INFO: Getting Started with Microsoft SQL Server Replication

ID: Q89937

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This article provides a reference for some of the most common issues you can encounter when installing and using SQL Server replication. This article is not a replacement for the SQL Server documentation. All of the concepts, terms, and topics below are documented in the SQL Server "Administrator's Companion," Part 6, Replication (both the printed version and the Books Online). This section of the manual is the most complete reference for replication issues, questions, and troubleshooting. Anyone who is planning to install and use SQL Server replication should thoroughly read all chapters in this section of the manual.


  1. A table does not appear in the list of possible articles when creating a publication in SQL Enterprise Manager (SEM).

  2. LogReader and Distribution subsystem tasks do not show any entries inthe Task History of SQL Enterprise Manager after setting up replication.

  3. Initial installation of replication is really just a 3-step process.

  4. Connectivity problems with replication tasks.

  5. Tables do not get synchronized immediately after subscribing.

  6. What are all the tasks in replication, and how many can I expect to have on a distribution server?

  7. What is the difference between a "filter stored procedure" and a "custom stored procedure"?

  8. Does SQL Server support multiple publication servers of the same table?

  9. Monitoring proper replication of changes to subscription servers.

  10. Can TEXT/IMAGE columns be replicated?

  11. Windows NT Server names can conflict with replication.

  12. What are the "job batch size" and "commit batch size"?


The following represents a list of some of the more common issues and topics that have resulted from supporting customers who are installing and using SQL Server Replication:

  1. A table does not appear in the list of possible articles when creating a publication in SQL Enterprise Manager.

  2. Any table that will be published must have a PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT defined using the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Transact-SQL statement. A constraint may also be created using SQL Enterprise Manager.

    Note that just creating a unique index will not allow the table to appear in the list of possible articles. Users who have upgraded their database from prior versions of SQL Server usually do not have PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINTS, but rather have used unique indexes because constraints were not supported until SQL Server version 6.0.

  3. LogReader and Distribution tasks do not show any entries in the Task History of SQL Enterprise Manager after setting up replication.

  4. LogReader and Distribution subsystem tasks are created with a frequency by default as "Auto Start." (When setting up subscription servers, you can change the default for the Distribution task to a different frequency.) This means the tasks will start when they are first created as tasks or any time SQLExecutive is started. They run continuously in a polling "loop," pausing for each loop n milliseconds as defined by the "polling interval" set with the "-i" parameter. The tasks are set up by default as one second for LogReader and two seconds for Distribution. Under this type of task scheduling, these two tasks will not display any task history provided there are no errors. Any error or retry attempt will cause an entry to be displayed in the Task History. If SQLExecutive is shutdown, these tasks will have an entry in the Task History with a message of "This task was shutdown." This message is not an error and just indicates the task ended as part of the shutdown to SQLExecutive.

    If a LogReader or Distribution task is scheduled to run "On Demand" or "Recurring," then they will process jobs that are available until no more jobs are available, display information about its processing to the Task History, and then terminate. For example, a LogReader task will display the following message "Processed <n> replicated transactions consisting of <m> commands from '<published db>.'"

    One method that can be used to examine a more detailed view of the processing of a LogReader, SYNC, or Distribution task is to add the -o parameter (syntax is -o<filename>. DO NOT use a space between -o and <filename> or the file will not be created) to each of these tasks. This parameter will force the task to dump details of replication processing.

    The parameter can be added by editing any of the tasks using SQL Enterprise Manager. Remember that if the task is set to "Auto Start," the parameter change will not take effect until SQLExecutive is restarted. This parameter should only be used for troubleshooting situations as the amount of output written to the file can be substantial and could cause a degradation in performance. The -o parameter is valid for any LogReader, Distribution, and SYNC task. These tasks open the file to "append" entries if the file exists and share it so a user could view the file while the task is still executing. Remember that this parameter is only for troubleshooting purposes and only typically used when working with a support professional. The task will not display any errors if the file cannot be created for any reason (for example, Syntax incorrect, path does not exist, ...).

