How to Troubleshoot Search Permissions

ID: Q197465

The information in this article applies to:


The article describes how to troubleshoot permission issues with Microsoft Site Server Search. The permission issues can be encountered when crawling and when searching.


Accounts Used when Crawling:

If the gatherer log indicates an Access Denied error when crawling, you may need to check the following items to make sure it's correctly configured. There are several places where an account can be set that affects the crawling of a catalog:

Managing Catalog Account:

The Administrative Access account in the Catalog Build Server is used to manage the catalog that is located on a different host or managing the configuration files. This account must have an administrative privileges. This account is also used when propagating the catalog to a different host.

  1. Go to Site Server Management Console.

  2. Select the Search snap-in.

  3. Select Computer Name.

  4. Select Catalog Build Server.

  5. Go to the property of the catalog.

  6. Click the Accounts tab.

  7. Set the Administrative Access Account.

When you limit a search query based on user security context during file system crawl, the ACL (Access Control List) is fetched during catalog creation. On the other hand, when you limit search query result on an Exchange public folder, the ACL is fetched during the search time.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINNT:3.0
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999