XL97: Printing Problem When Print Titles Contain Borders

ID: Q164024

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel 97, when you print or view a worksheet in print preview, the first row of each printed page after the first page may contain text from another location in the worksheet.


This problem may occur when all of the following conditions are true:

NOTE: This problem does not occur in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel. Also, this problem does not occur unless at least one cell in the last row of the print titles range is formatted with a medium bottom border. Hairline, thin, and thick borders do not cause the problem to occur.


To work around this problem, move the text in the first row after the print titles range away from the top of the cells. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the first row after the print titles range.

    For example, if the print titles are rows 1 - 3, select row 4.

  2. On the Format menu, click Cells.

  3. Click the Alignment tab.

  4. In the Vertical list box, click Bottom. Then, click OK.

  5. On the Format menu, point to Row, and then click Height.

  6. In the Row Height box, increase the value by 0.75.

    For example, if the box contains the value 12.75, increase it to 13.50.

  7. Then, click OK.

After you complete these steps, print the worksheet or view it in print preview.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows, Service Release 1.


In Microsoft Excel, you can use a print titles range to print selected rows (or columns) at the top (or the left side) of each page. To set a print titles range on a worksheet, follow these steps:

  1. On the File menu, click Page Setup, and then click the Sheet tab.

  2. In the Columns to repeat at left box, specify the range of columns that you want to print at the left side of each worksheet (for example, column A or columns A through D). In the Rows to repeat at top box, specify the range of rows that you want to print at the top of each worksheet (for example, row 1 or rows 1 through 5).

  3. Click OK.

Note that if any of the cells in the last row in the cell range you want to print at the top of the worksheet are formatted with a medium weight bottom border, extra text may be printed in the first row of some pages. In particular, a "slice" of the top of the first row after the print titles row is printed on each page after the first page.

Additional query words: XL97

Keywords          : kbprint kbualink97 xlformat 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: June 28, 1999