ACC: Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Access (95/97)

ID: Q140637

The information in this article applies to:


This article lists the shortcut keys available in Microsoft Access 7.0 and Microsoft Access 97.


Global Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 Display the Control menu                                ALT+SPACEBAR

 Copy the selection to the Clipboard                     CTRL+C

 Open the Find dialog box                                CTRL+F

 Open the Replace dialog box                             CTRL+H

 Open a new database                                     CTRL+N

 Open an existing database                               CTRL+O

 Paste the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion    CTRL+V

 Cut the selection and copy it to the Clipboard          CTRL+X

 Undo typing                                             CTRL+Z or

 Display context-sensitive Help about the selected       F1
 menu command, dialog box option, property, control,
 action, keyword, or window

 Display context-sensitive Help using the question mark  SHIFT+F1
 pointer; after pressing SHIFT+F1, move the pointer
 to the item you want help about and click

 Save a database object                                  SHIFT+F12 or

 Close the active window                                 CTRL+F4

 Quit Microsoft Access or close a dialog box             ALT+F4

 Cycle between open windows                              CTRL+F6

 Check spelling                                          F7

 Bring the Database window to the front                  F11 or ALT+F1

 Open the Save As dialog box                             F12 or ALT+F2

Database Window

 To                                                      Press

 Move down one line                                      DOWN ARROW

 Move down one window                                    PAGE DOWN

 Move to the last object                                 END

 Move up one line                                        UP ARROW

 Move up one window                                      PAGE UP

 Move to the first object                                HOME

 Open the object in Design view                          CTRL+ENTER or

Datasheet View and Form View Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point          F2
 displayed) and Navigation mode

 Open the Zoom box for entering expressions and other    SHIFT+F2
 text in small input areas more conveniently

 Open a combo box or list box                            F4

 Find the next occurrence of the text specified in the
 Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is       SHIFT+F4

 Move to the record number box                           F5

 Switch between the upper and lower portions of a        F6
 window (Design view of tables, macros, and queries
 and the Advanced Filter/Sort window)

 Turn on Extend mode; pressing F8 repeatedly extends     F8
 the selection to the word, the field, the record
 (in Datasheet view only), and all records

 Reverse the F8 selection                                SHIFT+F8

 Cancel Extend mode                                      ESC

 Recalculate the fields in the window                    F9

 Requery the underlying tables; in a subform, this       SHIFT+F9
 requeries the underlying table for the subform only

 Add a new record                                        CTRL+PLUS(+)

 Delete the current record                               CTRL+MINUS(-)

 Save changes to the current record                      SHIFT+ENTER

 Undo changes in the current field or current record;    ESC
 if both have been changed, press ESC twice to undo
 changes first in the current field and then in the
 current record

Navigation Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 To move to the next field                               TAB, ENTER, or
                                                         RIGHT ARROW

 Move to the last field in the current record            END

 Move to the previous field                              SHIFT+TAB or
                                                         LEFT ARROW

 Move to the first field in the current record           HOME

 Move to the current field in the last record            CTRL+DOWN ARROW

 Move to the last field in the last record               CTRL+END

 Move to the current field in the first record           CTRL+UP ARROW

 Move to the first field in the first record             CTRL+HOME

 Move down one screen                                    PAGE DOWN

 Move up one screen                                      PAGE UP

 Move right one screen                                   CTRL+PAGE DOWN

 Move left one screen                                    CTRL+PAGE UP

 Move down one line in a text box, combo box,            DOWN ARROW
 or list box

 Move up one line in a text box, combo box,              UP ARROW
 or list box

 Move down one set of values in a combo box or list box  PAGE DOWN

 Move up one set of values in a combo box or list box    PAGE UP

 Move to the end of the current line                     END

 Move to the end of the last line                        CTRL+END

 Move to the beginning of the current line               HOME

 Move to the beginning of the first line                 CTRL+HOME

 Move right one column (Datasheet view)                  RIGHT ARROW

 Move to the last column (Datasheet view)                END

 Move left one column (Datasheet view)                   LEFT ARROW

 Move to the first column (Datasheet view)               HOME

 Move the selected column to the right one column        RIGHT ARROW

 Move the selected column to the left one column         LEFT ARROW

 Move down one page (In Form view, when at end of        PAGE DOWN
 record, moves to bottom of next record)

