BUG: Error 18009 When Calling xp_readmail Stored Procedure with @suppress_attach ParameterID: Q184038
When you call the xp_readmail extended stored procedure with the
@suppress_attach = 'true' parameter and do not specify the @msg_id
parameter, you receive the following error message when xp_readmail tries
to read an e-mail message that contains an attachment:
Error : 18009, Severity: 18, State: 1
Exception error encountered in MAPI extended procedures, exception
error code = 0xC0000005
If you call xp_readmail and provide the @msg_id parameter, the server does
not generate the exception error. You can use the following code sample to
get the @msg_id parameter and then use it to call the xp_readmail extended
stored procedure.
declare @count int
declare @status int
declare @msg_id varchar(64)
declare @subject varchar(255)
declare @message varchar(255)
declare @recipients varchar(255)
declare @cc_list varchar(255)
declare @bcc_list varchar(255)
declare @date_received varchar(255)
declare @unread varchar(255)
declare @attachments varchar(255)
declare @skip_bytes int
declare @msg_length int
declare @fDone bit
declare @fRead bit
select @fDone = 0
select @skip_bytes = 0
select @count = 0
while (1 = 1)
exec @status = xp_findnextmsg @msg_id = @msg_id output
select "status after xp_findnextmsg"
select @status
if @status <> 0
select @fDone = 1
print "status = 0"
if @msg_id = NULL
select @fDone = 1
print "msg_id = NULL"
select @fRead = 0
exec @status = xp_readmail
@msg_id = @msg_id,
@suppress_attach = 'true',
@subject = @subject output,
@message = @message output,
@unread = @unread output,
@skip_bytes = @skip_bytes output,
@msg_length = @msg_length output
select "status after xp_readmail = ", @status
select "unread = ", @unread
if @status <> 0
select @fRead = 1
select "status = 0"
select "msgid" = @msg_id, "msg part" = @message
select "skipped bytes", @skip_bytes
select "msg_length", @msg_length
select @subject
select @count = @count + 1
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Additional query words: msgread AV MAPI
Keywords : SSrvGPF SSrvStProc SSrvTran_SQL
Version : WinNT:6.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: April 21, 1999