DOCUMENT:Q136908 07-MAY-2002 [homegame] TITLE :FLTSIM 5.1: Problems Creating and Using a System Startup Disk PRODUCT :Microsoft Home Games PROD/VER:MS-DOS:5.1 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== 5.10 MS-DOS kbusage kbsetup kbenv kbhw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Flight Simulator for MS-DOS, version 5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== When you create a boot disk in Flight Simulator, you have the option to write the boot disk to the hard drive. After you complete the boot disk process, you experience a continual computer reboot or loop back to Flight Simulator. The symptom may appear when you end the current Flight Simulation session, or when you exit the program. RESOLUTION ========== If the system is in a constant reboot loop, use the steps below to stop the loop: 1. When the message Starting MS-DOS... appears on screen, press the F8 function key. The F8 function key starts the InterActive boot and allows you to step through the boot process. 2. Answer (Y)es (press the Y key) to all the items in the Config.sys file. 3. Answer (Y)es to Process Autoexec.bat. 4. Answer (Y)es to all entries in the Autoexec.bat, except for the line that displays FS5_stg2.bat. Say (N)o (press the N key) to this line. The system no longer continually reboots. MORE INFORMATION ================ Restoring the Original Boot Configuration ----------------------------------------- NOTE: The following steps assume C is the letter of the hard drive where you installed Flight Simulator. 1. To change to the Flight Simulator folder, type the following at the C:\ MS-DOS command prompt and press ENTER: cd \fltsim5 2. Type the following and press ENTER: setup 3. When the first screen appears, select the Install option. You will be asked to confirm the sound card. Then you get the Boot Disk Options. 4. The Auto Reboot System Detected screen appears. When you are asked if you want to remove the Auto Reboot System, press Y for yes. 5. The original boot sequence is restored. A failure to restore the original system indicates the FSYSTEM boot disk program has run more than one time. The Write Boot Disk to Hard Drive option saves the original boot sequence to the Fs5aboot folder. A modified Config.sys and Autoexec.bat containing an optimum boot sequence for Flight Simulator is created. The original Config.sys is saved as Config.fs5 and the original Autoexec.bat is saved as Autoexec.fs5. When Flight Simulator starts, the file calls and executes a batch file named This starts the reboot sequence. In the new Autoexec.bat is the file Fs_stg2.bat. This file calls a small menu system. Your Menu Choices Are: 1. Start Microsoft Flight Simulator. 2. Install System Startup Disk on Hard Drive. 3. Exit to MS-DOS. When you first see this menu you may assume menu choice 2, "Install Startup Disk on Hard Disk," may not have correctly installed. If this option is picked again, the modified Config.sys and Autoexec.bat are saved to the Fs5aboot folder overwriting the originally saved files. Running Setup and choosing to remove the Auto Reboot System does not restore the original boot sequence because the original files have be overwritten with the modified file versions. Searching the Hard Disk for Saved Configuration Files ----------------------------------------------------- Searching for a backup copy or saved version of the original Config.sys or Autoexec.bat may help when you restore the original configuration. 1. From the C:\ prompt type the following dir \config.* /s and press ENTER. 2. From the C:\ prompt type the following dir \autoexec.* /s and press ENTER. The command searches the entire hard disk and locates any saved configuration files. NOTE: If Memmaker has been run prior to running the Flight Simulator Setup, a copy of the original Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files are saved in the Dos folder with the .umb extension. 3. If the .umb files are found in the Dos folder, copy the files to the root directory by typing the following command for each file followed by pressing ENTER: copy \dos\config.umb c:\config.sys copy \dos\autoexec.umb c:\autoexec.bat The MS-DOS Copy command copies and renames the saved files to the original configuration files. 4. Restart the computer and the system will function normally. Flight Simulator must have sufficient free extended or expanded memory to function properly. If the computer has insufficient free conventional or expanded memory, the Setup program asks if you want to create a system Startup disk to maximize the computer's memory. NOTE: Do not create a system Startup disk on systems running Microsoft Windows 95. Systems running Microsoft Windows NT are able to create a system Startup disk. Creating a System Startup Disk ------------------------------ 1. When Setup prompts you to create a system startup disk, press the Y key and follow the screen instructions. 2. Insert a blank disk into the disk drive when requested. Setup reformats the blank disk for use as a system Startup disk. 3. Setup tells you to press any key to exit. The creation of a system Startup disk is complete. 4. Restart the computer with the system Startup disk in the floppy disk drive. After you restart your computer, you have three options: - If you want to start flying right away, choose Run Microsoft Flight Simulator (press the 1 key). - If you want to install the system Startup disk on your Hard Drive, choose Install System Startup Disk on Hard Drive (press the 2 key). If you choose this option, you can start Flight Simulator without the system startup disk. - If you want to exit to MS-DOS and start Flight Simulator later, choose Exit To MS-DOS (press 3 key). Additional query words: 5.10 flightsim fltsim dos d_fltsim loop bootdisk restart continuous ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbGamesSearch kbFlightSimSearch kbFlightSim510DOS kbSimSearch Version : MS-DOS:5.1 Issue type : kbprb ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.