XL5: Module Sheet Prints Incorrectly to HP LaserJet 4/4M

ID: Q114951

5.00 WINDOWS kbprint

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel, when you print an entire workbook that contains a module sheet with more than one page of code, or if you print multiple module sheets, the second and following pages of the module or the second and following modules are printed on top of the first page of the first module.


This behavior occurs when you print to the HP LaserJet 4/4M printer, using the version 31.v1.20 HP LaserJet 4/4M printer driver (HPPCL5E.DRV), dated 11-1-93. This behavior occurs only when the module is not the first sheet in the workbook.


To avoid this behavior when you print a module sheet to an HP LaserJet 4, do one of the following:


The HP LaserJet 4 is manufactured by Hewlett-Packard (HP), a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

KBCategory: kbprint KBSubcategory:

Additional reference words: 5.00 iv 4 4si superimpose cover overtype hp4 3rdparty

Version           : 5.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: September 14, 1996