XL5: New and Insert Dialog Boxes Are Updated AutomaticallyID: Q104305
In Microsoft Excel 5.0, when you create a workbook or individual sheet
template and save it to the startup directory (XLSTART), the template
name is automatically added to the New and the Insert dialog boxes.
When you choose New from the File menu, all of the workbook and individual sheet templates you have created and saved to your startup directory are listed in the New dialog box. When you select a template and choose the OK button, it is opened as a separate workbook. If you want to insert a workbook or sheet template into an existing workbook, click a sheet tab with the right mouse button and choose Insert from the shortcut menu. When you select a template, the sheet or sheets are inserted to the left of the selected tab.
"User's Guide," Chapters 7 and 36
Microsoft Excel Help, "Overview of Managing Workbook Sheets"
Additional query words: 5.00
Keywords :
Version : 5.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: April 6, 1999