    See the SQL Server "Administrator's Companion" in the section titled "Replication Task Scheduling" for more information about adding or editing parameters for SQL Executive replication tasks.

  5. Initial installation of replication is really just a three step process.

  6. After SQL Server is installed, installing replication using SQL Enterprise Manager requires three steps: installing the distribution server, configuring publication servers, and configuring subscription servers.

    To ensure proper setup of replication, these steps should be done in the following order:

    1. Install the distribution server by selecting Replication Configuration/Install Publishing from the Server menu within SQL Enterprise Manager.

    2. Configure a publication server by selecting the valid list of subscription servers and databases to be published. This can be done by selecting Replication Configuration/Publishing from the Server menu, while having the focus on the publication server in SQL Enterprise Manager. The Replication topology window also provides an easy method to perform this operation. Valid subscription servers are selected under the list of servers titled "Enable publishing to these servers." A subscription server must be selected here first before you can configure the subscription server.

    3. Configure a subscription server by selecting the valid list of publication servers and databases to be subscribed. This can be done by selecting Replication Configuration/Subscribing from the Server menu while having the focus on the subscription server in SQL Enterprise Manager. As before, the Replication Topology window can also be used to perform this operation. Valid publication servers are found in the list of servers titled "Enable subscribing from these servers." A publication server must be selected here before a subscription server can subscribe to publications from a publication server. If you try to perform this step before step b., you will see the following error in SQL Enterprise Manager:
      Error 18483: Unable to connect to site '<publication server>' because 'sa' is not defined as a remote login at the site.

    Note the above assumes the distribution server is local. See the SQL Server "Administrator's Companion" for more information on setting up a remote distribution server. More information on using the Replication Topology Window including drag-and-drop features can be found in the SQL Server "Administrator's Companion."

  7. Connectivity problems with replication tasks.

  8. Distribution task connectivity

    SQL Server replication relies on integrated security connections. A distribution task will "force" a trusted connection using ODBC to the subscription server. Because of this design, the distribution server must use the named pipes or multiprotocol network library as the default network library (the Client Configuration Utility is used to set the default network library).

    It is also important to understand the security context of the SQL Executive service. All replication tasks connect under the security context of the SQL Executive service. Because a trusted connection is used to connect to the subscription server, the account used by SQL Executive to log on as a service must have permissions on the subscription server. A trusted connection by a distribution task therefore requires that the distribution and subscription servers belong to the same domain or trusted domains. This is the reason that the SQL Executive service is normally configured to log on as a domain administrator.

    One simple method to test the connectivity of replication is to log on to the distribution server using the same account SQL Executive logs on with. Then use ISQL.EXE with the -E option to force a trusted connection to the subscription server. While this test uses DB-Library and the Distribution task uses ODBC, it will still provide a reliable method to test a trusted connection to the subscription server. Setting the subscription server to integrated security and using the ODBCPING.EXE utility can accomplish the same test. If a Distribution task fails to connect to the subscription or distribution server, it will display a standard ODBC error for connection failed, such as "08001 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Unable to connect to DataSource," or "08001 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNMPNTW] Specified SQL Server not found."

    For more information on troubleshooting issues with the ODBC SQL Server Driver, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
    Q140895 INF: Diagnostic Tips for the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver

    LogReader and SYNC Task Connectivity

    Both a LogReader and SYNC task connect to the publication and distribution servers using DB-Library, forcing a "trusted" connection. Because the default network library needs to be named pipes or multiprotocol for the subscription server, these tasks will use these network libraries to connect to their servers. Similar techniques to test Distribution task connectivity can be applied to a LogReader or SYNC task, except that they are DB-Library applications. If the LogReader or SYNC task fails to connect to either server, it will display the following error in the Task History of SQL Enterprise Manager:
    Unable to connect to '<server>.'

