DOCUMENT:Q261283 22-NOV-2000 [exchange] TITLE :XGEN: DAPI Error Codes for Exchange Server 5.5 (Part 1 of 2) PRODUCT :Microsoft Exchange PROD/VER::2.1,4.0,5.0,5.5 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:exc55 ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5 - Microsoft Metadirectory Services, version 2.1 - Exchange Development Kit (EDK), versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article is part one of a two-part article that contains a list of Microsoft Directory Application Program Interface (DAPI) error codes. This article is designed to help engineers find DAPI error messages that can occur when trying to synchronize Exchange Server 5.x directories with DAPI-aware applications such as Microsoft Metadirectory Services MAPI Management Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server, Linkage Directory Exchange (LDE), or the InterOrg Synchronization tool available in the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Second Edition. MORE INFORMATION ================ DAPI Error Codes ---------------- Error Code: 0xC0000080 Error Translation: BERR_GENERAL_FAILURE Problem: A general failure occurred. Error Code: 0xC0000081 Error Translation: DAPI_E_BAD_HANDLE Problem: A bad DAPI handle supplied to call. Error Code: 0xC0000082 Error Translation: DAPI_E_HEADER_MUST_BE_TEXT Problem: Header values must be specified as text strings. Error Code: 0xC0000083 Error Translation: PDC_NOT_FOUND Problem: Unable to find the primary domain controller for domain %1. Error Code: 0xC0000084 Error Translation: PDC_NOT_RESPONDING Problem: Primary domain controller %1 is not responding. Error Code: 0x00000085 Error Translation: BIMPMSG_PROMPT_LOG_FULL Problem: The application event log is full. If you continue, you should increase the maximum log size or additional error information may not be written to the log. If you cancel, existing operations will not be undone.%n%n Do you want to continue with the %1? Error Code: 0x00000086 Error Translation: BIMPMSG_PROMPT_LOG_ERROR Problem: The following error was encountered when attempting to log an event in the application event log: %2 If you continue, additional error information may not be written to the log. If you cancel, existing operations will not be undone. Do you wish to continue with the %1? Error Code: 0x00000087 Error Translation: BIMPMSG_PROMPT_LOG_FILE_ERROR Problem: An error was encountered when writing to the log file %1. If you continue, additional error information will not be written to the log file. If you cancel, completed operations will not be undone. %n%n Do you want to continue with the %2? Error Code: 0x80000088 Error Translation: BWARN_ACCNT_EXISTS Problem: A Windows NT account for user %1 already exists. Error Code: 0x80000089 Error Translation: BWARN_OVERRIDE_PDC_NOT_FOUND Problem: Windows NT account %1 could not be created because the primary domain controller (PDC) could not be found for domain %2. Error Code: 0x8000008A Error Translation: BWARN_DELETE_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST Problem: Object %1 that was specified for deletion does not exist. Error Code: 0x8000008B Error Translation: BWARN_DELETE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Problem: The Windows NT security account, %1\%2, was not found and could not be deleted. Error Code: 0x8000008C Error Translation: BWARN_DELETE_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND Problem: The Windows NT security account, %1\%2, could not be deleted because the NT security domain controller could not be found. Error Code: 0x8000008D Error Translation: BWARN_ASSOC_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Problem: The Assoc-NT-Account value %2 specified for mailbox %1 could not be found. Error Code: 0x8000008E Error Translation: BWARN_NO_OBJ_PERM_ADMIN_ACCOUNT Problem: Obj-Perm-Admin value %3 specified for %2 %1 was not found. This user could not be granted permissions administrator privileges on the %2. Error Code: 0x8000008F Error Translation: BWARN_NO_OBJ_ADMIN_ACCOUNT Problem: Obj-Admin value %3 specified for %2 %1 was not found. This user could not be granted administrator privileges on the %2. Error Code: 0x80000090 Error Translation: BWARN_NO_OBJ_USER_ACCOUNT Problem: Obj-User value %3 specified for %2 %1 was not found. This user will not have access to the %2. Error Code: 0x80000091 Error Translation: BWARN_NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT Problem: User access privileges could not be assigned to %2 %1. No user accounts were specified, and the default