DOCUMENT:Q254313 15-AUG-2001 [iis] TITLE :Err Msg: Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0203' Invalid Code PRODUCT :Internet Information Server PROD/VER::2.0,4.0,5.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbASP kbASPObj kbOSWinNT400 kbOSWin2000 kbWebServer kbGrpDSASP kbLocalization kbDSuppor ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Internet Information Services version 5.0 - Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 - Microsoft Active Server Pages, version 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== When you try to use a session.codepage or @codepage directive in an Active Server Pages (ASP) page that is hosted on a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 Web server, the following error message may occur: Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0203' Invalid Code Page /ProjectName/PageName.asp, line 1 The specified code page attribute is invalid. If the ASP page is hosted on a Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 Web server, the following error message may occur: Active Server Pages, ASP 0203 (0x80004005) The specified code page attribute is invalid CAUSE ===== Code pages have been disabled for Internet Information Server 4.0 since Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 because of truncation issues, which caused characters larger then 2 bytes to be truncated. This created a problem with some double-byte character sets (DBCS), such as Japanese, that have characters that extended beyond 2 bytes in size. In Internet Information Services 5.0, the utf16(1200) and unicodeFFFE(1201) code pages are disabled. This behavior is by design. RESOLUTION ========== To work around this issue, try the following: - If you are running Internet Information Server 4.0, upgrade to Internet Information Services 5.0. The following Unicode code pages are valid in Internet Information Services 5.0: 65000 - utf-7 65001 - utf-8 - Instead of using Unicode, develop your Web site to be language-specific by using the appropriate character set in the client HTML. For a complete list of available HTML character sets and ASP code pages, see the following Microsoft Web site: Sample Code: <%@ Language=VBScript CODEPAGE=932%> <%Session.Codepage=932%> MORE INFORMATION ================ Steps to Reproduce Behavior: 1. Host an ASP page on a computer that is running Internet Information Server 4.0 or Internet Information Services 5.0. 2. Add the following code to the page: <%@ Language=VBScript codepage=1200%> 3. Save the page, and then view the page in the browser. REFERENCES ========== For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q232580 INF: Storing UTF-8 Data in SQL Server Additional query words: code pages localization international 0203 (0x80004005) ====================================================================== Keywords : kbASP kbASPObj kbOSWinNT400 kbOSWin2000 kbWebServer kbGrpDSASP kbLocalization kbDSupport Technology : kbiisSearch kbAudDeveloper kbASPsearch kbiis500 kbiis400 Version : :2.0,4.0,5.0 Issue type : kbprb ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.