    If any of these tasks fail to connect to a server, they are automatically configured to "retry" the connection based on the configuration of the task from SQL Enterprise Manager. By default, each task is configured to retry once per minute for a maximum of 1440 times (once each minute for 24 hours). This can be changed by clicking Options when editing the task.

  9. Tables do not get synchronized immediately after subscribing.

  10. To properly understand why a table may not be automatically synchronized after subscribing, you need to understand what each type of task does for replication.

    A LogReader task is responsible for reading changes from the published database transaction log and inserting jobs into the distribution database. A LogReader task is created with a name combining the publication server and published database name (for example, mypub_pubs).

    A Distribution task is responsible for reading jobs from the distribution database and executing commands from these jobs against a subscription server. A Distribution task is created with a name combining the publisher server/published database and subscription server/subscribed database (for example, mypub_pubs_mysub_pubs).

    A SYNC task is responsible for creating a data file (BCP format) and inserting "sync" jobs into the distribution database. The SYNC task performs this operation for any new subscription or any scheduled table refresh publication. It is the distribution task that is responsible for actually synchronizing the table and its data to a subscription server. However, the distribution task cannot perform this task until the SYNC task creates a job in the distribution database for the synchronization. Remember that a SYNC task is created by SQL Enterprise Manager as part of creating a publication. If you build publications manually, you must create a SYNC task using the sp_addtask procedure. SQL Enterprise Manager constructs a SYNC task name by combining the publication server, published database, publication name, and a unique number. An example task name is mypub_pubs_authors_10.

    By default, the SYNC task is scheduled to run every five minutes. Because the subscription may have taken place immediately after the publication was created, the SYNC task may not have executed yet. If you have created a publication and subscribed to it, check the status of the SYNC task in SQL Enterprise Manager. If the SYNC task has successfully completed and added the proper sync jobs, it will show an entry in the Task History like:
    Sync event for publication: <publication name>. Created bcp file <filename.tmp> for article <article name> sync job.

    If you see an entry in the Task History like:
    No new subscriptions were found for articles in publication: <publication name>.

    this means that no new subscriptions for this publication were found. The SYNC task runs even if no one has subscribed. For this reason, most users will probably want to change the default schedule of the SYNC task to an interval longer than five minutes. This depends on how often new subscriptions occur or if you decide to create "scheduled table refresh" publications.
  11. What are all the tasks in replication and how many can I expect to have on a distribution server?

  12. A LogReader task exists for each published database for each publication server. This task is created when the database is marked as "published" (sp_dboption or SQL Enterprise Manager can be used to mark a database as "published").

    A SYNC task exists for every publication created. This task is created by default when a publication is created using SQL Enterprise Manager. The task must be manually added if the publication is created outside SQL Enterprise Manager. Note that one SYNC task is used no matter how many articles exist in a given publication.

    A "Cleanup" task is created for every publication server/subscription server combination. This task is created when a subscription server is enabled on the publication server. This task is created by the sp_addsubscriber procedure.

    A Distribution task is created for every published db/subscribed db combination. This task is created when the first publication in a published database is subscribed to by a given subscription server. This task is created by the sp_addsubscription or sp_subscribe procedure.

    Remember that all tasks run on the distribution server, even if the distribution server and published database(s) are on different computers.

    Looking at the example below will help explain how many distribution tasks can be created:

    Assume that a distribution server is configured to handle five publication servers, each with one published database. Now, three subscription servers are configured to subscribe to at least one publication for each published database for each publication server. All publications are placed in the same database on each subscription server.

    Based on this description, 15 distribution tasks will be required on the distribution server to handle this environment. If a given publication was subscribed to more than one time into a different database on the subscription server, this will increase the number of tasks required by the number of databases. In the example above, if each subscription server pulled each publication into five different databases, the number of tasks increases to 75.

