FIX: Heavy Stress on Tempdb with Multi-CPU Computer May Cause AVs or Level 600 ErrorID: Q173932
You may receive "max connection" errors, access violations (AVs) and/or 600-
level errors if you are using a multi-processor computer and tempdb is
under heavy stress (creating or dropping tables, using SELECT INTO
statements, and so on).
In the case of "max connection" errors, the server goes into a spin loop
and stops responding. The following is an example of an error message you
may receive:
97/07/12 03:30:43.53 ods Unable to connect. The maximum number of
''''128'''' configured user connections are already connected. System
Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure.
97/07/12 03:06:10.07 spid11 ***BEGIN STACK TRACE***
97/07/12 03:06:10.18 spid11 0x005DD5BC in debugsr.EXE, getobject() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.34 spid11 0x005A6A34 in debugsr.EXE, droptempo() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.40 spid11 0x0051C4A3 in debugsr.EXE, tmp_alldrop() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.47 spid11 0x00511281 in debugsr.EXE, s_free() + 0x005A
97/07/12 03:06:10.47 spid11 0x0051118A in debugsr.EXE, s_pop() + 0x00B9
97/07/12 03:06:10.50 spid11 0x0055D492 in debugsr.EXE, execproc() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.55 spid11 0x00559751 in debugsr.EXE, s_execute() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.62 spid11 0x0050E5EC in debugsr.EXE, sequencer() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.67 spid11 0x004156C1 in debugsr.EXE, language_exec() +
97/07/12 03:06:10.74 spid11 0x00250FED in opends60.dll
97/07/12 03:06:10.74 spid11 0x0025055B in opends60.dll
97/07/12 03:06:10.74 spid11 0x002414D1 in opends60.dll
97/07/12 03:06:10.74 spid11 0x00241384 in opends60.dll
97/07/12 03:06:10.74 spid11 0x10219D84 in MSVCRT40.dll
97/07/12 03:06:10.74 spid11 0x77F04F2C in KERNEL32.dll
97/07/12 03:06:10.75 spid11 ***END STACK TRACE***
97/07/12 03:06:11.16 kernel The current contents of process'''' input
buffer are ''''exec p1''''.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 6.5.
This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 U.S.
Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on
the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
Additional query words: hang crash AV
Keywords : kbusage SSrvGen SSrvGPF kbbug6.50 kbfix6.50.sp4
Version : WINDOWS:6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: April 14, 1999