INF: How to Create a Custom Sort Order Definition FileID: Q189331
Appendix A of the SQL Server Setup manual indicates that SQL Server can
install and use a custom sort order. This article explains how to create a
custom sort order definition file. After building the file, make a backup
of the file and document it before installing it. This will be useful when
it becomes necessary to reinstall SQL Server or rebuild the master database
and load any database from a dump.
NOTE: Using a custom sort order may have an implication on performance and
query results, so use it sparingly.
SQL Server sorts based on the sort order definition file. SQL Server Setup
provides the option to select a sort order, and then installs the
information from the relevant definition file. All the definition files
that come with SQL Server are kept in the <Sql_root>\charsets\<Code_page>
directory. You can create a custom sort order definition file and install
it for sorting and comparisons.
Except for a binary sort order, the order in which characters are kept in
the definition file is the order in which SQL Server performs the sort. For
each binary sort order, characters are sorted based on their ASCII value,
and in the definition file a flag is set to indicate that the binary sort
order should be used (binary = "true"). You start by making a copy of any
definition file that comes with SQL Server (the closest one to match to
your needs) and modifying it to create a custom definition file. The
following are some steps to follow when creating a custom sort order
definition file:
hex dec CharSet
0x01 1 CharSet iso_1
0x02 2 CharSet cp850
0x03 3 CharSet cp437
0x04 4 CharSet cp1250
0x05 5 CharSet cp1251
0x06 6 CharSet cp1253
0x07 7 CharSet cp1254
0x08 8 CharSet cp1255
0x09 9 CharSet cp1256
0x0A 10 CharSet cp1257
0x0C 12 CharSet cp949
0x0D 13 CharSet cp950
0x0E 14 CharSet cp936
0x6D 109 CharSet cp932 (duplicated in list below)
ID ID Sort order
hex dec filename
0x1F 31 diction.437
0x20 32 nocase.437
0x21 33 nocasepr.437
0x22 34 noaccent.437
0x29 41 diction.850
0x2A 42 nocase.850
0x2B 43 nocasepr.850
0x2C 44 noaccent.850
0x33 51 diction.iso
0x34 52 nocase.iso
0x35 53 nocasepr.iso
0x36 54 noaccent.iso
0x37 55 altdict.850
0x38 56 altnocsp.850
0x39 57 altnoacc.850
0x3A 58 scannocp.850
0x3B 59 scandict.850
0x3C 60 scannocs.850
0x3D 61 altnocs.850
0x50 80 binary.250
0x51 81 diction.250
0x52 82 nocase.250
0x53 83 csydic.250
0x54 84 csync.250
0x55 85 hundic.250
0x56 86 hunnc.250
0x57 87 plkdic.250
0x58 88 plknc.250
0x59 89 romdic.250
0x5A 90 romnc.250
0x5B 91 shldic.250
0x5C 92 shlnc.250
0x5D 93 skydic.250
0x5E 94 skync.250
0x5F 95 slvdic.250
0x60 96 slvnc.250
0x68 104 binary.251
0x69 105 diction.251
0x6A 106 nocase.251
0x6B 107 ukrdic.251
0x6C 108 ukrnc.251
0x6D 109 CharSet cp932
0x70 112 binary.253
0x71 113 diction.253
0x72 114 nocase.253
0x78 120 grmxtdct.253
0x79 121 graltdct.253
0x7C 124 grnoacce.253
0x80 128 binary.254
0x81 129 diction.254
0x82 130 nocase.254
0x88 136 binary.255
0x89 137 diction.255
0x8A 138 nocase.255
0x90 144 binary.256
0x91 145 diction.256
0x92 146 nocase.256
0x98 152 binary.257
0x99 153 diction.257
0x9A 154 nocase.257
0x9B 155 etidic.257
0x9C 156 etinc.257
0x9D 157 lvidic.257
0x9E 158 lvinc.257
0x9F 159 lthdic.257
0xA0 160 lthnc.257
0xB7 183 danonocp.iso
0xB8 184 svf1nocp.iso
0xB9 185 svf2nocp.iso
0xBA 186 islanocp.iso
0x32 50 bin_cp932
0xC1 193 nls_cp932
0xC2 194 bin_cp949
0xC3 195 nls_cp949
0xC4 196 bin_cp950
0xC5 197 nls_cp950
0xC6 198 bin_cp936
0xC7 199 nls_cp936
Based on these numbers, you should choose an ID higher than 200.
Additional query words: char set charset charsets sets sortorder
Keywords : SSrvGen SSrvInst
Version : WINNT:6.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 16, 1999