Windows NT account, %3, could not be found. Error Code: 0x80000092 Error Translation: BWARN_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SD Problem: Microsoft Windows error %2 was encountered while attempting to create a Windows NT security descriptor for mailbox object %1. Error Code: 0x40000093 Error Translation: DAPI_MISSING_EXCHANGE_CP Problem: Missing a code page (20261 or 1252) required for proper character translation when reading and writing objects in the directory. Some characters may not map properly. Verify that these are installed on your system. Error Code: 0x40000094 Error Translation: BWARN_RENAMED_OUTPUT_FILE Problem: File %1 already existed and was renamed to %2. Error Code: 0x80000095 Error Translation: BWARN_RENAMED_IMPORT_FILE Problem: The specified import file, %1, conflicts with a constructed output file and was renamed to %2. Error Code: 0x80000096 Error Translation: BWARN_DEL_ATTR Problem: Entry %1 did not contain property %2 so the property could not be deleted. Error Code: 0x80000097 Error Translation: BWARN_THREAD_FAILED Problem: Microsoft Windows error %1 occurred when attempting to create a processing thread. Error Code: 0x80000098 Error Translation: BWARN_ATTRIBUTE_DUPLICATE Problem: %1 has been specified more than once in the attribute list. Only the first instance will be used when writing to the directory. Error Code: 0x80000099 Error Translation: BWARN_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY Problem: The attribute %1 is read-only. Values specified for this attribute will be ignored when writing to the Directory. Error Code: 0xC000009A Error Translation: BWARN_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_IMPORTABLE Problem: The attribute %1 is not directly importable. Error Code: 0x8000009B Error Translation: BWARN_NO_RAW_MODE_TEMPLATE Problem: Template objects do not apply when in raw mode. Error Code: 0x8000009C Error Translation: BWARN_OVERSIZE_ATT_FILE Problem: The attribute value data length exceeded the Microsoft Excel limit of 255 characters. The data was written to file %1. Error Code: 0xC000009D Error Translation: DAPI_ERR_WRONG_SYNTAX Problem: The value type specified for attribute %1 is incorrect. Error Code: 0xC000009E Error Translation: DAPI_E_INVALID_CODEPAGE Problem: The specified code page has not been installed on the system. Error Code: 0xC000009F Error Translation: DAPI_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND Problem: Unable to find object %1. Error Code: 0xC00000A0 Error Translation: DAPI_E_NO_OBJECT Problem: No object specified. Error Code: 0xC00000A1 Error Translation: DAPI_E_CREATE_FILE Problem: Unable to create the export file %1. %2 Error Code: 0x800000A2 Error Translation: DAPI_W_HIER_RECALC_FAILED Problem: Unable to recalculate the Address Book hierarchy after performing the %2 operation on the %1 container. Error Code: 0x800000A3 Error Translation: DAPI_W_EXP_FILE_OVERWRITTEN Problem: The export file %1 already exists and is being overwritten. Error Code: 0x800000A4 Error Translation: DAPI_W_NO_VALUES Problem: No values specified for DAPIWrite. Error Code: 0x800000A5 Error Translation: DAPI_W_RDN_MAPPED Problem: One or more characters specified for the %2 are not valid. The object name was changed from %1 to %3. Error Code: 0x800000A6 Error Translation: DAPI_W_IMP_VALUE_MAPPED Problem: One or more characters specified for the %2 attribute of object %1 are not valid. The value was changed from %3 to %4. Error Code: 0x800000A7 Error Translation: DAPI_W_EXP_VALUE_MAPPED Problem: One or more characters in the %2 attribute of %1 could not be mapped to the export code page. The system default character was used. Error Code: 0x800000A8 Error Translation: DAPI_W_BACKSLASH_DROPPED Problem: One or more backslash characters specified in the %2 attribute of %1 were mapped out on import. The value was changed from %3 to %4. The backslash character may be specified by doubling it (i.e., \\). Error Code: 0x800000A9 Error Translation: DAPI_W_STRING_TOO_LONG Problem: A value specified for the %2 attribute of object %1 exceeded the limit of %3 %4. The string was truncated to fit. Error Code: 0x800000AA Error Translation: DAPI_W_NO_DL_OWNER_ACCOUNT Problem: There is no primary Windows NT Account associated with the object specified as the owner of distribution list %1. Error Code: 0x800000AB Error Translation: DAPI_W_SERVER_SYNCH_IN_PROGRESS Problem: The Microsoft Exchange Directory server, %1, is currently synchronizing with other servers in the site. Write operations are not recommended at this