DOCUMENT:Q232213 06-AUG-2002 [winnt] TITLE :How to Use the Dhcpcmd.exe Tool Included with Support Tools PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT PROD/VER:winnt:4.0,4.0 SP1,4.0 SP2,4.0 SP3,4.0 SP4 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbtool ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 4.0, 4.0 SP1, 4.0 SP2, 4.0 SP3, 4.0 SP4 - Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition versions 4.0, 4.0 SP4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= Administrators can use the Dhcpcmd.exe tool to manage a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server from a command line, and is included in the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 Support Tools. This article describes the syntax of the Dhcpcmd.exe tool in detail. MORE INFORMATION ================ Downloading the Support Tools ----------------------------- To download the Windows NT 4.0 Support tools, see the following Microsoft Web site: Dhcpcmd.exe Syntax ------------------ The syntax of the Dhcpcmd.exe tool is dhcpcmd srvipaddress [command parameters] Where is one of the following commands: General Commands ---------------- - AddReservedIp - RemoveReservedIp - GetVersion - MibCounts - ServerConfig - CheckDB Subnet Commands --------------- - CreateSubnet - DeleteSubnet - SetSubnetState Range Commands -------------- - AddIpRange - AddExcludeRange - RemoveExcludeRange Active-Lease Commands --------------------- - EnumClients Superscope Commands ------------------- - SetSuperScope - DeleteSuperScope - GetSuperScopeTable - RemoveSubScope Option Commands --------------- - EnumOptions - CreateOption - DeleteOption - SetGlobalOptionValue - SetGlobalOptionValues - RemoveGlobalOptionValue - SetSubnetOptionValue - RemoveSubnetOptionValue - SetReservedOptionValue - RemoveReservedOptionValue General Commands ---------------- AddReservedIp: Description: Adds a reserved Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) address to an already existing scope. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress AddReservedIp ScopeAddress ReserveIp HardwareString [Clientname] [ClientComment] [DHCP|Bootp|Both]" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd addreservedip 08002B30369B nursvd1 dhcp" (without the quotation marks) RemoveReservedIp: Description: Removes a reserved TCP/IP address from the existing scope it belongs to. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress RemoveReservedIp ScopeAddress ReserveIp HardwareString" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd removereservedip 08002B30369B" (without the quotation marks) GetVersion: Description: Displays the DHCP server version Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress GetVersion" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd getversion" (without the quotation marks) MibCounts: Description: Displays DHCP server statistic information for the current DHCP server. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress MibCounts" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd mibcounts" (without the quotation marks) ServerConfig: Description: Displays and sets server parameters. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress ServerConfig [] []" (without the quotation marks) Where is any of the DHCP server parameters, and is the value you want to set that parameter to. NOTE: Type "dhcpcmd serveripaddress serverconfig" (without the quotation marks) to display a list of the DHCP server parameters. Examples: "dhcpcmd serverconfig" (without the quotation marks) "dhcpcmd serverconfig backupinterval 15" (without the quotation marks) The first example displays DHCP server parameters, and the second example sets the BackupInterval parameter to 15. Checkdb: Description: Displays the DHCP scope information database. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress checkdb scope_address [Fix]" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd checkdb fix" (without the quotation marks) NOTE: The Fix parameter reconciles the database. If you do not use the Fix parameter, only the DHCP server version and the "command successfully completed" informational message are displayed. Subnet Commands --------------- CreateSubnet: Description: Creates a new subnet, and should be immediately followed by the AddIpRange command. If not, your computer can be inconsistent and the server may not behave as expected. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd server_IP_address CreateSubnet scope_address scope_mask scope_name" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd createsubnet mysubnet" (without the quotation marks) DeleteSubnet: Description: Deletes an existing subnet. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress DeleteSubnet scope_address < force_flag>" (without the quotation marks) Where = dhcpfullforce or dhcpnoforce If you use dhcpfullforce, all clients with active leases in that scope are deleted before the scope is deleted. If there are clients with active leases in a scope, dhcpfullforce must be specified or deletesubnet does not work. Example: "dhcpcmd deletesubnet dhcpfullforce" (without the quotation marks) This command deletes the subnet and any leases that are present for this subnet. SetSubnetState: Description: Enables and disables a subnet. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress setsubnetstate scope_address state" (without the quotation marks) Where state has a value of 0 if the scope is to be enabled and a value of non-0 if the scope is to be disabled. Example: "dhcpcmd setsubnetstate 0" (without the quotation marks) Range Commands -------------- AddIPRange: Description: Adds another IP range to an already existing scope. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress AddIPRange ScopeAddress StartIpRange EndIpRange" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd addiprange" (without the quotation marks) AddExcludeRange: Description: Adds a range of exclusion addresses to the scope. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress AddExcludeRange scope_address start_excl end_excl" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd addexcluderange" (without the quotation marks) This command excludes IP addresses between and RemoveExcludeRange: Description: Removes an existing exclusion range. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress RemoveExcludeRange scope_address start_excl end_excl" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd removeexcluderange" (without the quotation marks) This command removes an existing exclusion of IP addresses from 10.0.01 to Active-Lease Commands --------------------- EnumClients: Description: Lists the lease information in a different format. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress EnumClients ScopeAddress [-v | -h]" (without the quotation marks) Where -v displays detailed lease information and -h displays lease and hardware information. Example: "dhcpcmd enumclients -h" (without the quotation marks) Superscope Commands ------------------- SetSuperScope: Description: Sets the superscope that a scope belongs to, creating the superscope if it does not already exist. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress SetSuperScope superscope_name scope_address {1/0}" (without the quotation marks) If the value of the last parameter is 1, the superscope is changed even if the scope belongs to some another scope. If the value is 0, an error message is returned if the scope belongs to another superscope. Example: "dhcpcmd setsuperscope newsuperscope 1" (without the quotation marks) DeleteSuperScope: Description: Deletes a superscope and optionally converts all subordinate elements to a different superscope. If the target superscope does not exist, it is created. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress DeleteSuperScope [different_superscope_name]" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd deletesuperscope newsuperscope" (without the quotation marks) GetSuperScopeTable: Description: Retrieves the full superscope information. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress GetSuperScopeTable" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd getsuperscopetable" (without the quotation marks) RemoveSubScope: Description: Removes a particular scope from its current superscope. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress RemoveSubScope subscope_address" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd removesubscope" (without the quotation marks) Option Commands --------------- EnumOptions: Description: Lists all option information. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress EnumOptions" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd enumoptions" (without the quotation marks) CreateOption: Description: Creates a new option definition. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress CreateOption [default_value_type default_value]" (without the quotation marks) Where is a number less than or equal to 255 and is one of the following values: - Byte - An 8-bit unsigned integer - Word - A 16-bit unsigned integer - String - An ASCII text string - IPAddress - A TCP/IP address in dotted-decimal w.x.y.z format Example: "dhcpcmd createoption 255 switchednetwkID string 0" (without the quotation marks) DeleteOption: Description: Deletes an existing option. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress DeleteOption option_id" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd deleteoption 253" (without the quotation marks) SetGlobalOptionValue: Description: Sets a global option value. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress SetGlobalOptionValue option_id option_type option_value" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd setglobaloptionvalue 255 string 111222333" (without the quotation marks) SetGlobalOptionValues: Description: Sets several global option values at a time. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress SetGlobalOptionValues option_id option_type option_value [option_id option_type option_value] [...] " (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd setglobaloptionvalues 255 string 123 254 ipaddress" (without the quotation marks) RemoveGlobalOptionValue: Description: Removes the global option value. Note that this is not the same as removing the option itself. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress RemoveGlobalOptionValue option_id" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd removeglobaloptionvalue 255" (without the quotation marks) The value is removed but the global option also disappears from the Option Configuration window and the option is put back in the unused option list. If you manually move it to the active option list, this option shows a value of 0 in the Option Configuration window. SetSubnetOptionValue: Description: Adds an option value to a scope option. Syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress SetSubnetOptionValue subnet_address option_id option_type option_value" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd setsubnetoptionvalue 255 string 123" (without the quotation marks) RemoveSubnetOptionValue: Description: Removes a subnet option. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress RemoveSubnetOptionValue subnet_address option_id" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd removesubnetoptionvalue 254" (without the quotation marks) The value is changed to 0 and the option is still shown in the Option Configuration window. SetReservedOptionValue: Description: Sets the option value for a reservation. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress SetReservedOptionValue reserved_subnet reserved_IP_address option_id option_type option_value" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd setreservedoptionvalue 255 string 777" (without the quotation marks) RemoveReservedOptionValue: Description: Removes an option defined for a reservation. Command syntax: "Dhcpcmd ServerIpAddress RemoveReservedOptionValue reserved_subnet reserved_IP_address option_id" (without the quotation marks) Example: "dhcpcmd removereservedoptionvalue 255" (without the quotation marks) Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : kbtool Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNT400search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTSEntSearch kbWinNTSEnt400sp4 kbWinNTSEnt400 kbWinNTS400sp4 kbWinNTS400sp3 kbWinNTS400sp2 kbWinNTS400sp1 kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 Version : winnt:4.0,4.0 SP1,4.0 SP2,4.0 SP3,4.0 SP4 Issue type : kbhowto ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.