DOCUMENT:Q189537 26-SEP-1999 [sna] TITLE :Digi SDLC Connection Fails With Event 23, Outage Code=002C PRODUCT :Microsoft SNA Server PROD/VER:WINDOWS:3.0,3.0 SP1,3.0 SP2,3.0 SP3,4.0,4.0 SP1 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft SNA Server, versions 3.0, 3.0 SP1, 3.0 SP2, 3.0 SP3, 4.0, 4.0 SP1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== A connection configured to connect to a host with the Digi Sync/570I goes active, but then fails. The following error is logged in the Application Event Log: Event ID: 23 Connection Failure Connection = Link Service = Outage Code =002C Invalid SDLC command received. The SDLC driver has reported that an invalid SDLC command has been received. Either an SDLC I-frame was received out of sequence, an unrecognized command was received, or the SDLC frame exceeded the maximum frame size that the SDLC link service can support. CAUSE ===== The old driver needed modification to protect critical regions of code. RESOLUTION ========== This problem can be resolved by installing the latest driver for the Digi Sync/570I SDLC card. The current driver is version 3.3.0, and it is available for downloading from Digi's FTP site. The driver fixes problems with data corruption as well as line outages. Follow the steps below to download the new driver: 1. Go to the following URL on the Digi Web site: 2. Download the following file: 510128D.exe 510128D.exe is a self extracting zip of the installation disk. MORE INFORMATION ================ The following DLC trace has been edited to show the data flowing to and from LU 09 up to the Event 23 outage. NOTE: The same frame (018A) is sent twice, causing a sequencing problem. Sequence 018A came in as BBIU, MBIU, and EBIU at 15:33:46.312 DLC 01161000->03020101 DLC DATA DLC DAF:09 OAF:01 ODAI:off Normal BBIU DLC RQE FMD FI BC DR2 PI EB DLC DLC ---- Header at address 010D6290, 1 elements ---- DLC 02010100 00002800 0901018A 0100E900 <......(.......Z.> DLC DLC ---- Element at address 01ACB9F4, start 10, end 221 ---- DLC 0A314005 42040001 E3E7C2C3 F8404040 <.1@.B...TXBC8@@@> DLC 40E3F0F0 F6F1F0F0 F0F0E3F5 C2D70000 <@T00610000T5BP..> DLC 03130000 00000000 00C2C3F8 F1F1F000 <.........BC8110.> DLC 02027080 8081C040 404010FF 80000000 <..p..a.@@@......> DLC 000C3404 0134001E 5C400ED2 41B6A5B6 <..4..4..\@.KA.v.> DLC A5B877B9 A1D2410F 405C3404 03340001 DLC 40400ED1 65C46197 614040A4 E5D1A140 <@@.JeDapa@@uVJ.@> DLC 40404040 40AFA58B 41B7A940 404040A4 <@@@@@.v.A.z@@@@u> DLC 698B73B7 A9404040 40C869D2 41B7A940 DLC 4040408B A1B7A940 40B941D3 41427B40 <@@@...z@@.ALAB{@> DLC 40C46197 61AC77C8 810F4040 4040340C <@Dapa.wHa.@@@@4.> DLC 01340001 0E424DA5 658977D2 81C46197 <.4...BMveiwKaDap> DLC 61A4E5D1 A1425D40 40424DB9 B79F4142 DLC 5D424DAC <]BM. > SDLC ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SDLC ******** 4 messages suppressed ******** SDLC ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SDLC RX FRAME STATUS OK SDLC SDLC C1 42 INFORMATION P/F:0 Nr:2 Ns:1 SDLC SNA TH 28 00 09 01 01 8A SDLC RH 0A 31 40 SDLC -------------- DATA -------------- SDLC 05420400 01E3E7C2 C3F84040 4040E3F0 <.B...TXBC8@@@@T0> SDLC F0F6F1F0 F0F0F0E3 F5C2D700 00031300 <0610000T5BP.....> SDLC 00000000 0000C2C3 F8F1F1F0 00020270 <......BC8110...p> SDLC 808081C0 40404010 FF800000 00000C34 <..a.@@@........4> SDLC 04013400 1E5C400E D241B6A5 B6A5B877 <..4..\@.KA.v.v.w> SDLC B9A1D241 0F405C34 04033400 0140400E <..KA.@\4..4..@@.> SDLC D165C461 97614040 A4E5D1A1 40404040 SDLC 4040AFA5 8B41B7A9 40404040 A4698B73 <@@.v.A.z@@@@ui.s> SDLC B7A94040 4040C869 D241B7A9 40404040 <.z@@@@HiKA.z@@@@> SDLC 8BA1B7A9 4040B941 D341427B 4040C461 <...z@@.ALAB{@@Da> SDLC 9761AC77 C8810F40 40404034 0C013400 SDLC 010E424D A5658977 D281C461 9761A4E5 <..BMveiwKaDapauV> SDLC D1A1425D 4040424D B9B79F41 425D424D SDLC AC <. > SDLC ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SDLC RX FRAME STATUS OK SDLC SDLC C1 46 INFORMATION P/F:0 Nr:2 Ns:3 SDLC SNA TH 24 00 09 01 01 8A SDLC -------------- DATA -------------- SDLC 61F0F440 F3F3F1F0 F1F2400E D1C995B7 SDLC 0F404040 40404040 4040340C 01340001 <.@@@@@@@@@4..4..> SDLC 40404040 40404040 40404040 404040 <@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > SDLC ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Then at 15:34:33.421, frame 018A starts to come again -- INVALID SEQUENCE NUMBER SDLC ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SDLC RX FRAME STATUS OK SDLC SDLC C1 46 INFORMATION P/F:0 Nr:2 Ns:3 SDLC SNA TH 24 00 09 01 01 8A SDLC -------------- DATA -------------- SDLC 61F0F440 F3F3F1F0 F1F2400E D1C995B7 SDLC 0F404040 40404040 4040340C 01340001 <.@@@@@@@@@4..4..> SDLC 40404040 40404040 40404040 404040 <@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > DLC --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- DLC 01161000->03020101 DLCST OUTG DLC Outage: 0x2C UPTYPE:3 UPCNTR:9 COUNT:0 DLC DLC ---- Header at address 010D5F50, 0 elements ---- DLC 182C0309 00030000 030A00F4 0100E900 <.,.........4..Z.> The Digi Sync/570I adapter discussed here is manufactured by Digi International, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability. Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch kbSNAServ300 kbSNAServ400 kbSNAServ300SP3 kbSNAServ300SP1 kbSNAServ400SP1 kbSNAServ300SP2 Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0 SP1,3.0 SP2,3.0 SP3,4.0,4.0 SP1 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.