DOCUMENT:Q65730 07-SEP-2001 [powerpt] TITLE :Film Recorder Support Under PowerPoint for Windows PRODUCT :Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows PROD/VER:WINDOWS:2.0,3.0,4.0,4.0a,4.0c,7.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kb3rdparty kbprint kbPrinting ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows, versions 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0a, 4.0c - Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 95, version 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= As of September 1990, the following film recorder manufacturers are writing or have drivers for the Windows environment. Drivers listed below can be used to send output to the appropriate film recorders. If you use Matrix film recorder (PCR, QCR), you may want to consider the options listed under "More Information." Manufacturer Film Recorder Driver Availability ------------ ------------- ------------------- Mirus Filmprinter Available (800) 654-0808 Presentation Montage Available Technologies (800) 782-2543 Sales Department Lasergraphics LFR, LFR plus Alpha version available; (714) 753-8292 shipping 4th quarter 1990 Tech Support Polaroid Digital Palette Shipping 4th Quarter 1990 (800) 225-1618 Windows 95 driver should be Electronic available by end of 1995, Imaging Group according to Zenographics. As of July, 1995, the most commonly used film recorder used with PowerPoint 4.0 for Windows is the Polaroid Film Recorder driver created by Zenographics. Zenographics has created three versions of this driver for Windows 3.x. These drivers come with a spooler as a package and the package restructures Control Panel Printers. Note that these drivers may or may not work under Windows 95. Currently, these drivers are not supported by Microsoft and have not been tested. Zenographics can be contacted at (800) 524-3388 or (714) 851-6352 General Parametrics Photo Metric Slide Currently under development (415) 524-3950 Maker 250 (NAPLPS .PIC format) MORE INFORMATION ================ General Parametrics film recorders use the North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (NAPLPS) .PIC format. This is not the same as Lotus .PIC files. Micrografx has a Windows 2.x driver that can be used by Windows 3.0 running in Real-mode only. AGFA's Matrix film recorders use the Scan Conversion Object Description Language (SCODL) developed by Matrix. AGFA interfaces with QuickDraw and uses it as the rasterizer on the Macintosh. Currently, a similar interface method with Windows facilities is not available through AGFA. If you use Matrix or Management Graphics film recorders, the following options are available from third-party Windows and non-Windows-application vendors for achieving output from your film recorders. 1. "Freedom of the Press" from Custom Applications is a software PostScript raster image processor. For additional information about "Freedom of the Press," call the sales department at Custom Applications at (800) 873- 4367. 2. Micrografx has developed a driver (version 2.4) to create SCODL files. Files created with the Micrografx driver can then be imaged using the Matrix Conductor software. Currently, the Matrix Vector Processor (MVP) Conductor software and rasterizer will operate from Windows 2.1 and 2.11 or Windows 3.0 in real mode. Micrografx can be reached at (800) 733- 3729; for Sales, press 1, then 2. 3. If you have PowerPoint for Windows and the Macintosh, use the Apple File Exchange (AFE) and the PowerPoint filter (available for the $4.50 shipping cost) to translate the Windows presentation to the Macintosh and image from the Macintosh using the Conductor Image Management software. The PowerPoint filter with AFE will translate PowerPoint objects and imported graphics. To obtain the PowerPoint filter, call the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561. If you are outside the United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area. To locate your subsidiary, see the Microsoft World Wide Offices Web site at: 4. Graphx has developed a product called Raster Plus that allows a variety of MS-DOS-based and Windows-based programs to image to a Matrix film recorder. Graphx advertises that this product includes support for PowerPoint for Windows. Raster Plus ships with a Windows 3.0 driver called the WinSlideService driver. Files printed to the WinSlide driver can then be imaged by Raster Plus to Matrix, Solitaire, Polaroid, or Samurai film recorders. In addition, Raster Plus ships with a screen capture utility that will capture any VGA graphics or text screen and save it as a Raster Plus file. Graphx can be contacted at (508) 975- 5424. Additional query words: 4.00a 4.00c ppt95 ppt7 custsales winppt slides slide shoot shooting record ====================================================================== Keywords : kb3rdparty kbprint kbPrinting Technology : kbPowerPtSearch kbPowerPt95 kbZNotKeyword2 kbPowerPt95Search kbPowerPt400 kbPowerPt200 kbPowerPt300 kbPowerPt400c kbPowerPt400a Version : WINDOWS:2.0,3.0,4.0,4.0a,4.0c,7.0 Hardware : x86 Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.