time. Error Code: 0xC00000AC Error Translation:BERR_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH Problem: A version mismatch was detected between DAPI.DLL and the program. %1 cannot proceed. Error Code: 0xC00000AD Error Translation:BERR_INVALID_BASEPOINT Problem: The object name specified for basepoint %1 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC00000AE Error Translation:BERR_NO_SUCH_BASEPOINT Problem: The basepoint object %1 does not exist in the directory. Error Code: 0xC00000AF Error Translation:BERR_INVALID_CONTAINER Problem: The object name specified for the container %1 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC00000B0 Error Translation:BERR_NO_SUCH_CONTAINER Problem: The specified container %1 does not exist in the directory. Error Code: 0xC00000B1 Error Translation:BERR_DEFAULT_USER_ERROR Problem: The object name specified for the create object template %1 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC00000B2 Error Translation:BERR_NO_WORKSPACE Problem: No object management (OM) workspace is available. Error Code: 0xC00000B3 Error Translation:BERR_DUA_UNAVAILABLE Problem: Unable to initialize directory user agent (DUA) workspace. Error Code: 0xC00000B4 Error Translation:BERR_NEGOTIATE_FAILURE Problem: Could not negotiate directory user agent (DUA) features. %1 Error Code: 0xC00000B5 Error Translation:BERR_DSA_BIND_FAILURE Problem: Could not bind to the Microsoft Exchange Directory server %2. %1 Error Code: 0xC00000B6 Error Translation: BERR_DEFAULT_BIND_FAILURE Problem: No Microsoft Exchange Directory server is available. Error Code: 0xC00000B7 Error Translation: BERR_ILLEGAL_DSANAME Problem: The Microsoft Exchange Directory server Name, %1, is illegal. Error Code: 0xC00000B8 Error Translation: BERR_SERVER_NOT_WRITABLE Problem: The Microsoft Exchange Directory server, %1, is not currently writable. Try the operation again later. Error Code: 0xC00000B9 Error Translation: BERR_DSA_UNBIND_FAILURE Problem: Could not unbind from the directory service. %1 Error Code: 0xC00000BA Error Translation: BERR_SCHEMA_LOAD_FAILED Problem: An initialization failure occurred. The directory schema could not be read from messaging site %1. Error Code: 0xC00000BB Error Translation: BERR_XOM_SCHEMA_READ Problem: An initialization failure occurred. Object management (OM) error %1 was encountered while attempting to read the schema. Error Code: 0xC00000BC Error Translation: BERR_XDS_SCHEMA_READ Problem: An initialization failure occurred while attempting to read the schema. %1 Error Code: 0xC00000BD Error Translation: BERR_ATTRIBUTES_UNAVAILABLE Problem: An initialization failure occurred. Unable to read attributes from the schema. Error Code: 0xC00000BE Error Translation: BERR_ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE Problem: An initialization failure occurred. The attribute-schema object %1 does not contain the %2 attribute. Error Code: 0xC00000BF Error Translation: BERR_INIT_ATTR_UNKNOWN Problem: Attribute %1 is not defined in the directory schema and so is not supported for import. Error Code: 0xC00000C0 Error Translation: BERR_UNREC_OBJECT_TYPE Problem: An internal error occurred. The directory schema contained an unrecognized type value. Attribute %1. Error Code: 0xC00000C1 Error Translation: BERR_OBJECT_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Problem: Attribute %1 cannot be processed because its object type is not yet implemented. Error Code: 0xC00000C2 Error Translation: BERR_UNREC_ATTR_SYNTAX Problem: An internal error occurred. The directory schema contains an unrecognized syntax value. Attribute %1. Error Code: 0xC00000C3 Error Translation: BERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Problem: An internal error occurred. Attribute %1 cannot be processed because its object management (OM) syntax is not yet implemented. Error Code: 0xC00000C4 Error Translation: BERR_VALUE_SYNTAX_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Problem: Unable to convert the attribute value to a string because syntax %1 is not yet implemented. Error Code: 0xC00000C5 Error Translation: BERR_UNREC_VALUE_SYNTAX Problem: Unable to convert the attribute value to a string because syntax %1 is not recognized. Error Code: 0xC00000C6 Error Translation: BERR_VALUE_OBJECT_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Problem: Unable to convert the attribute value to a string because object type %1 is not yet implemented. Error Code: 0xC00000C7 Error Translation: BERR_UNREC_VALUE_OBJECT_TYPE Problem: Unable to convert the attribute value to a string because the object type is not recognized. Error Code: 0xC00000C8 Error Translation: BERR_INIT_CLASS_UNKNOWN Problem: Unable to initialize because class ID %1 was not found in the descriptors read from the schema. Error Code: 0xC00000C9 Error Translation: BERR_CLASSES_UNAVAILABLE Problem: Unable to initialize because the object class descriptions could not be read from the schema. Error Code: 0xC00000CA Error Translation: BERR_CLASS_PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE Problem: Unable to initialize because the class schema object %1 does not contain the %2 attribute. Error Code: 0xC00000CB Error Translation: BERR_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING Problem: Unable to initialize because at least one of the schema attributes specified in the %2 attribute of the class schema object %1 is not defined. Error Code: 0xC00000CC Error Translation: BERR_NO_IMPORT_FILE Problem: There is no file specified for directory import. Error Code: 0xC00000CD Error Translation: BERR_NO_EXPORT_FILE Problem: There is no file specified for the export operation. Error Code: 0xC00000CE Error Translation: BERR_INVALID_IMPORT_FILE Problem: Unable to open import file %1. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000CF Error Translation: BERR_INVALID_EXPORT_FILE Problem: Unable to export to file %1. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000D0 Error Translation: BERR_FILE_IS_UNICODE Problem: The specified file is Unicode. Code page override is not valid. Error Code: 0xC00000D1 Error Translation: BERR_FILE_IS_NOT_UNICODE Problem: The specified file is not Unicode. Error Code: 0xC00000D2 Error Translation: BERR_INVALID_FILENAME Problem: The filename %1 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC00000D3 Error Translation: BERR_CANT_RENAME_IMP_FILE Problem: The specified import file %1 conflicts with a constructed output filename, but could not be renamed for import. Error Code: 0xC00000D4 Error Translation: BERR_CANT_RENAME_EXPORT_FILE Problem: The export file %1 could not be accessed. The file may be opened by another application or the path may not be valid. Error Code: 0xC00000D5 Error Translation: BERR_FILE_IS_DIRECTORY Problem: The specified file %1 names a directory. #define BERR_FILE_IS_DIRECTORY 0xC00000D5L Error Code: 0xC00000D6 Error Translation: BERR_FILE_IS_READONLY Problem: Unable to create output file %1. The file exists and is read only. Error Code: 0xC00000D7 Error Translation: BERR_CREATE_LOG_FAILED Problem: Unable to create the directory import error log file %1. Error Code: 0xC00000D8 Error Translation: BERR_CREATE_PSW_FAILED Problem: Unable to create the directory import password file %1. Error Code: 0xC00000D9 Error Translation: BERR_WRITE_PSW_ERROR Problem: The system reported the following error while attempting to write to the created account file %1. %n%2 Error Code: 0xC00000DA Error Translation: BERR_MISSING_OBJ_CLASS Problem: The Obj-Class value must be specified on each import line. Error Code: 0xC00000DB Error Translation: BERR_RDN_MISSING Problem: The %1 attribute is required to identify %2 objects. Error Code: 0xC00000DC Error Translation: BERR_MISQUOTED_IMPORT_LINE Problem: An incorrect use of the quotation mark delimiter was encountered on the import line. Error Code: 0xC00000DD Error Translation: BERR_ILLEGAL_MODE Problem: %1 is not recognized as a legal import mode. Error Code: 0xC00000DE Error Translation: BERR_MODE_COLUMN Problem: %1 can be specified only in the second column. Error Code: 0xC00000DF Error Translation: BERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Problem: Out of memory error encountered. Error Code: 0xC00000E0 Error Translation: BERR_FILE_READ_FAILURE Problem: The following error occurred while attempting to read from the import file: %1 Error Code: 0xC00000E1 Error Translation: BERR_MISSING_COMMON_NAME_HEADER Problem: The import file %1 is not valid because the Common Name column is missing. #define BERR_MISSING_COMMON_NAME_HEADER 0xC00000E1L Error Code: 0xC00000E2 Error Translation: BERR_MISSING_OBJ_CLASS_HEADER Problem: The import file %1 is not valid. The first column header must be Obj-Class. The first column header found was %2. Confirm that the column delimiter, '%3', is correct for the file. Error Code: 0xC00000E3 Error Translation: BERR_HEADER_MISQUOTED Problem: Import file %1 is not valid because quotation mark delimiters were used improperly in the header line. Error Code: 0xC00000E4 Error Translation:BERR_INVALID_OBJ_CLASS Problem: %1 is not recognized as