DOCUMENT:Q311306 04-MAR-2002 [foxpro] TITLE :HOWTO: Use Visual FoxPro to Download a Web Page PRODUCT :Microsoft FoxPro PROD/VER::6.0,7.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbAPI kbAutomation kbvfp600 kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbCodeSnippet kbvfp700 kbHOWTOmaster ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 6.0, 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article provides sample code that shows how to download the contents of a Web page from the Internet without user interaction or automation of Microsoft Internet Explorer. One sample uses a function from the dynamic-link library Urlmon.dll, and another sample uses the Msinet.ocx ActiveX control. MORE INFORMATION ================ Urlmon.dll ships with many Microsoft Products and operating systems: - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and later - Microsoft Windows 98 and Microsoft Windows 98 SE - Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) - Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Microsoft Windows 2000 Server - Microsoft Office 2000 Msinet.ocx ships with Microsoft Visual Studio 97 and Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0. Msinet.ocx also ships with the stand-alone versions of the following products: - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 and Visual Basic 6.0 - Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 and Visual FoxPro 7.0 - Microsoft Interdev 6.0 - Microsoft C++ 5.0 and C++ 6.0 If you are a licensed user of one of these development languages, you are permitted to redistribute the Msinet.ocx control. How to Use the Sample Code -------------------------- To use these code samples, follow these steps: 1. Paste each code sample in a new program in Visual FoxPro version 6.0 or 7.0. 2. Save the programs, and then run the programs. As you run each program, a form appears that requests a stock symbol. 3. Type any valid stock symbol in the text box, and then click Get Quote to receive a quote. Review the comments in the source code for to understand how the quote was acquired. NOTE: The Web page that these code samples download may change at any time. As a result, the code that parses the Web page to extract the stock quote may no longer work. However, the concept used to download the page still will apply. Using Urlmon.dll ---------------- *----------------------------------- * AUTHOR: Trevor Hancock (TREVORH@MICROSOFT.COM) * CREATED: 10/24/01 03:07:28 PM for Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q311306 * ABSTRACT: Downloads a Web page and then parses the Web page to extract a stock quote. * * DETAILS: This code uses the function URLDownloadToFile(), located in * Urlmon.dll. This function downloads a Web page from * HTTP:// Specifically, the function calls * "HTTP://", * passing to the Web page a stock symbol that the user types into THISFORM.txtSYMBOL. * The Web site returns an entire page of information about the * stock, which this code then parses to extract the current quote. *----------------------------------- PUBLIC ofrmURLMON ofrmURLMON = NEWOBJECT("frmURLMON") ofrmURLMON.SHOW RETURN ************************** DEFINE CLASS frmURLMON AS FORM HEIGHT = 83 WIDTH = 317 AUTOCENTER = .T. BORDERSTYLE = 2 CAPTION = "Stock Quote via URLMON.DLL" MAXBUTTON = .F. MINBUTTON = .F. NAME = "frmURLMON" ADD OBJECT txtsymbol AS TEXTBOX WITH ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; VALUE = "MSFT", ; FORMAT = "!", ; HEIGHT = 26, ; LEFT = 94, ; TABINDEX = 1, ; TOP = 7, ; WIDTH = 100, ; NAME = "txtSymbol" ADD OBJECT cmdGetQuote AS COMMANDBUTTON WITH ; TOP = 7, ; LEFT = 206, ; HEIGHT = 27, ; WIDTH = 94, ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; CAPTION = "Get Quote", ; TABINDEX = 2, ; NAME = "cmdGetQuote" ADD OBJECT lblSymbol AS LABEL WITH ; AUTOSIZE = .T., ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; CAPTION = "Stock Symbol:", ; HEIGHT = 16, ; LEFT = 3, ; TOP = 12, ; WIDTH = 90, ; TABINDEX = 5, ; NAME = "lblSymbol" ADD OBJECT txtQuote AS TEXTBOX WITH ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; HEIGHT = 23, ; LEFT = 94, ; READONLY = .T., ; TOP = 39, ; WIDTH = 100, ; NAME = "txtQuote" ADD OBJECT lblQuote AS LABEL WITH ; AUTOSIZE = .T., ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; CAPTION = "Quote:", ; HEIGHT = 16, ; LEFT = 47, ; TOP = 42, ; WIDTH = 46, ; TABINDEX = 5, ; NAME = "lbQuote" PROCEDURE cmdGetQuote.CLICK LOCAL lcQuote AS STRING, ; lcTempTxtFile AS STRING, ; lnGetResults AS INTEGER, ; lcURL AS STRING lcQuote = "" *-- Set up a variable referring to a temp .TXT file. *-- Uses the current VFP TEMP DIR [SYS(2023)] *-- and a random file name [SYS(2015)] lcTempTxtFile = FORCEEXT(ADDBS(SYS(2023)) + SYS(2015), "TXT") lnGetResults = 0 lcGetURl = "HTTP://" + ; ALLT(THISFORM.txtsymbol.VALUE) DECLARE LONG URLDownloadToFile IN URLMON.DLL ; LONG, STRING, STRING, LONG, LONG WITH THISFORM *-- Get the quote using the