ACC: TransferDatabase Macro Action Does Not Replace TableID: Q106187
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.
If you use a TransferDatabase macro action to transfer a table with the
same name as an existing table in the destination database, the existing
table will not be overwritten by the transferred table.
If the destination database contains a table with the same name as the table you are trying to transfer, Microsoft Access will give the transferred table a new name in the destination database. The new name will consist of the original table name plus a sequential number. For example, if you try to transfer a table named Categories to a database that already has a table with the same name, the newly transferred table will be named Categories1.
If you want to replace an existing table using a TransferDatabase macro action, you first need to rename or delete the existing table in the destination database.
This behavior no longer occurs in Microsoft Access 97.
Macro Name Action
mcrTest1 TransferDatabase
mcrTest1 Actions
Transfer Type: Import
Database Type: Microsoft Access
Database Name: C:\MsOffice\Access\Nwind2.mdb
Object Type: Table
Source: Categories
Destination: Categories
Structure Only: No
For more information about the TransferDatabase action, search the Help Index for "TransferDatabase action."
Keywords : kbusage IsmIea McrActn
Version : 1.0 1.1 2.0 7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: March 27, 1999