XL7: "Replace Existing" Message Saving Shared Workbook

ID: Q130100

7.00 WINDOWS kbprg

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel, when you save a shared workbook using the Save As command, you receive a dialog box with the following message

   The file '<filename>' already exists. Replace existing file?

where <filename> is the name with which you saved the workbook.

If you use the SaveAs method in a Visual Basic, Applications Edition, procedure to save a shared workbook, you receive a dialog box with the following message

   Replace existing '<fileame>'?

where <filename> is the name with which you saved the workbook.


This behavior occurs as expected when you save a file to the same location and with the same name as an existing file. However, when you are editing a shared file, this message is misleading because another user may be editing the file. In this case, if you answer Yes to replace the existing file, you are not truly "replacing" the file. You are still prompted with the Conflict Resolution dialog box if a change you made conflicts with a change saved in the workbook by another user. The Save As dialog box does not replace an existing file if it is currently open by another user.

When you use a Visual Basic procedure to save a shared workbook, you must use the SaveAs method if you want to use the conflictResolution argument to determine whose changes to accept in case of a conflict.


To work around this behavior, use any of the following methods.

Method 1: Choose Yes in the dialog box asking if you want to replace the

          existing file. This method saves the file the same way it does if
          you click Save on the File menu. The Conflict Resolution dialog
          box will still appear if there is a conflict with a change you
          made to the workbook.

Method 2: If you are not using a Visual Basic procedure to save the shared
          workbook, click the Save option on the File menu, instead of the
          Save As option to avoid receiving this message when you save a
          shared workbook.

Method 3: If you are using a Visual Basic procedure to save the shared
          workbook, you can use the Save method instead of the SaveAs
          method. Note however in this case that you cannot use command
          arguments to specify information about the workbook such as the
          filename, whose changes to accept in case of a conflict, whether
          to save the file exclusively, and so on.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


For more information about the "SaveAs Method," click the Index tab in Help, type the following and then click Display:


KBCategory: kbprg KBSubcategory: xlwin

Additional reference words: 7.00

Keywords          : xlwin 
Version           : 7.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: March 30, 1997