Error Message: The Referenced Account is Currently Locked Out

ID: Q170858

The information in this article applies to:


When you try to access the Internet Information Server (IIS) from a browser, you may get one of the following error messages:

HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error (The referenced account is currently
locked out and may not be logged on to. )
Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://
The requested header was not found.


The account being used to logon to IIS (including the Anonymous logon user account) is locked out. This condition may result because the password may be expired or the password for the Anonymous logon user account does not match the password for the account in User Manager.


  1. Open User Manager.

  2. Select the account being used to logon.

  3. Select User and then Properties.

  4. Disable the Account Locked Out.

  5. If the password has expired, type and confirm the password in the User Properties.

  6. If the logon account being used is the Anonymous logon user account, then go to Internet Service Manager. Select WWW Service Properties, and type and confirm the same password used in User Manager.

Keywords          : kberrmsg iisconfig 
Version           : WinNT:2.0,3.0
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: May 4, 1999