DOCUMENT:Q217012 11-JAN-2001 [vbwin] TITLE :HOWTO: Format Strings to Right-Justify When Printing PRODUCT :Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows PROD/VER:WINDOWS:5.0,6.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbString kbVBp kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 - Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 - Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= There are several different ways to right-justify strings using the Format function: - Use the @ character. - Use the RSet function. - Use workarounds with the Format$ function. MORE INFORMATION ================ Using the @ character:: NOTE: This technique is only effective with monospace fonts, such as Courier New. 1. Format the number into a string with numeric conversion characters, for example, $##0.00. 2. Format the resulting string with a format string consisting of a number of @ characters equal in length to the desired format, for example, @@@@@@@. The following code sample formats several numbers using seven @ characters and a seven character format, $##0.00. Print "|" & Format$(Format$(1.5, "$##0.00"), "@@@@@@@") & "|" Print "|" & Format$(Format$(12.5, "$##0.00"), "@@@@@@@") & "|" Print "|" & Format$(Format$(123.5, "$##0.00"), "@@@@@@@") & "|" The output is; | $1.50| | $12.50| |$123.50| Using the RSet function:: When used in conjunction with RSet, the format function works on fixed length strings. The following code sample illustrates the use of RSet: x = (Format$(123.5, "$##0.00")) Print "x" & x & "x" RSet x = (Format$(1.5, "$##0.00")) Print "x" & x & "x" The output is: x$123.50x x $1.50x Workarounds using the Format$ function:: NOTE: These techniques are only effective with monospace fonts, such as Courier New. The Format$ function does not right-justify strings when used with the # symbol. The first code sample uses the Len function to determine how many spaces need to be added to the left of the string representing the number, in order to right justify the string: required = 8 ' longest number expected a = 1.23 b = 44.56 num1$ = Format$(a, "#0.00") ' this converts the number to a string num2$ = Format$(b, "#0.00") ' with 2 decimal places and a leading zero 'Debug.Print num2$ If (required - Len(num1$)) > 0 Then num1$ = Space$(required - Len(num1$)) + num1$ End If If (required - Len(num2$)) > 0 Then num2$ = Space$(required - Len(num2$)) + num2$ End If ' test output Print num1$ Print num2$ The output is: 1.23 44.56 The second Format$ sample is reprinted with the permission of its author, Karl Peterson. His LPad function uses the Right$ function: Private Function LPad(ValIn As Variant, nDec As Integer, _ WidthOut As Integer) As String ' ' Formatting function left pads with spaces, using specified ' number of decimal digits. ' If IsNumeric(ValIn) Then If nDec > 0 Then LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & _ Format$(ValIn, "0." & String$(nDec, "0")), _ WidthOut) Else LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & Format$(ValIn, "0"), WidthOut) End If Else LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & ValIn, WidthOut) End If End Function Step by Step Sample: 1. Start a new Visual Basic Standard EXE project. Form1 is created by default. 2. Add four CommandButton controls to Form1. Position them to the far right of the form window. 3. Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Print "|" & Format$(Format$(1.5, "$##0.00"), "@@@@@@@") & "|" Me.Print "|" & Format$(Format$(12.5, "$##0.00"), "@@@@@@@") & "|" Me.Print "|" & Format$(Format$(123.5, "$##0.00"), "@@@@@@@") & "|" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim x As String x = (Format$(123.5, "$##0.00")) Me.Print "x" & x & "x" RSet x = (Format$(1.5, "$##0.00")) Me.Print "x" & x & "x" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim required As Integer Dim a As Single Dim b As Single Dim num1$, num2$ required = 8 ' longest number expected a = 1.23 b = 44.56 num1$ = Format$(a, "#0.00") ' this converts the number to a string num2$ = Format$(b, "#0.00") ' with two decimal places and a leading zero 'Debug.Print num2$ If (required - Len(num1$)) > 0 Then num1$ = Space$(required - Len(num1$)) & num1$ End If If (required - Len(num2$)) > 0 Then num2$ = Space$(required - Len(num2$)) & num2$ End If ' test output Me.Print num1$ Me.Print num2$ End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim xstring As String xstring = LPad(2.3, 2, 7) Me.Print "K" & xstring & "K" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Caption = "@" Command1.Font.Size = 18 Command2.Caption = "Rset" Command3.Caption = "Format$" Command4.Caption = "VBPJ" Me.Font.Name = "Courier New" End Sub Private Function LPad(ValIn As Variant, nDec As Integer, _ WidthOut As Integer) As String ' ' Formatting function left pads with spaces, using specified ' number of decimal digits. ' If IsNumeric(ValIn) Then If nDec > 0 Then LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & _ Format$(ValIn, "0." & String$(nDec, "0")), _ WidthOut) Else LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & Format$(ValIn, "0"), WidthOut) End If Else LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & ValIn, WidthOut) End If End Function 4. Run the program, click the command buttons, and observe the results. REFERENCES ========== Q95945 How to Right Justify Numbers Using Format$ Q79094 PRB: Format$ Using # for Digit Affects Right Alignment Additional query words: right-justify align alignment column ====================================================================== Keywords : kbString kbVBp kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB500Search kbVB600Search kbVBA500 kbVBA600 kbVB500 kbVB600 Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0 Issue type : kbhowto ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.