XL7: Row and Column Animation Turned Off with Slow Video

ID: Q131334

7.00 WINDOWS kbother

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel 7.0, the column and row insertion and deletion animation feature will be turned off if the video card and video driver are too slow to properly display the animation.


When you start Microsoft Excel, it checks the speed of the video card and driver. If the speed of the video is too slow for the animation, the Animate Insertion And Deletion check box is cleared (this check box is located on the Edit tab of the Options dialog box). If you select this check box to activate the option, Microsoft Excel will detect the slow video, and will remove the check mark (turn the option off again) after you insert a row or column.

KBCategory: kbother KBSubcategory: xlwin

Additional reference words: 7.00

Keywords          : xlwin 
Version           : 7.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: March 30, 1997