FIX: Msg 267 and 202 on Stored Proc If Table Is Dropped and Re-createdID: Q192829
A stored procedure with a cursor on a temporary table may fail to execute, with errors 267 and 202, if it references a table that has been dropped and re-created or altered. Following are the messages you may receive:
Msg 267, Level 16, State 1
Object '#tt' cannot be found.
Msg 202, Level 11, State 2
Internal error -- Unable to open table at query execution time.
To work around this problem, drop and re-create the procedure.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server versions 4.2x
and 6.0.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server
version 6.5. This problem has been corrected in U.S. Service Pack 5a
for Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5. For information about
downloading and installing the latest SQL Server Service Pack, see
For more information, contact your primary support provider.
The following small example demonstrates the problem:
create table t1 (i1 int, i2 int)
create proc p1 as
declare @i1 int
create table #tt (i1 int)
insert #tt values (1)
declare cc cursor for select i1 from #tt
open cc
fetch cc into @i1
while (@@fetch_status<>-1)
update t1 set i2=i2+1 where i1=@i1 -- This forces a recompile
fetch cc into @i1
close cc
deallocate cc
select * from #tt -- Raises an error when p1 is invoked for the 2nd time
exec p1
drop table t1
create table t1 (i1 int, i2 int)
exec p1 -- Raises 267 error
exec p1 -- Raises 202 error
Additional query words: prodsqlsp sp5message
Keywords : SSrvStProc kbbug6.50 kbfix6.50.SP5
Version : winnt:4.2x,6.0,6.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: May 3, 1999