DOCUMENT:Q157776 14-NOV-2000 [word97]
TITLE :WD97: Horizontal Lines Are Displayed with Different Widths
PRODUCT :Word 97 for Windows
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
Some horizontal lines expand the width of the display window and appear to be
left-aligned, and other horizontal lines appear to be centered and have a fixed
width of 6.5 inches. This problem occurs when formatting Web pages.
The horizontal line inserted by using the Horizontal Line button or the first
line style in the Horizontal Line dialog box is centered in the document but
expands the width of the document window, giving it the appearance of being
The graphical line styles, beginning with the second line style in the Horizontal
Line dialog box, are GIF images that have a fixed length.
By default, all horizontal lines are formatted with the Align=center attribute.
To work around the problem, choose one of the following methods:
Method 1. Use the same style for all horizontal lines on your Web page.
Method 2. Modify the HTML source and change the HR tag attributes so that they
resemble the attributes of the IMG SRC tag used by the graphical lines.
For example, if the tag for the graphical line looks like this:
change the HR tag so that it looks like this: