BUG: Vsrvsvc.exe Causes Memory Exception on Systems Management Server Helper ServersID: Q193449
The virtual server service (Vsrvsvc.exe) will cause a memory exception error at c0000005 on SQL Server Enterprise Edition 6.5 Clustered Servers if they are configured as Systems Management Server helper servers. The error is normally generated during the Systems Management Server watchdog cycle (approximately every two hours). Because the SQL Server service depends on Vsrvsvc.exe, the cluster manager will shut down the SQL Server service. This will appear as "Shutdown by request" in the SQL Server error log. No errors related to this will be included in the SQL Server error log.
This error only occurs if the SQL Server has been clustered, because this
is the only time the Vsrvsvc.exe is used.
The virtual server service, Vsrvsvc.exe, is used to communicate between the
clustered virtual SQL Server and the host computer registry. This error
will only occur if the SQL Server has been clustered, because this is the
only time the Vsrvsvc.exe is used. In this case, the service is attempting
to read dependent services for the Systems Management Server installation.
As a Systems Management Server helper server, no dependent services are
This error is caused during the release of an unallocated object when an
undefined registry key is operated on (for example, SetValue/QueryValue and
so on) through the virtual server service. This incorrect deallocation
causes an access violation (AV) in Vsrvsvc.exe.
To work around this problem, remove the SQL Server from the list of the Systems Management Server helper servers in the Site Configuration Manager.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server Enterprise Edition version 6.5.
Additional query words: 6.5ee SMS EE errorlog
Keywords : kbbug6.50
Version : WINNT:6.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: April 19, 1999