ID: Q128406
5.00 WINDOWS kbenv
The information in this article applies to:
The SQLRetrieve macro function may fail to return records to the specified worksheet. You may also receive the following error message if you use the SQLError macro function to trap errors produced by the SQLRetrieve function:
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range
If the result set being returned by SQLRetrieve contains a large number of elements (usually more than 5,461 cells), the SQLRetrieve function will return an 'Error 2042' error code and will fail to return the results to the specified worksheet location. The number of elements that can be returned is dependent on the available memory on your computer.
To determine how many elements are being returned by the query, multiply the number of columns in the result set by the number of rows. For example, a result set of 2 columns and 2,700 records contains 5,400 elements, or cells.
The following Visual Basic for Applications macro shows how to determine if SQLRetrieve failed under the circumstances stated above.
Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic procedures for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This Visual Basic procedure is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that it can be used in all situations. Microsoft does not support modifications of this procedure to suit customer requirements for a particular purpose.
Sub GetData()
' Declare variables.
Dim Chan As Variant, NumCols As Variant, NumRows As Variant
' Open a channel to the Nwind data source.
Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=Nwind")
' Select all columns from the TEST.DBF file.
NumCols = SQLExecquery(Chan, "SELECT * FROM test.dbf")
' Retrieve the resulting data to cell A1 on Sheet1 in the active
' workbook. If the file contains more than 5,461 elements, SQLRetrieve
' may return an 'Error 2042' to NumRows.
NumRows = SQLRetrieve(Chan, Range("Sheet1!A1"), , , True)
' If NumRows evaluates to an error value, check the error type.
If IsError(NumRows) Then
' If an error occurs, continue with the next line of code.
On Error Resume Next
MsgBox sqlerror()(3)
' If SQLRetrieve fails, SQLError may fail with Error '9',
' which means "Subscript out of range".
If Err = 9 Then
' Reset the Err value.
Err = 0
MsgBox "No records retrieved; result set too large."
End If
End If
' Close the channel to Nwind.
SQLClose Chan
End Sub
If SQLRetrieve fails, then NumRows will have the value 'Error 2042'. In
this case, since an ODBC error has not been generated, the SQLError
function will not contain any error information. This will cause the
SQLError statement above to fail with an Err value of 9. This is trapped by
the If statement immediately following the SQLError statement, which allows
you to take appropriate actions to alert the user.
Alternatively, you can use the SQLRetrievetoFile function to return the large data set to a text file and then open the text file in Microsoft Excel.
Sub GetData ()
' Declare variable.
Dim Chan As Variant
' Open a channel to the Nwind data source.
Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=Nwind")
' Select all columns from the TEST.DBF file.
SQLExecquery Chan, "SELECT * FROM test.dbf"
' Retrieve the resulting data to a text file called "TEST.TXT"
NumRows = SQLRetrievetofile(Chan, "TEST.TXT", True)
' Close the channel to Nwind.
SQLClose Chan
'Open the textfile TEST.TXT which contains the data
Workbooks.Open "TEST.TXT"
End Sub
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post more information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
The SQLRetrieve macro function is contained in the XLODBC.XLA add-in (ODBC Add-In on the Macintosh). Before you use the function, you must establish a reference to the add-in using the References command from the Tools menu. For more information, the syntax for the SQLRetrieve function is shown below:
SQLRetrieve(ConnectionNum, DestinationRef, MaxColumns, MaxRows, _
ColNamesLogical, RowNumsLogical, NamedRngLogical, FetchFirstLogical)
For more information on the References command:
KBCategory: kbprb
KBSubcategory: xlnt
Additional reference words: 5.00
Keywords : xlnt
Version : 5.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: November 18, 1998