a legal Obj-Class value. Error Code: 0xC00000E5 Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_INIT_ERROR Problem: The following error was reported while trying to initialize the e-mail address generating subsystem. %1 Error Code: 0xC00000E6 Error Translation: BERR_NO_PROXY_SEPARATOR Problem: Import object %1 was not processed because the e-mail address type separator,, was not found in the specified %3 value: %2. Error Code: 0xC00000E7 Error Translation:BERR_NO_PROXY_PREFIX Problem: Import object %1 was not processed because no e-mail address type was specified for %3 string: %2 Error Code: 0xC00000E8 Error Translation:BERR_ILLEGAL_PROXY_PREFIX_LEN Problem: Unable to process import object %1. The e-mail address type must be eight characters or less. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000E9 Error Translation:BERR_DUPLICATE_PROXY Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the specified e-mail address %2 has the same type as one or more other e-mail addresses specified for the same object. #define BERR_DUPLICATE_PROXY 0xC00000E9L Error Code: 0xC00000EA Error Translation:BERR_PROXY_GENERAL_FAILURE Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant encountered errors while attempting to generate or validate e-mail addresses. For more information, see the event log on server %2. Error Code: 0xC00000EB Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_TARGET_INVALID Problem: Unable to process custom recipient %1 because the target address is not valid. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000EC Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_TARGET_NOT_UNIQUE Problem: Unable to process custom recipient %1 because target address %2 has already been assigned to Address Book entry %3. Error Code: 0xC00000ED Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_INVALID Problem: The e-mail address specified for import object %1 is not valid. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000EE Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_NOT_UNIQUE Problem: The e-mail address specified for import object %1 is not unique. %2 has already been assigned to Address Book entry %3. Error Code: 0xC00000EF Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_GENERIC Problem: The Microsoft Exchange System Attendant reported %3 when attempting to generate or validate e-mail addresses for %1. For more information, see the event log on server %2 for details. Error Code: 0xC00000F0 Error Translation: BERR_PROXY_SYSTEM Problem: The following error was encountered when attempting to generate or validate e-mail addresses for %1. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000F1 Error Translation: BERR_CREATE_DEL_ERROR Problem: Object %1 was not built because the string ~DEL may only be used with existing objects. Error Code: 0xC00000F2 Error Translation: BERR_OM_ERROR Problem: Object management (OM) error %1 was reported. Error Code: 0xC00000F3 Error Translation: BERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS Problem: A duplicate value was specified for attribute %2 on object %1. Error Code: 0xC00000F4 Error Translation: BERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Problem: Unable to complete the operation on object %1 because a value specified for attribute %2 is out of range. Error Code: 0xC00000F5 Error Translation: BERR_INVALID_SYNTAX Problem: Unable to complete the operation on object %1 because the syntax specified for a value for attribute %2 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC00000F6 Error Translation: BERR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE Problem: The attribute %2 is not defined on object %1 and could not be read. Error Code: 0xC00000F7 Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_LM_INIT_ERROR Problem: Unable to create Windows NT accounts because network error %1 occurred while initializing. Error Code: 0xC00000F8 Error Translation: BERR_LM_INIT_ERROR Problem: Could not initialize -- Net error %1 reported during initialization. Error Code: 0xC00000F9 Error Translation: BERR_LM_ERROR Problem: Network error %1 occurred. Error Code: 0xC00000FA Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_PDC_GONE Problem: The primary domain controller for domain %1 is no longer available. Error Code: 0xC00000FB Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_LM_ERROR Problem: Unable to create a Windows NT account for user %1. %2 Error Code: 0xC00000FC Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_WIN_ERROR Problem: Unable to create a Windows NT account