PRB: ADSI / MoveHere Cannot Move CNs Across Value Partitions on Membership ServerID: Q216209
The MoveHere ADSI call fails when it is used to move (rename) a CN in a membership directory. A network sniff of the LDAP traffic between the client and LDAP server shows the LDAP server returning the following error:
MoveHere cannot move objects from one value partition to another unless it is from the ou=AnonymousUsers to the ou=Members container.
To work around this problem, it is necessary to create a new user, copy over the old user attributes, and delete the old user.
The following code can be used for this purpose. It is important to note, however, that this code does not take non-inherited Access Control Entries (ACEs) and group membership into account. So you must apply your own code to migrate group membership and non-inhertied ACEs to the newly created object.
Private Sub MoveAUser()
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim oDS
Dim oADsContainer
Dim oADsNewUser
Dim oADsOldUser
Dim oADsOldUserSchema
Dim oGuidGen
Dim strGuid
Dim strLdapPath
Dim strFromUserCn
Dim strToUserCn
'The path to the ou=Members container
strLdapPath = "LDAP://myserver:389/ou=Members,o=Microsoft"
'The old user
strFromUserCn = "cn=NewTest3"
'The new user
strToUserCn = "cn=NewTest4"
'Bind to the container in which the Member will be created
Set ds = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set oADsContainer = ds.OpenDSObject(strLdapPath, _
"cn=Administrator,ou=Members,o=Microsoft", "password", 0)
'Bind to the old user and schema
Set oADsOldUser = oADsContainer.GetObject("member", strFromUserCn)
Set oADsOldUserSchema = GetObject(oADsOldUser.Schema)
'Create the new user object, note that the Create() method
'returns an interface pointer
Set oADsNewUser = oADsContainer.Create("member", strToUserCn)
On Error GoTo 0 ' in case an attribute is not set
For Each UserProp In oADsOldUserSchema.MandatoryProperties
' ingnore cn and objectclass
If ((UserProp <> "cn") And UserProp <> "objectClass") Then
oADsNewUser.Put UserProp, oADsOldUser.Get(UserProp)
End If
For Each UserProp In oADsOldUserSchema.OptionalProperties
oADsNewUser.Put UserProp, oADsOldUser.Get(UserProp)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
'Destroy the old user and schema
Set oADsOldUserSchema = Nothing
Set oADsOldUser = Nothing
oADsContainer.Delete "member", fromUser
'Destroy the objects
Set oDS = Nothing
Set oGuidGen = Nothing
Set oADsNewUser = Nothing
Set oADsContainer = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error is " & Err.Description
End Sub
This behavior is by design.
Dim oADs
Dim strLdapPath
Dim strFromUserDn
Dim strToUserDn
strLdapPath = "LDAP://myserver:389/o=Microsoft/ou=Members"
strFromUserDn = _
strToUserDn = "cn=Testuser2"
Set oADs = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set oADs = oADs.OpenDSObject(strLdapPath, _
"cn=Administrator,ou=Members,o=Microsoft", "password", 0)
oADs.MoveHere strFromUserDn, strToUserDn
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : winnt:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 19, 1999