EDI Certificates from VeriSign Are Unreadable When Opened in OutlookID: Q207759
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) certificates received from VeriSign and read in Outlook 97 or Outlook 98 may be rendered unreadable for use with Commerce Interchange Pipeline Manager.
When an EDI Certificate is requested from VeriSign, it is sent to the requestor as an SMIME attachment with no body, and when it is read in Outlook 97 or Outlook 98, it may not be able to be imported into CIPM.
This will no longer be an issue when CIPM is in VeriSign's list of EDI Applications. When Microsoft CIPM is on the list, VeriSign will send the certificate as a text message rather than as an attachment.
To work around this problem, use a POP3 Mail client such as Outlook Express to read VeriSign EDI certificates. If a POP3 mail client is not a viable option, then contact VeriSign customer support and ask that the certificate be resent as Base64 encoded text in the body of the message.
Additional query words:
Keywords : prodCIPM
Version : winnt:2.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 5, 1999