for user %1. %2 #define BERR_ACCNT_WIN_ERROR 0xC00000FCL Error Code: 0xC00000FD Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_TOO_LONG Problem: Unable to create a Windows NT account %2 for mailbox %1 because Windows NT account names cannot exceed 20 characters. Error Code: 0xC00000FE Error Translation: BERR_ILLEGAL_ACCNT_CHARS Problem: Unable to create Windows NT account %2 for mailbox %1 because it contains the illegal character(s) %3. Error Code: 0xC00000FF Error Translation: BERR_LM_DELETE_ACCOUNT Problem: A network error occurred when attempting to delete Windows NT security account %1. Error Code: 0xC0000100 Error Translation: BERR_WIN_DELETE_ACCOUNT Problem: Unable to delete the Windows NT account for user %1. %2. Error Code: 0xC0000101 Error Translation: BERR_DEL_ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_FAILED Problem: An error occurred while attempting to lookup the Assoc-NT-Account value for object %1. Neither the security account nor the object was deleted. Error Code: 0xC0000102 Error Translation: BERR_ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_FAILED Problem: An error occurred while attempting to lookup the Assoc-NT-Account value for object %1. Error Code: 0xC0000103 Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_WIN_INIT_ERROR Problem: Unable to create Windows NT accounts because Windows reports error %1. Error Code: 0xC0000104 Error Translation: BERR_WIN_INIT_ERROR Problem: Unable to initialize because Windows reports error %1. Error Code: 0xC0000105 Error Translation: BERR_REGISTER_ERROR Problem: Unable to initialize because Windows reports error %1 occurred while attempting to register with the system. Error Code: 0xC0000106 Error Translation: BERR_WIN_ERROR Problem: Windows reports error %1. Error Code: 0xC0000107 Error Translation: BERR_NO_ATTRIBUTES_SPECIFIED Problem: No attributes are specified. Error Code: 0xC0000108 Error Translation: BERR_ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN Problem: The attribute %1 is unknown. Error Code: 0xC0000109 Error Translation: BERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_IMPORTABLE Problem: Attribute %1 cannot be imported. Error Code: 0xC000010A Error Translation: BERR_CANT_DELETE_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE Problem: Unable to process object %1. The required attribute %2 may not be deleted. Error Code: 0xC000010B Error Translation: BERR_CANT_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE Problem: Unable to process object %1. Attribute %2 may not be deleted. Error Code: 0xC000010C Error Translation: BERR_DELETE_KEY_MUST_BE_SINGLE Problem: Unable to process object %1. ~DEL may not be specified with other values for multi-valued attribute %2. #define BERR_DELETE_KEY_MUST_BE_SINGLE 0xC000010CL Error Code: 0xC000010D Error Translation: BERR_COULD_NOT_EMPTY_MAILBOX Problem: Error %2 occurred while attempting to throw away %1's mail. #define BERR_COULD_NOT_EMPTY_MAILBOX 0xC000010DL Error Code: 0xC000010E Error Translation: BERR_MALFORMED_OCTET_STRING Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the octet string specified for attribute %2 is incorrect. Error Code: 0xC000010F Error Translation: BERR_ILLEGAL_CHAR_IN_NUMBER Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the character specified in value for attribute %2 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC0000110 Error Translation: BERR_ILLEGAL_CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the character specified in value for attribute %2 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC0000111 Error Translation: BERR_CANNOT_BUILD_DN Problem: Could not build DN string from components: BasePoint == %1, Container == %2, ObjName == %3. #define BERR_CANNOT_BUILD_DN 0xC0000111L Error Code: 0xC0000112 Error Translation: BERR_MALFORMED_DN_STRING Problem: Unable to process object %1 because DN string %2 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC0000113 Error Translation: BERR_UNKNOWN_RDN Problem: Unable to process object %1 because RDN string %2 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC0000114 Error Translation: BERR_BADLY_SPECIFIED_DN Problem: DN string %1 is not valid. Error Code: 0xC0000115 Error Translation: BERR_MALFORMED_DN_OBJECT Problem: The distinguished name (DN) object read from the directory information tree (DIT) is not valid. Error Code: 0xC0000116 Error Translation: BERR_ACCNT_PDC_DISAPPEARED Problem: Unable to create a Windows NT account for user %1. The primary domain controller for domain %2 is not responding. Error Code: 