XADM: Message May Be Duplicated In cc:Mail InboxID: Q181797
When a mail message is sent from an Exchange Server computer to a cc:Mail user, multiple copies may be received by cc:Mail recipients, even when the message is addressed to an Exchange distribution list (DL). An Exchange user included in the DL will receive only one copy of the message.
Messages are duplicated to cc:Mail recipients when the recipient is on more than one DL that the message is addressed to or the DL is nested. The message is submitted to MTS-OUT for each occurrence of the recipient. In Exchange Server, the store only submits the message once to the Exchange mailbox, but for gateways it is delivered multiple times.
Keywords : XADM
Version : WINDOWS:5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: March 31, 1999