Search Does Not Return HTTPS Links for Exchange ArticlesID: Q197249
When you crawl an Exchange public folder using Site Server Search, you may notice that all links returned are for HTTP instead of HTTPS, even though your Outlook Web Access pages are secured using SSL.
Search assumes that all links being returned for Exchange documents use HTTP. In order to get the results to use HTTPS, add code to the search page to strip the HTTP off of the DocAddress property and add HTTPS to the string. The following is a sample piece of code that strips off HTTP and then adds HTTPS for passing to the Java Script routines that generate the links for the browser:
linkurl = "https" & right(rs("docaddress"),len(rs("docaddress"))-4)
if ExchangeViewer="OWA" or OutlookBrowser=false then
Link = "JavaScript:self.openNewWindow(" & chr(34) & linkurl &
"&usemainwnd=1" & chr(34) & ", 640,500)"
LinkTarget = ""
elseif ExchangeViewer="Outlook" or ExchangeViewer="both" then
Link = "JavaScript:DisplayMsg(" & chr(34) & linkurl & "=1" &
chr(34) & ")"
LinkTarget = ""
end if
if ExchangeViewer="both" then
OWALink = "JavaScript:self.openNewWindow(" & chr(34) &
linkurl & "&usemainwnd=1" & chr(34) & ", 640,500)"
end if
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Last Reviewed: July 20, 1999