0xC0000117 Error Translation: BERR_XOM_REVOKE_MEMBERSHIP Problem: Object management (OM) error %1 was encountered when attempting to remove object %2 from a distribution list. Error Code: 0xC0000118 Error Translation: BERR_XDS_ERROR Problem: The directory service reported the following error: %1 Error Code: 0xC0000119 Error Translation: BERR_XDS_CREATE Problem: Could not create object %2 because the directory service reported the following error: %1 Error Code: 0xC000011A Error Translation: BERR_XDS_MODIFY Problem: Could not modify object %2 because the directory service reported the following error: %1 Error Code: 0xC000011B Error Translation: BERR_XDS_REMOVE Problem: Could not remove object %2 because the directory service reported the following error: %1 Error Code: 0xC000011C Error Translation: BERR_XDS_DL_MEMBERSHIP Problem: Could not modify the DL membership of object %2 because the directory service reported the following error: %1 Error Code: 0xC000011D Error Translation: BERR_OBJECT_MEMBERSHIP_ERROR Problem: Unable to add object %1 to distribution list %2. Error Code: 0xC000011E Error Translation: BERR_CREATE_PATH_NOT_FOUND Problem: Unable to create object %1 because one or more objects in the directory path %2 do not exist. Error Code: 0xC000011F Error Translation: BERR_CREATE_TARGET_EXISTS Problem: Unable to create object %1 because it already exists. Error Code: 0xC0000120 Error Translation: BERR_MOD_TARGET_NOT_FOUND Problem: Unable to modify object %1 because it could not be found. Error Code: 0xC0000121 Error Translation: BERR_MOD_CLASS_MISMATCH Problem: Entry %1 could not be modified as a %2 because it already exists as a %3 object. Error Code: 0xC0000122 Error Translation: BERR_DEL_CLASS_MISMATCH Problem: Unable to delete the %3 %1 because the entry already exists as a %2 in the directory. Error Code: 0xC0000123 Error Translation: BERR_INCORRECT_FIELD_COUNT Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the import line must contain the same number of fields as the header line. %2 were expected. %3 were found. Error Code: 0xC0000124 Error Translation: BERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE Problem: Unable to create %3 %1 because the required %2 attribute was not specified. Error Code: 0xC0000125 Error Translation: BERR_ONLY_SINGLE_CONTAINER Problem: Only a single container can be specified for the import object %1. Error Code: 0xC0000126 Error Translation: BERR_CANNOT_LOG_ERROR Problem: The directory import encountered Windows Error %2!lu! when attempting to record the following message in the system event log: %1 Error Code: 0xC0000127 Error Translation: BERR_INCLUDE_FAIL Problem: Unable to open or read the attribute value include file %1. Error Code: 0xC0000128 Error Translation: BERR_BAD_FILE_PTR Problem: The attribute value file pointer %1 was not specified correctly. Error Code: 0xC0000129 Error Translation: BERR_HOME_SERVER_UNKNOWN Problem: Unable to process object %1 because the specified home server %2 does not exist. Error Code: 0xC000012A Error Translation: BERR_HOME_SERVER_NO_MTA Problem: Unable to process object %1 because there is no Microsoft Exchange MTA installed on the specified home server %2. Error Code: 0xC000012B Error Translation: BERR_HOME_SERVER_NO_PRIVATE_STORE Problem: Unable to process object %1 because there is no Microsoft Exchange private information store installed on the specified home server %2. Error Code: 0xC000012C Error Translation: BEXPORT_WRITE_ERROR Problem: The directory export was stopped because the following error occurred when attempting to write an object description to the file: %n%1 Error Code: 0xC000012D Error Translation: BEXPORT_UNKNOWN_CLASS Problem: The class %1 is not known and could not be exported. Error Code: 0x8000012E Error Translation: BEXPORT_NOSEARCHINFO_WARN Problem: No entries were found for the specified object class %1. For additional information about DAPI error codes and part two of two, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q261288 XGEN: DAPI Error Codes for Exchange Server 5.5 (Part 2 of 2) Additional Directory Access information can be found on the following Microsoft Web site: Directory Access Functions on MSDN ( Additional query words: ADSI LDAP InterOrg MMS BORK ====================================================================== Keywords : exc55 Technology : kbEDKsearch kbAudDeveloper kbExchangeSearch kbExchange550 kbZNotKeyword2 kbMMSSearch kbEDK400 kbEDK500 kbEDK550 kbMMS210 Version : :2.1,4.0,5.0,5.5 Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.