Netscape Navigator Redirects Incorrectly Using META Refresh without Time VariableID: Q163222
Using a META refresh command without a time variable will cause Internet Explorer to properly redirect, but Netscape Navigator will redirect incorrectly.
When you use the following type of command:
<META http-equiv="REFRESH"
the redirect works properly for Internet Explorer, but not for Netscape
Navigator. Apparently, Netscape Navigator fails to find the time parameter,
so it ignores the URL and treats this as a refresh back to the original
To work around this problem, substitute the following syntax:
<META http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;
In this example, the time parameter is always be found, and Netscape
Navigator no longer ignores the URL. This example follows the RFC
specification and works with either browser. The original example (under
CAUSE) omits the "0;" section, which means it does not conform to the RFC
specification; however, Internet Explorer works with the line as is.
This article originated with an error in which a redirect was placed into a content-protected default error page. In that scenario, Internet Information Server sent back the default error page HTML as the originally requested page with a 401 access denied error message. The problem was that if the requested page was protected content requiring authentication, and the browser tried to display the HTML because authentication failed, and the redirect was interpreted as a redirect back to the same page because the URL parameter was ignored, then the user was prompted again for authentication.
Additional query words: ActiveX HTML HTM prodmcis1
Keywords :
Version : 1.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999