INF: How to Archive More Than Six SQL Server ErrorlogsID: Q230590
This article has an example of a start up, or autoexec, stored procedure called sp_archivelog6 that will archive an infinite number of SQL Server errorlogs.
Database Administrators may wish to keep more than the default six archived (plus one current) SQL Server errorlogs. In SQL Server 6.5, the number of archive-able errorlogs is limited to six. SQL Server 7.0 has been enhanced to provide a means of archiving a finite but customizable number of errorlogs.
Using the procedure in this article does have a trade off as the archives will consume more drive space.
Edit the attached script if your path to your errorlogs is not c:\mssql\log (you also may need to alter variable sizes). You can test the stored procedure by restarting the service a few times and opening the ASCII file named errorlog.yyyymmdd (in the SQLServer \Log folder). You can also edit the script to make the destination somewhere other than the \Log folder. The success or failure of the following procedures' copy command can also be logged in the active errorlog if the no_output argument is removed.
SELECT * FROM sysobjects
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_archivelog6')
AND sysstat & 0xf = 4
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_archivelog6
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_archivelog6 AS
DECLARE @PathNoExt char(22)
DECLARE @PathISO char(30)
DECLARE @CopyAppendCmd char(129)
DECLARE @CopyCmd char(103)
-- Edit path below to point to your log folder.
SELECT @PathNoExt =
@PathNoExt + CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)
SELECT @CopyAppendCmd =
'IF EXIST ' + @PathISO + ' COPY '
+ @PathISO + '+' + @PathNoExt + '6 '
+ @PathISO
SELECT @CopyCmd =
'IF NOT EXIST ' + @PathISO + ' COPY '
+ @PathNoExt + '6 ' + @PathISO
EXEC('xp_cmdshell "' + @CopyAppendCmd + '", no_output')
EXEC('xp_cmdshell "' + @CopyCmd + '", no_output')
sp_makestartup sp_archivelog6
Q196909 INF: How to Increase the Number of SQL Server Error Logs
Additional query words:
Keywords : SSrvAdmin SSrvErr_Log kbSQLServ650 kbSQLServ700
Version : winnt:6.5,7.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: June 10, 1999