        Pivot table will not fit on sheet. Show as much as possible?
468        Cannot determine which pivot table field to sort by.
469        Cannot sort items in a page field.
470        Cannot create a pivot table on a macro sheet.
471        Cannot pivot data field button to a page orientation.
472        Cannot paste a link into a pivot table.
473        Cannot pivot. Pivot table does not contain this field.
474        '[Text]' is not an item of this field.
475        Not enough memory to completely display pivot table.
476        Number must be greater than zero.
477        Cannot group that selection.
478        Cannot ungroup that selection.
479        Ending value must be greater than starting value.
480        Pivot table is not valid.
481        Specify a data field.
482        You have entered an invalid source range for your pivot table.
           Enter a valid range in the Ranges box and then choose Add.
483        A pivot table with that name already exists on the destination
484        Pivot table name is not valid.
485        Pivot table field name already exists.
486        Replace crosstab table with PivotTable?
487        Replace crosstab table with PivotTable, ignoring criteria
488        Unable to obtain PivotTable data from disk.
489        Pivot table was changed during Refresh Data operation.
490        Problems obtaining Microsoft Query data.
491        No data source specified.
492        Problems obtaining data.
493        Pivot table saved without underlying data. Use the Refresh Data
           command to update the pivot table.
494        Data will be saved with other pivot tables using the same source
           data as this pivot table.
495        Data will not be saved with other pivot tables using the same
           source data as this pivot table.
496        Copy '[add-in]' to Microsoft Excel Add-in library?
497        Unable to copy add-in to library.
498        '[Add-in name]' is not a valid add-in.
499        Cannot find add-in '[add-in]'. Delete from list?
500        Value must be greater than zero..
501        Value must be greater than or equal to zero.
502        Value must be between zero and 0.5.
503        Polynomial order must be an integer from 2 through 6.
504        Moving Average must have a period that is greater than one and
           less than the number of points in the source data series.
505        Some trendlines cannot be calculated from data containing
           negative or zero values.
506        The name '[name]' is unknown. Specify a valid name.
507        '[Document]' has a routing slip.  Route now to '[name]'?
508        General mail failure. Quit Microsoft Excel, restart the mail
           system, and try again.
509        Your mail system does not support certain services needed for
           document routing.
510        Too many mail sessions. Quit other mail sessions and try again.
511        Too many recipients specified.  Route the document several times
           to smaller groups of recipients.
512        Message too long for your mail system. Shorten the message and
           try again.
513        Cannot send status tracking message.
514        Too many recipients specified. Send the document several times
           to smaller groups of recipients.
515        Unknown recipient name found in the recipient list.  Use a valid
           name and try again.
516        Ambiguous recipient name found in the recipient list.  Use a
           valid name and try again.
517        You must exit Windows and load SHARE.EXE in order to run
           Microsoft Excel.
518        Microsoft Excel cannot display the Network dialog box.
519        An error occurred while Microsoft Excel was attempting to use
           the system Network dialog box.
520        The graphics filter cannot convert the picture file
521        Microsoft Excel cannot find the necessary graphics filter.
522        The name '[filename]' is a reserved device name.  Use a
           different filename.
523        Number is not valid.
524        Text is not valid.
525        Logical value is not valid.
526        Reference is not valid.
527        Error value is not valid.
528        Type is not valid.
529        Array value is not valid.
530        An error occurred initializing the VBA libraries
531        One of your object libraries (|) is missing or damaged.
532        '[Object]' does not have '[property name]' property
533        '[Object]' does not have '[method name]' method
534        Missing required argument '[argument]'
535        '[Method name]' method of '[object]' class failed
536        Unable to set the '[property name]' property of the '[object]'
537        Unable to get the '[property name]' property of the '[object]'
538        Cannot run Visual Basic macro because of a syntax error.
539        Workbook is already protected.
540        Invalid number of arguments.
541        An Excel lexicon '[filename]' is missing or damaged.
542        VBA Lexicon is wrong version.
543        VBA Lexicon is wrong type (ship vs debug)
544        You cannot edit when calculating a user defined function.
545        Not enough stack space to perform command.
546        '[Object]' does not have writeable '[property name]' property.
547        '[Object]' does not have readable '[property name]' property
548        No timer driver installed
549        No data was selected to parse.
550        The Trace Precedents command requires that the active cell
           contain a formula.
551        The Trace Dependents command found no formulas that refer to the
           active cell.
552        The Trace Error command requires that the active cell contain an
           error value.
553        The Remove All Arrows command found no tracer arrows to remove.
554        The Error Tracer has encountered a branch point. Double-click
           the branch you want to follow and choose Trace Error again.
555        The Error Tracer encountered existing arrows or a circular
           reference. Delete all tracer arrows or resolve the circular
           reference, and then choose Trace Error again.
556        OLE Objects cannot be active while debugging.  Your code may
           execute differently in the debug window because the currently
           active OLE Object will be automatically deactivated.
557        Cannot edit chart objects while Microsoft Excel 5.0 is in place
558        Document saved as '[filename]'. Cannot rename to '[filename]'.
           You must close this document.
559        Font size must be between 1 and 409.
560        Cannot find '[linked document]'.
561        Cannot open chart created in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh
           version 1.X.
562        Cannot open normal document created in Microsoft Excel for the
563        No Help Topic for this ID
564        Remote data not accessible. Start application '[application]'?
565        Existing remote links will be terminated.
566        Current printer is unavailable. Select another printer.
567        There are no printers installed. Use the Printers option in
           Control Panel to install a printer.
568        Cannot run tutorial with Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
569        The header or footer cannot be longer than 255 characters.
           Delete some text, or make the  formatting less complex.
570        CBTLIB4.DLL not found. Cannot run tutorial.
571        EXCELCBT.CBT not found. Cannot run tutorial.
572        Lesson file(s) not found. Cannot run tutorial.
573        EXCELCBT directory not found.
574        Cannot run tutorial. There may be another instance of tutorial
575        No Help Topic for this ID
576        Too many files to mail.
577        Cannot load the mail service. Check your mail installation.
578        Mail system failure. Check your mail installation.
579        The picture is too large and will be truncated.
580        File is not a valid wave file.
581        Recording buffer is full.
582        Cannot load wave file.
583        Cannot open waveform output device.
584        Cannot open waveform input device.
585        Cannot play Macintosh sounds with Windows. 

