DOCUMENT:Q158957 06-AUG-2002 [homegame] TITLE :DirectX: Description of the DirectX Setup (Dxsetup.exe) Tool PRODUCT :Microsoft Home Games PROD/VER::1.0,2.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbsetup kbtool kbui kbimu KbDirectXkbfaq ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Age of Empires, version 1.0 - Microsoft Baseball 3D, version 1.0 - Microsoft CART Precision Racing, version 1.0 - Microsoft Close Combat for Windows 1.0 - Microsoft Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far, version 2.0 - Microsoft Deadly Tide for Windows 1.0 - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 - Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 - Microsoft GEX, version 1.0 - Microsoft Golf 1998 Edition, version 1.0 - Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition, version 1.0 - Microsoft Hellbender for Windows, version 1.0 - Microsoft Monster Truck Madness, version 1.0 - Microsoft Monster Truck Madness 2, version 2.0 - Microsoft NBA Full Court Press for Windows, version 1.0 - Microsoft Outwars, version 1.0 - Microsoft Soccer, version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article describes the different versions of the DirectX Setup tool (Dxsetup.exe). MORE INFORMATION ================ Start DirectX Setup ------------------- To start the DirectX Setup tool, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files Or Folders. 2. In the Named box, type "dxsetup.exe" (without the quotation marks). 3. In the Look In box, click Local Hard Drives, or click the hard disk on which Microsoft Windows is installed. 4. Click Find Now. 5. In the list of found files, double-click the Dxsetup.exe file. If you do not see the Dxsetup.exe file in the list of found files, close the Find: Files Named Dxsetup.exe window, and then follow these steps to run DirectX Setup from the CD-ROM: 1. Insert the CD-ROM for the game that includes the latest version of DirectX into the CD-ROM drive. Press and hold down the SHIFT key as you insert the CD-ROM to prevent the program from starting automatically. 2. On the desktop, double-click My Computer. 3. Right-click the CD-ROM drive, and then click Install DirectX. Description of DirectX Setup Version Differences ------------------------------------------------ The appearance of the DirectX Setup tool varies slightly, depending on the version of DirectX for which it was designed. The following text illustrates the differences between the different versions of DirectX Setup: DirectX Setup 1.0: Component Version ---------------------------------------- DirectDraw (tm) 4.02.0095 Certified Display Driver 4.02.0095 Certified DirectInput (tm) 4.02.0095 Certified DirectSound (tm) 4.02.0095 Certified Audio driver DirectPlay (tm) 4.02.0095 Certified ReInstall DirectX Restore Windows95 drivers DirectX Setup 2.0: Component Version ----------------------------------------------------- Direct3D(tm) Certified DirectDraw(tm) Certified DirectSound(tm) Certified DirectPlay(tm) Certified Audio driver Certified Display driver 4.00.950 No hardware support Reinstall DirectX Restore Windows95 drivers DirectX Setup 3.0, 5.0, 5.2: DirectX Subsystem: Component Version ---------------------------------------------- Direct3D (tm) DirectDraw (tm) Display Driver Certified DirectInput (tm) DirectPlay (tm) DirectSound (tm) Audio Driver Certified Old DirectPlay (tm) Options [ ] Direct3D Hardware Acceleration Enabled ReInstall DirectX Restore Audio drivers OK Restore Display drivers Cancel DirectX Setup 6.0: Options [ ] Direct3D Hardware Acceleration Enabled ReInstall DirectX Restore Audio drivers OK Restore Display drivers Cancel DirectX Setup 6.1: Options [ ] Direct3D Hardware Acceleration Enabled Restore Audio drivers OK Restore Display drivers Cancel DirectX Setup 7.0: ReInstall DirectX Close Description of DirectX Setup Controls ------------------------------------- The DirectX Subsystem Box: The DirectX Subsystem box lists the name, version number, and status for each DirectX component, sound driver, and video driver installed in your computer. This box is included in versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, and 5.2 of DirectX Setup, and it contains three columns: the Component column; the Version column; the status column (no label). The following table describes each column: Column Description ----------------------------------------------------- Component This column lists the names of the DirectX components and the sound and video drivers installed in your computer. Version This column lists the version numbers for the DirectX components or sound or video drivers listed in the Component column. For a DirectX component, the version number indicates the version of DirectX that is installed in your computer. For a sound or video driver, DirectX Setup only displays the version number if the driver is DirectX-enabled. NOTE: The version numbers for sound or video drivers do not need to match the version numbers for the DirectX components, and may be different than the version numbers that Windows Explorer reports for the same drivers. Status (no This column indicates the DirectX-certification status for label) the DirectX component or sound or video driver listed in the Component column. The status column also indicates if the sound or video driver listed in the Component column supports DirectX hardware acceleration. If the status column is empty, the DirectX component or sound or video driver in the Component column has not been submitted for Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) logo testing, or has not passed WHQL logo testing. If you see Certified in the status column, the DirectX component or sound or video driver in the Component column has passed WHQL logo testing. If you see No Hardware Support in the status column, the sound or video driver in the Component column does not support DirectX hardware acceleration. DirectX can use a DirectX-enabled sound or video driver to take advantage of any hardware acceleration features in your sound card or video adapter. A DirectX-enabled driver does not need to be WHQL-certified to function properly. If a driver is not DirectX-enabled, you may still be able to use it with DirectX games because DirectX emulates hardware acceleration features in software when no DirectX-enabled drivers are installed. The CD-ROM for your DirectX game contains many WHQL-certified DirectX-enabled drivers for popular sound cards and video adapters. However, later versions of these drivers may be available from your hardware manufacturer. For best DirectX performance, contact your sound card or video adapter manufacturer to inquire about how to obtain and install the latest DirectX-compatible version of the sound or video driver for your sound card or video adapter. The Direct3D Hardware Acceleration Enabled Check Box: The Direct3D Hardware Acceleration Enabled check box is available only if your video driver supports Direct3D hardware acceleration. To enable Direct3D hardware acceleration in your computer, click to select this check box. To disable Direct3D hardware acceleration in your computer, click to clear this check box. The ReInstall DirectX Button: If the DirectX components in the DirectX Subsystem box are not marked as Certified or the version numbers for the DirectX components do not match, click Reinstall DirectX to verify that DirectX is installed properly. When you click ReInstall DirectX, if DirectX is not installed, or if an earlier version of DirectX is installed, DirectX Setup installs the version of DirectX for which it is designed. DirectX Setup also checks the version of your sound driver and video driver and installs a later version of the driver if it is included in the DirectX folder on the CD-ROM for the game. When DirectX Setup finishes installing the DirectX components and the sound and video drivers, it prompts you to restart the computer. NOTE: DirectX Setup does not overwrite newer DirectX files with older ones. The Restore Windows Drivers Buttons: The Restore Windows95 Drivers, Restore Audio Drivers, and Restore Display Drivers buttons are available only if DirectX Setup previously upgraded either the sound or video driver. If you encounter issues with a sound or video driver installed by DirectX Setup, use standard troubleshooting techniques to resolve the issue. For additional information about how to do this, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q140334 How to Troubleshoot Wave Sound File Problems in Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition (Me) Q141801 Troubleshooting Audio Codecs in Windows 95 Q127139 Troubleshooting Video Problems in Windows Q178098 How to Troubleshoot DirectX Video Problems If the issue continues to occur, restore the previous versions of the drivers. In DirectX Setup version 2.0 or lower, click Restore Windows95 Drivers to restore the previous versions of the sound and video drivers. In DirectX Setup version 3.0 or higher, click Restore Audio Drivers to restore the previous version of the sound driver, or click Restore Display Drivers to restore the previous version of the video driver. DirectX File Versions --------------------- The following tables list the DirectX component versions for each version of DirectX. DirectX 1.0 (4.02.0095): NOTE: DirectX 1.0 does not include Direct3D. The only Microsoft game that uses DirectX 1.0 is Close Combat, version 1.0. Close Combat, version 1.0a uses DirectX 2.0. Component File Version -------------------------- DirectDraw 4.02.0095 DirectInput 4.02.0095 DirectPlay 4.02.0095 DirectSound 4.02.0095 DirectX 2.0 ( Component File Version -------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSound DirectX 3.0 ( Component File Version ----------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSound Old DirectPlay DirectX 5.0 ( Component File Version ----------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSound Old DirectPlay DirectX 5.2 ( Windows 95 Windows 98 Component File Version File Version -------------------------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSound Old DirectPlay DirectX 6.0 ( Windows 95 Windows 98 Component File Version File Version -------------------------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSound Old DirectPlay DirectX 6.1 ( Windows 95 Windows 98 Component File Version File Version -------------------------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectMusic DirectPlay DirectSound Old DirectPlay DirectX 7.0 ( Component File Version ----------------------------- Direct3D DirectDraw DirectInput DirectMusic DirectPlay DirectSound Old DirectPlay Additional query words: 7.00 6.10 6.00 5.20 5.00 3.00a 3.00 2.00a 1.00 direct-x dx tshoot ts ====================================================================== Keywords : kbsetup kbtool kbui kbimu KbDirectX kbfaq Technology : kbHomeProdSearch _IKkbbogus kbHomeMMsearch kbAOE kbGamesSearch kbFlightSimSearch kbZNotKeyword kbGolf98 kbGolf99 kbGolfSearch kbOutwarsSearch kbOutwars kbCloseCombatSearch kbCARTRacingSearch kbBaseballSearch kbMonsterTMSearch kbAOESearch kbGEX kbMonsterTM kbHellBender kbMonsterTM2 kbCloseCombat2 kbCloseCombat kbFlightSim2000 kbFlightSim98 kbSoccer kbBaseBall3D kbCARTRacing kbDeadlyTide kbNBAFullCourtPress kbSimSearch Version : :1.0,2.0 Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.