FIX: Update View with Inner Join from Cursor Causes AVID: Q170994
When updating a cursor, SQL Server generates an access violation (AV) and generates a stack trace and a dump file. From ISQL, users receive the following error:
ODBC users receive the following error and the client application typically stops responding (including the development environment, such as Visual Basic):DB-Library: Possible network error: Error in sending out-of-band data to SQL Server.
Net-Library error 232: ConnectionWrite (GetOverLappedResult()).
In Visual Basic, the AV occurs when an Edit/Update is performed against a recordset of a VIEW that contains an ANSI style INNER JOIN, or when an equi- join to a SQL Server cursor is opened and an attempt is made to update that cursor. The recordset's cursor type (KEYSET, DYNAMIC, or FORWARD_ONLY) has no effect on the failure. That is, it fails no matter what cursor type is used.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Protocol error in TDS stream
To work around this problem, create the view using Transact-SQL style outer
joins (for example, *= or =*).
For example, use the following statements to create the view:
CREATE VIEW view_TEST AS select authors.* from authors,
authors_useraccess where authors.au_id *= authors_useraccess.au_id and
user = authors_useraccess.usercode
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server
version 6.5. This problem has been corrected in U.S. Service Pack 5a
for Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5. For information about
downloading and installing the latest SQL Server Service Pack, see
For more information, contact your primary support provider.
The following stack trace is from the DEBUG version 6.50.0240:
0x005D1DC7 in SQLSERVR.EXE, startscan() + 0x01D7
0x004AE360 in SQLSERVR.EXE, exec_substitute() + 0x0435
0x004ACC38 in SQLSERVR.EXE, exec_eop() + 0x0493
0x004ACEA3 in SQLSERVR.EXE, exec_eop() + 0x06FE
0x004AC987 in SQLSERVR.EXE, exec_eop() + 0x01E2
0x004AC8F3 in SQLSERVR.EXE, exec_eop() + 0x014E
0x004AC400 in SQLSERVR.EXE, execute() + 0x02C0
0x005575B4 in SQLSERVR.EXE, s_execute() + 0x0C54
0x0050CC3C in SQLSERVR.EXE, sequencer() + 0x035C
0x0051EFC6 in SQLSERVR.EXE, cursorupdate() + 0x10A7
0x0051D7CF in SQLSERVR.EXE, xpcursor() + 0x05D9
0x0055AAEA in SQLSERVR.EXE, execproc() + 0x06B1
0x0055783D in SQLSERVR.EXE, s_execute() + 0x0EDD
0x0050CC3C in SQLSERVR.EXE, sequencer() + 0x035C
0x00416561 in SQLSERVR.EXE, language_exec() + 0x06D6
0x002417B6 in opends60.dll
0x00241BE0 in opends60.dll
0x00243BA2 in opends60.dll
0x002439F1 in opends60.dll
0x10219D84 in MSVCRT40.dll
0x77F04F2C in KERNEL32.dll
Set rs = con.OpenResultset("Select * from view_TEST", rdOpenKeyset, & _
rdConcurRowVer, rdExecDirect)
rs!au_fname = "Gorf"
rs.Update <------- here's where it will fail and lock up
Additional query words: prodsql sp sp5
Keywords : kbusage SSrvGen SSrvGPF kbbug6.50 kbfix6.50.SP5
Version : winnt:6.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: April 21, 1999