INF: How to Run NetMon Based on a Specific Error OccurringID: Q198473
This article discusses a method to trigger the Network Monitor (NetMon) utility to run based on a specific error happening. You can set up SQL Enterprise Manager to respond automatically to SQL Server events, either by executing a task that you have defined or by sending an e-mail and/or a pager message to an operator that you have specified.
The example included in the procedure below will start the NetMon utility
based on the SQL Server logging a user-defined error message. This example
will also use the Windows NT AT Scheduler. Because the Scheduler can only
be defined with future events, the initial error message may not appear in
the capture, but subsequent occurrences will be captured. For additional
information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q192251 : How to Schedule a Task on a Remote Computer
Q148942 : How to Capture Network Traffic with Network Monitor
Name: My Test alert
Severity: 016 - Miscellaneous User Error
Error Message Contains this text: << Text of message >>
Tasks to Execute: Startup Netmon
Optional: Alert Notification Message to send to Operator: "User
Errors are occurring"
Name: Startup Netmon
Type: TSQL
Database: your_database_here
Command: exec RunNetmon
Options: Write to the Windows NT application event log on failure
NOTE: This check box is available in the New Task dialog box.
(Sched_Time char (5) NOT NULL ,
Last_run datetime NOT NULL)
create procedure RunNetmon
-- We may only want this stored procedure to run once on demand.
-- If the error occurs frequently the following stored procedure will
-- only allow it to run once in a day. Otherwise, this sample will start
-- multiple sessions of Netmon.exe on the server.
if (select count(*) from TempTime
where convert(char(8),Last_run,3) = convert(char(8),getdate(),3) ) = 0
print'table is empty. Inserting row...'
insert into TempTime (Sched_Time, Last_run) values (
convert(char(2),datepart(hour,getdate() )) +":" +
convert(char(2),datepart(minute,getdate()) +1) ,getdate() )
-- Adds 1 minute to the current time for the scheduled time.
declare @mytime1 char(32)
declare @mystring varchar(255)
select @mytime1 = (select Sched_Time from TempTime)
-- Compose the scheduled task from NT AT scheduler
select @mystring = "AT " + @mytime1 +
" /interactive c:\winnt\system32\netmon\netmon.exe /buffersize:15728640
-- Load AT scheduler
exec master..xp_cmdshell @mystring
-- Display the current scheduled events
exec master..xp_cmdshell "AT"
print 'This stored procedure has already run today. '
Additional query words: prodsql Trigger Unable to read Login packet
Keywords : SSrvAdmin SSrvErr_Log SSrvStProc
Version : WINDOWS:7.0; WINNT:6.5
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 17, 1999