Urlmon.dll and store it *-- to a temp .TXT file. *-- This function returns non-zero if it fails. lnGetResults = URLDownloadToFile(0, lcGetURl, lcTempTxtFile, 0, 0) IF lnGetResults # 0 MESSAGEBOX("Download Failed",0,"") RETURN .F. ENDIF *-- Read the Web page into a variable, and then erase it. lcQuote = FILETOSTR(lcTempTxtFile) ERASE (lcTempTxtFile) *-- Grab the quote from the Web page. If in VFP 7.0, we use the new *-- STREXTRACT() function to grab the data between two delimiters. *-- In VFP 6.0, use SUBSTR() to get the data, and then trim off any *-- trailing HTML with the TRANSFORM() AND VAL() functions. IF VERSION(5) = 700 lcQuote = STREXTRACT(lcQuote, [stockheader">], [<]) ELSE *-- Extract the quote from the HTML lcQuote = SUBSTR(lcQuote, ATC(["stockheader"], lcQuote) + 14, 8) *-- Trim off the trailing HTML. VAL() will only return the numbers, *-- which we then change to a string with TRANSFORM() lcQuote = TRANSFORM(VAL(lcQuote)) ENDIF *-- Put the quote in the text box. .txtQuote.VALUE = "$" + lcQuote ENDWITH ENDPROC ENDDEFINE ************************** Using Msinet.ocx ---------------- *----------------------------------- * AUTHOR: Trevor Hancock (TREVORH@MICROSOFT.COM) * CREATED: 10/24/01 03:07:28 PM for Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q311306 * ABSTRACT: Downloads a Web page and then parses it to extract a stock quote. * * DETAILS: This code uses the Msinet.ocx ActiveX control to * download a Web page from HTTP:// * Specifically, it calls "HTTP://", * passing to the Web page a stock symbol that the user types into THISFORM.txtSYBMOL. * The Web site returns an entire page of information about the * stock, which this code then parses to extract the current quote. *----------------------------------- PUBLIC ofrmMSINET ofrmMSINET = NEWOBJECT("frmMSINET") ofrmMSINET.SHOW RETURN ************************** DEFINE CLASS ocxMSINET AS OLECONTROL OLECLASS = "InetCtls.Inet.1" ENDDEFINE ************************** DEFINE CLASS frmMSINET AS FORM HEIGHT = 70 WIDTH = 304 AUTOCENTER = .T. BORDERSTYLE = 3 CAPTION = "Stock Quote via MSINET.OCX" MAXBUTTON = .F. MINBUTTON = .F. NAME = "frmMSINET" ADD OBJECT MSINET AS ocxMSINET WITH ; TOP = 37, ; LEFT = 234, ; HEIGHT = 100, ; WIDTH = 100, ; NAME = "MSINET" ADD OBJECT txtsymbol AS TEXTBOX WITH ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; VALUE = "MSFT", ; FORMAT = "!", ; HEIGHT = 26, ; LEFT = 94, ; TABINDEX = 1, ; TOP = 7, ; WIDTH = 100, ; NAME = "txtSymbol" ADD OBJECT cmdGetQuote AS COMMANDBUTTON WITH ; TOP = 7, ; LEFT = 206, ; HEIGHT = 27, ; WIDTH = 94, ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; CAPTION = "Get Quote", ; TABINDEX = 2, ; NAME = "cmdGetQuote" ADD OBJECT lblSymbol AS LABEL WITH ; AUTOSIZE = .T., ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; CAPTION = "Stock Symbol:", ; HEIGHT = 16, ; LEFT = 3, ; TOP = 12, ; WIDTH = 90, ; TABINDEX = 5, ; NAME = "lblSymbol" ADD OBJECT txtQuote AS TEXTBOX WITH ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; HEIGHT = 23, ; LEFT = 94, ; READONLY = .T., ; TOP = 39, ; WIDTH = 100, ; NAME = "txtQuote" ADD OBJECT lblQuote AS LABEL WITH ; AUTOSIZE = .T., ; FONTNAME = "Verdana", ; CAPTION = "Quote:", ; HEIGHT = 16, ; LEFT = 47, ; TOP = 42, ; WIDTH = 46, ; TABINDEX = 5, ; NAME = "lbQuote" PROCEDURE cmdGetQuote.CLICK LOCAL lcQuote AS STRING, ; lcURL AS STRING lcQuote = "" lcGetURl = "HTTP://" + ; ALLT(THISFORM.txtsymbol.VALUE) WITH THISFORM *-- Get the quote using the Msinet.ocx ActiveX control. *-- The quote will load it directly into a variable. lcQuote = .MSINET.OpenURL(lcGetURl) IF EMPTY(lcQuote) MESSAGEBOX("Download Failed.",0,"") RETURN .F. ENDIF *-- Grab the quote from the Web page. If in VFP 7.0, we use the new *-- STREXTRACT() function to grab the data between two delimiters. *-- In VFP 6.0, use SUBSTR() to get the data, and then trim off any *-- trailing HTML with the TRANSFORM() AND VAL() functions. IF VERSION(5) = 700 lcQuote = STREXTRACT(lcQuote, [stockheader">], [<]) ELSE *-- Extract the quote from the HTML lcQuote = SUBSTR(lcQuote, ATC(["stockheader"], lcQuote) + 14, 8) *-- Trim off the trailing HTML. VAL() will only return the numbers, *-- which we then change to a string with TRANSFORM() lcQuote = TRANSFORM(VAL(lcQuote)) ENDIF *-- Put the quote in the text box. .txtQuote.VALUE = "$" + lcQuote ENDWITH ENDPROC ENDDEFINE ************************** REFERENCES ========== Q191222 INFO: ActiveX Controls Supported by Visual FoxPro 6.0 Q307550 INFO: ActiveX Controls Supported by Visual FoxPro 7.0 Additional query words: WEB DOWNLOAD PAGE SAVE LOCAL INTERNET ====================================================================== Keywords : kbAPI kbAutomation kbvfp600 kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbCodeSnippet kbvfp700 kbHOWTOmaster Technology : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP600 kbVFP700 Version : :6.0,7.0 Issue type : kbhowto ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.