Topic IDs for Microsoft Excel version 5.0c only

Topic      Description
-----      ----------------------------------------------------------------

438        Scenario information will be lost.
439        Cannot open pivot table source file '[filename]'.
440        Pivot table field name is not valid.
441        The source database must have at least one record.
442        Not all source records have been copied.
443        No item of this name exists in the pivot table. Rename '[current
           item name]' to '[proposed item name]'?
444        Cannot pivot a data field button that does not appear in the
           pivot table.
445        At least one item must be showing. Choose the Delete button to
           hide the field.
446        Too many items are hidden. Unhide some items to continue.
447        Too many items to create pivot table.
448        Cannot create a pivot table on a hidden sheet.
449        Cannot show or hide detail for this selection.
450        Cannot change this part of a pivot table.
451        Cannot edit a pivot table in group edit mode.
452        Cannot edit pivot table on protected sheet.
453        Cannot edit pivot table in data entry mode.
454        Cannot paste items into a different field.
455        Cannot paste items into a different group of items.
456        Replacement creating duplicate item or field name ignored.
457        Cannot enter a formula into a pivot table.
458        Cannot enter a null value as an item or field name in a pivot
459        Cannot delete this selection from the pivot table.
460        Cannot move subtotals or block totals.
461        Cannot edit subtotal, block total, or grand total names.
462        Cannot delete every item of '[field name]' field from the pivot
463        Cannot hide the (all) item of a page field.
464        Cannot delete the last item in a page field.
465        Cannot move a pivot table to a macro sheet.
466        You have not specified any source ranges for your pivot table.
           Type or select at least one range in the Ranges box before
           choosing Next or Finish.
467        Cannot show or hide detail for the data area.
468        Pivot table will not fit on sheet. Show as much as possible?
469        Cannot determine which pivot table field to sort by.
470        Cannot sort items in a page field.
471        Cannot create a pivot table on a macro sheet.
472        Cannot pivot data field button to a page orientation.
473        Cannot paste a link into a pivot table.
474        Cannot pivot. Pivot table does not contain this field.
475        '[Text]' is not an item of this field.
476        Not enough memory to completely display pivot table.
477        Number must be greater than zero.
478        Cannot group that selection.
479        Cannot ungroup that selection.
480        Ending value must be greater than starting value.
481        Pivot table is not valid.
482        Specify a data field.
483        You have entered an invalid source range for your pivot table.
           Enter a valid range in the Ranges box and then choose Add.
484        A pivot table with that name already exists on the destination
485        Pivot table name is not valid.
486        Pivot table field name already exists.
487        Replace crosstab table with pivot table?
488        Replace crosstab table with pivot table, ignoring criteria
489        Unable to obtain PivotTable data from disk.
490        Pivot table was changed during Refresh Data operation.
491        Problems obtaining Microsoft Query data.
492        No data source specified.
493        Problems obtaining data.
494        Pivot table saved without underlying data. Use the Refresh Data
           command to update the pivot table.
495        Data will be saved with other pivot tables using the same source
           data as this pivot table.
496        Data will not be saved with other pivot tables using the same
           source data as this pivot table.
497        Copy '[add-in]' to Microsoft Excel Add-in library?
498        Unable to copy add-in to library.
499        '[Add-in name]' is not a valid add-in.
500        Cannot find add-in '[add-in]'. Delete from list?
501        Value must be greater than zero..
502        Value must be greater than or equal to zero.
503        Value must be between zero and 0.5.
504        Polynomial order must be an integer from 2 through 6.
505        Moving Average must have a period that is greater than one and
           less than the number of points in the source data series.
506        Some trendlines cannot be calculated from data containing
           negative or zero values.
507        The name '[name]' is unknown. Specify a valid name.
508        '[Document]' has a routing slip.  Route now to '[name]'?
509        General mail failure. Quit Microsoft Excel, restart the mail
           system, and try again.
510        Your mail system does not support certain services needed for
           document routing.
511        Too many mail sessions. Quit other mail sessions and try again.
512        Too many recipients specified.  Route the document several times
           to smaller groups of recipients.
513        Message too long for your mail system. Shorten the message and
           try again.
514        Cannot send status tracking message.
515        Too many recipients specified. Send the document several times
           to smaller groups of recipients.
516        Unknown recipient name found in the recipient list.  Use a valid
           name and try again.
517        Ambiguous recipient name found in the recipient list.  Use a
           valid name and try again.
518        You must exit Windows and load SHARE.EXE in order to run
           Microsoft Excel.
519        Microsoft Excel cannot display the Network dialog box.
520        An error occurred while Microsoft Excel was attempting to use
           the system Network dialog box.
521        The graphics filter cannot convert the picture file
522        Microsoft Excel cannot find the necessary graphics filter.
523        The name '[filename]' is a reserved device name.  Use a
           different filename.
524        Number is not valid.
525        Text is not valid.
526        Logical value is not valid.
527        Reference is not valid.
528        Error value is not valid.
529        Type is not valid.
530        Array value is not valid.
531        An error occurred initializing the VBA libraries [filename]
532        One of your object libraries (|) is missing or damaged.
533        '[Object]' does not have '[property name]' property
534        '[Object]' does not have '[method name]' method
535        Missing required argument '[argument]'
536        '[Method name]' method of '[object]' class failed
537        Unable to set the '[property name]' property of the '[object]'
538        Unable to get the '[property name]' property of the '[object]'
539        Cannot run Visual Basic macro because of a syntax error.
540        Workbook is already protected.
541        Invalid number of arguments.
542        An Excel lexicon '[filename]' is missing or damaged.
543        VBA Lexicon is wrong version.
544        VBA Lexicon is wrong type (ship vs debug)
545        You cannot edit when calculating a user defined function.
546        Not enough stack space to perform command.
547        '[Object]' does not have writeable '[property name]' property.
548        '[Object]' does not have readable '[property name]' property
549        The Timer driver is not installed on this system. Microsoft
           Excel cannot run without the Timer driver. Choose the help
           button for more information.
550        No data was selected to parse.
551        The Trace Precedents command requires that the active cell
           contain a formula.
552        The Trace Dependents command found no formulas that refer to the
           active cell.
553        The Trace Error command requires that the active cell contain an
           error value.
554        The Remove All Arrows command found no tracer arrows to remove.
555        The Error Tracer has encountered a branch point. Double-click
           the branch you want to follow and choose Trace Error again.
556        The Error Tracer encountered existing arrows or a circular
           reference. Delete all tracer arrows or resolve the circular
           reference, and then choose Trace Error again.
557        OLE Objects cannot be active while debugging.  Your code may
           execute differently in the debug window because the currently
           active OLE Object will be automatically deactivated.
558        Cannot edit chart objects while Microsoft Excel 5.0 is inplace
559        Document saved as '[filename]'. Cannot rename to '[filename]'.
           You must close this document.
560        Font size must be between 1 and 409.
561        Cannot find '[linked document]'. Copy from:
562        Cannot open chart created in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh
           version 1.X.
563        Cannot open normal document created in Microsoft Excel for the
           Macintosh version 1.X.
564        No Help Topic for this ID
565        Cannot open normal document created in Microsoft Excel for the
           Macintosh version 1.X.
566        Existing remote links will be terminated.
567        Current printer is unavailable. Select another printer.
568        There are no printers installed. Use the Printers option in
           Control Panel to install a printer.
569        Cannot run tutorial with Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
570        The header or footer cannot be longer than 255 characters.
           Delete some text, or make the formatting less complex.
571        CBTLIB4.DLL not found. Cannot run tutorial.
572        EXCELCBT.CBT not found. Cannot run tutorial.
573        Lesson file(s) not found. Cannot run tutorial.
574        EXCELCBT directory not found.
575        Cannot run tutorial. There may be another instance of tutorial
576        No Help Topic for this ID
577        Cannot run tutorial. There may be another instance of tutorial
578        Cannot load the mail service. Check your mail installation.
579        Mail system failure. Check your mail installation.
580        The picture is too large and will be truncated.
581        File is not a valid wave file.
582        Recording buffer is full.
583        Cannot load wave file.
584        Cannot open waveform output device.
585        Cannot open waveform input device. 

Additional query words: 5.0 5.00c HelpContextId

Keywords          : 
Version           : 5.00 5.00c
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: April 13, 1999