Site Server 3.0 Publishing Readme ( Q197617
Publishing Readme
This readme contains important, late-breaking information about Content
Management, Tag Tool, and Content Deployment. For additional late-breaking
information and instructions on contacting Microsoft for product support,
and for information about the Microsoft Site Server version 3.0
documentation, please read the Site Server 3.0 Readme.
Content Management
Content Management uses the browscap.ini file provided by Microsoft
Internet Information Server (IIS) version 4.0 to determine your
browser's capability. If your browser is not detected properly, you
might have a newer browser than those listed in the browscap.ini file.
Refer to your IIS documentation for information about obtaining an
updated version of this file.
When configuring the Content Management sites, you may encounter the
following error: Failed to create File System object. Error Number =
80020009 (-2147352567) String=No matching entry. To correctly configure
these sites, you must perform the following:
- Create a new instance of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) (Membership Server) on a non-standard LDAP port. Run
makecm.vbs with the following parameters:
cscript makecm.vbs /s:server name /v:vroot /a:application name
/d:directory /l:ldap server name:port#
- You must also use the /l: option for other LDAPs, excluding the
default LDAP on port 1002.
Editing the properties of an existing content attribute and then
immediately creating a custom attribute could result in the following
error: Variable is undefined [0x1F4,Source="Microsoft VBScript runtime
error"]. The error occurs because information from the Membership
Directory is cached when you edit the attribute properties. The
information is held in cache for 30 seconds. If the information is still
cached when you create the custom attribute and click Submit, the error
message might be displayed.
When creating your own content store, include among the
files that you copy from C:\Microsoft Site Server\Data\Publishing\Cmsample
to your content store directory.
Some new queries built in Rule Builder might not return any records when
the English version of Site Server is run on a Japanese platform.
Generally, the problem occurs when certain Japanese words are used in
the query in combination with the wildcard expansion (*) symbol. Rule
Builder, by default, adds this wildcard symbol to the query. To resolve
the problem, open the .prf file containing the rule in a text editor and
remove the wildcard symbol. The query should return records as expected
the next time it is run.
Certain Microsoft Office documents have been known to cause Content
Indexer to use abnormally large amounts of memory. Should this occur,
terminate the cidaemon.exe process from Windows NT Task Manager.
Microsoft is aware of the problem and will be providing a fix by means
of the Web.
If you encounter the following error message during Site Server setup, a
problem has occurred while accessing the IIS metabase, and the Content
Management portion of the installation is incomplete. A problem has
occurred and Site Server Setup is unable to complete the Content
Management script.
Once setup is complete, please reboot your computer and then read the
Content Management section of the Publishing Readme. To resolve the
1. Let Setup run to completion.
2. Reboot your computer.
3. Go to the command-line interface.
4. Change to the C:\Microsoft Site Server\Data\Publishing\Cmsample
directory. (This path might be different depending on where you
installed Site Server.)
5. Type the following: cscript makecm.vbs /s:(name of your server)
/v:CMSample /a:CMSample /d:"full drive and path to the current
directory enclosed in quotation marks". For example, cscript
makecm.vbs /s:server1 /v:CMSample /a:CMSample /d:"c:\microsoft
site server\data\publishing\cmsample".
6. Press Enter. It might take a few minutes for the script to run.
Once the script is complete, the CMSample site will be installed.
7. To set up the FPSample site, change to the C:\Microsoft Site
Server\Data\Publishing\Fpsample directory, and type the following
command: cscript makecm.vbs /s:(name of your server) /v:FPSample
/a:FPSample /d:"full drive and path to the current directory
enclosed in quotation marks".
8. Press Enter. Once the script is complete, the FPSample site will
be installed.
A white paper containing valuable information for using Microsoft
FrontPage[ASCII 174] in conjunction with Content Management is available
at This white paper improves your
effectiveness when using FrontPage and Content Management together and
provides tips for opening and publishing Webs, and using FrontPage to
enable new Content Management sites.
Tag Tool
When using a directory control to navigate through a directory
structure, if you expand directories and then click one whose entire
path exceeds 260 characters, an access violation occurs and shuts down
the Tag Tool. Directory controls appear in the Tag Tool window and the
Apply Changes to Other Files dialog box.
Content Deployment
If you change the vroot name on an existing Content Deployment project,
a new vroot will be created and the old one retained in the IIS
metabase. You can remove the old vroot manually from the IIS snap-in.
When deploying Microsoft[ASCII 174] Windows NT group access control
entries (ACEs) to servers running Microsoft[ASCII 174] Site Server
version 2.0, run the following command on the 3.0 server: sscd setglobal
MapUsersToGroups=Yes. This command will allow the 3.0 server to send
access control lists (ACLs) to the 2.0 server correctly, but it might
incorrectly map user ACEs to group ACEs between the 2.0 and 3.0 servers.
When upgrading from Site Server 2.0 to Site Server 3.0, reset the ACE
mapping by running the command: sscd setglobal MapUsersToGroups=No.
When logging events to a Microsoft[ASCII 174] SQL Server database, you
might fill the tempdb. For additional information, see Knowledge Base
(KB) article Q110139.
To add filters to a project from MMC, the filter path must be a relative
path to the projects directory. The filter path cannot be an absolute
The event reports for e-mail replication contain a URL that you can use
to open the replication report in a Web browser to view additional
details. This link will only reference the CRSLocalEvents database. For
example, if you have CRSLocalEvents disabled, but are logging events to
SQL Server, this link will not function. The replication report will be
The destination path specified in the Web Publishing Wizard and its
corresponding Content Deployment project might not match when the
project is created from MMC. This is because the Web Publishing Wizard's
first posting uses the full, user supplied URL of the destination, while
the Content Deployment project assumes the server name and uses only the
virtual directory. Consequently, the Web Publishing Wizard will post
data into a subdirectory of the intended URL path. Subsequent postings
will use the virtual directory obtained from the Content Deployment
project. For example, if you use the Web Publishing Wizard to publish to
the destination http://servername/mystuff, your first posting will be
placed in http://servername/mystuff/servername/mystuff. Subsequent
postings will be placed in the http://servername/mystuff directory. You
can correct this in one of three ways:
1. Create the Content Deployment project using the command-line
interface and use the MapURL parameter to specify the full URL
2. Post the first time to the project with the Web Publishing Wizard.
Delete the unintended sub-directory structure, and then post again
using the saved configuration of the first post. The second
posting will post the content in the intended directory.
3. After creating the project in MMC, but before your first post with
Web Publishing Wizard, go to the command line and use editproj to
edit the MapURL setting to include the full URL path.
During a metabase deployment, the following properties will not be
- AnonymousUserName
- AnonymousUserPass
- AppPackageID
- AppWamClsID
- Win32Error
- CacheExtensions (CacheISAPI)
- ScriptTimeout (CGITimeout)
Additionally, the metabase property AppRoot will not be replicated but
will be re-created on the destination with its default value.
Content Deployment UNIX
For optimal results, the file system where the CRSTemp directory resides
should never become full. Reporting of this condition by Content
Deployment UNIX (CDX) varies depending upon the state of the replication
and when the file system becomes full. Under some conditions the
replicated content may be removed from the destination. To recover, free
up additional space on the offending file system and rerun the
To install in the UNIX environment, you must run from the
current working directory. You may not specify the full path of, instead change the working directory to the location where resides and run from there.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : WINNT:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 27, 1999