 Move up one page (In Form view, when at top of          PAGE UP
 record, moves to top of previous record)

 Exit the subform and move to the next field in the      CTRL+TAB
 master form; if not in a subform, move to the next

 Exit the subform and move to the previous field in the  CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
 main form; if not in a subform, move to the previous

Selection Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 Extend the selection or deselect one character          SHIFT+RIGHT
 to the right                                            ARROW

 Extend the selection or deselect one word               CTRL+SHIFT+
 to the right                                            RIGHT ARROW

 Extend the selection or deselect one character          SHIFT+LEFT
 to the left                                             ARROW

 Extend the selection or deselect one word               CTRL+SHIFT+
 to the left                                             LEFT ARROW

 Select the current record or cancel the record          SHIFT+SPACEBAR
 selection (in navigation mode only)

 Select the previous record (if the current record       UP ARROW
 is selected)

 Select the next record (if the current record           DOWN ARROW
 is selected)

 Select the current column or cancel the column          CTRL+SPACEBAR
 selection (in navigation mode only). Applies to
 datasheets and grids, except the grid in a table's
 Design view.

Data Entry Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 Insert the current date                                 CTRL+;(semicolon)

 Insert the current time                                 CTRL+:(colon)

 Insert the default value for a field                    CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR

 Insert the value from the same field                    CTRL+' or CTRL+"

 Insert a new line                                       CTRL+ENTER

 Add a new record                                        CTRL++(plus plus)

 Delete the current record                               CTRL+-(plus minus)

 Save changes to the current record                      SHIFT+ENTER

 Toggle the value in a check box or option button        SPACEBAR

Print Preview Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 Cancel Print Preview                                    C or ESC

 Open the Print dialog box                               P or CTRL+P

 Open the Page Setup dialog box                          S

 Zoom in for a magnified view of part of the page        Z

 Move to the page number box; then, type the page        F5
 number you want to go to and press ENTER

 Move to the next page                                   PAGE DOWN
                                                         or DOWN ARROW

 Move to the previous page                               PAGE UP
                                                         or UP ARROW

 Scroll down in small increments                         DOWN ARROW

 Scroll down in large increments                         PAGE DOWN

 Move to the bottom of the page                          CTRL+DOWN ARROW

 Scroll up in small increments                           UP ARROW

 Scroll up in large increments                           PAGE UP

 Move to the top of the page                             CTRL+UP ARROW

 Scroll to the right in small increments                 RIGHT ARROW

 Move to the right edge of the page                      CTRL+RIGHT
                                                         ARROW or END

 Move to the lower-right corner of the page              CTRL+END

 Scroll to the left in small increments                  LEFT ARROW

 Move to the left edge of the page                       CTRL+LEFT ARROW
                                                         or HOME

 Move to the upper-left corner of the page               CTRL+HOME

Module Window Shortcut Keys

 To                                                      Press

 Halt the execution of code or a macro                   CTRL+BREAK

 Display the previous procedure                          CTRL+UP ARROW

 Display the next procedure                              CTRL+DOWN ARROW

 Display the Debug window                                CTRL+G

 Indent selected lines                                   CTRL+M

 Remove indentation from selected lines                  CTRL+SHIFT+M

 Cut the current line and copy it to the Clipboard       CTRL+Y

 Display context-sensitive Help about the keyword        F1
 containing the insertion point, the selected
 menu command, or dialog box option

 Display the Object Browser                              F2

 View procedure definition                               SHIFT+F2

 View last position                                      CTRL+F2

 Find the next occurrence of the text specified in the   F3
 Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is

 Find the previous occurrence of the text specified in   SHIFT+F3
 the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is

 Continue execution of code or macro                     F5

 Reset execution of code or macro                        SHIFT+F5

 Switch between the upper and lower panes                F6
 (if you have split the window)

 Step into (single step)                                 F8

 Step over (procedure step)                              SHIFT+F8

 Toggle a breakpoint at the selected line                F9

 Create instant watch for selected expression            SHIFT+F9

 Clear all breakpoints                                   CTRL+SHIFT+F9 


For more information on the shortcut keys available in Microsoft Access, search the Help Index for "shortcut keys, built-in," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.

Keywords          : kbui UifKeybd 
Version           : 7.0 97
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: April 19, 1999