DOCUMENT:Q95122 13-JUN-1999 [homegame] TITLE :Manual Installation of Golf for Windows PRODUCT :Microsoft Home Games PROD/VER:WINDOWS:1.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== kbsetup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Golf for Windows, version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The files on the Microsoft Golf disks are compressed using the standard Windows compression method. They can be extracted by typing the following at the MS-DOS command prompt and pressing ENTER (For information about how to get to the MS-DOS command prompt under Windows 95, see your printed Windows documentation or online Help.) expand filename.ex_ \msgolf\filename.ext where "drive" is your floppy disk drive, "filename.ex_" is the compressed file, "drive2" is your hard disk drive, and the "filename.ext" is the expanded file. For example, type the following command to expand the Torrey Pines course from drive A into the MSGOLF directory on drive C: expand a:torrey_p.cr_ c:\msgolf\ Note that with the 720K disks, the TORREY_P.CRS file is actually split between Disks 2 and 3. In this case, it is necessary to combine the files first. This can be done typing the following command: copy torrey_p.c1_ /b + torrey_p.c2_ /b torrey_p.cr_ The /b switch specifies a binary copy operation. Once this has been done, the file can be expanded normally. The underscore on the filename's extension indicates that the file is compressed. If you are installing Golf into a shared Windows configuration, or when there are other problems during installation, this may be the only way to install the program. MORE INFORMATION ================ When you run the SETUP.EXE program on Disk 1 of Microsoft Golf, the necessary files are distributed as follows (under default conditions). The following files are installed in the C:\MSGOLF directory: C:\MSGOLF\README.TXT C:\MSGOLF\TORREY_P.CRS C:\MSGOLF\GSDZ.DLL C:\MSGOLF\RSWAV.DLL C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFC14.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFP14.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMC14.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMP14.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFC18.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMC18.RAD C:\MSGOLF\MSGOLF.EXE C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFP18.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMP18.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFD14.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMD14.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GPALETTE.DLL C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFC24.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFD18.RAD C:\MSGOLF\RADANI.DLL C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMC24.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMD18.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFP24.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMP24.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFC28.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMC28.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFP28.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMP28.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFD24.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMD24.RAD C:\MSGOLF\MSGOLF.HLP C:\MSGOLF\GOLFFD28.RAD C:\MSGOLF\GOLFMD28.RAD C:\MSGOLF\PRACTICE.SPC C:\MSGOLF\GLFMOD2.EXE The following files are installed in the C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS directory: C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\CHIP.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\PUTT.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\PINHIT.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\SHORTSWG.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\SPLASH.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\QUACK2.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\PRACTICE.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\TREE.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B04.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B11.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B03.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B05.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B10.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\RATTLE.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\SWING.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B09.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B07.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B08.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B02.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B06.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\B01.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\SITDOWN.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\GETTHERE.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\NICEBIRD.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\GREATPT.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\THATPLAY.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\CRUSHED.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\NICEPT.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\NICEPAR.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\BECLUB.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\THATSWET.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\YES.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\NICEEAGL.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\QUACK1.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\GOTAHOLD.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\HITTREE.WAV C:\MSGOLF\SOUNDS\NICESHOT.WAV In the C:\WINDOWS directory, a Program Manager Group file is added when the icon is created. This file is not located on any of the Golf disks: C:\WINDOWS\MICROSOF.GRP The following files are installed in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VRSD.386 In the SYSTEM.INI file, the following line is added to the [386Enh] section: DEVICE=VRSD.386 This totals 73 files and 2 directories created on the destination disk. Remember that Golf was designed to be installed using the Setup program, not by manual installation. The procedure outlined above is to be used as a last resort. Additional query words: 1.00 ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbGamesSearch kbGolfSearch kbGolf100 Version : WINDOWS:1.0 Issue type : kbhowto ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.