    The following table summarizes the expected number of tasks:
    LogReader Tasks                     1 per published database
    SYNC Tasks                          1 per publication
    Distribution Tasks                  1 per published
    database/subscribed database combination
    Cleanup Tasks (sp_replcleanup)      1 per publication
    server/subscription server combination 

  13. What is the difference between a "filter stored procedure" and a "custom stored procedure"?

  14. A "filter stored procedure" is created to support "horizontal partitioning." This concept allows for changes to be "filtered" before they are stored in the distribution database. A filter stored procedure can be generated by SQL Enterprise Manager or created manually by using the CREATE PROCEDURE FOR REPLICATION Transact-SQL statement. A filter stored procedure is executed in the context of the LogReader task and is applied against the changes read from the published database transaction log before jobs are placed in the distribution database.

    A "custom stored procedure" is a "hook" provided for advanced replication situations. This is a procedure created by an application developer to replace a standard INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command that will be executed against the subscription server. A procedure of this type should be used if you need to perform any special processing to be run on the subscription server instead of the standard INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. The protocol for creating a procedure of this type is defined in the SQL Server "Administrator Companion" under the title "Adding Stored Procedures for Insert, Update, and Delete."

    The custom procedure is specified when defining an article and must be created on the subscription server. When a job is placed in the distribution database for an article with a custom stored procedure, the procedure name will be placed as the command to run for the job in the distribution database (in the MSjob_commands table). The distribution task will then execute the procedure on the subscription server.

    Here is an example INSERT custom stored procedure for the employee table in the pubs database:
    create procedure myinsert @emp_id char(9), @fname
    varchar(20), @minit char(1),
       @lname varchar(30), @job_id smallint, @job_lvl tinyint,
    @pub_id char(4),
       @hire_date datetime
    insert into employee values (@emp_id, @fname, @minit,
    @lname, @job_id, @job_lvl,
    @pub_id, @hire_date) 

    The "Administrator's Companion" in the section mentioned above discusses how error handling should be included into custom stored procedures using RAISERROR.
  15. Does SQL Server support multiple publication servers of the same table?

  16. One of the most common questions is how many servers can modify and publish the same table. While SQL Server replication is a strategic component of Microsoft's distributed enterprise computing platform, it is not designed to be a fully distributed database management system.

    SQL Server replication is not designed to handle "collisions" between two publishing servers. If one server updates a row that another server is trying to delete and the changes are replicated to each other, a "collision" can result. One possible result of the collision is that the distribution task of the server trying to replicate the update command will fail because the row it is trying to update no longer exists on the subscription server. Even worse, infinite loops of changes could result if publications are not defined properly.

    Replication can support multiple publishers of the same table provided that each server "owns" a set of rows within the table. Each server would provide a method (such as a stored procedure) to prevent any modifications or inserts of rows outside the set they "own." This can easily be accomplished by designing the table to include a column that designates ownership and then use a horizontally partitioned article to publish that table.
  17. Monitoring proper replication of changes to subscription servers.

  18. There is no one "best" method to monitor proper replication of changes to a subscription server. Devising your own method to fit your environment is the recommended approach. Provided that the LogReader, SYNC, and Distribution tasks are not encountering any errors, all changes should be replicated properly. If you suspect a particular transaction was not executed on a subscription server, it might be helpful to examine rows in the MSjob_commands table of the distribution database. This table contains all SQL statements that will be executed against subscription servers. Note that the syntax of these commands may appear to be unusual under certain circumstances because all commands are created to adhere to the ODBC SQL Grammar specifications.

    Another table that is useful to monitor replication is the MSlast_job_info table that is created on the subscription server database. This table will contain the last successful job that was applied to a subscription server for a given publication server. It can be compared with the MSjobs, MSjob_commands, and MSsubscriber_jobs to determine what jobs have and have not been applied to the subscription server.
  19. Can TEXT/IMAGE columns be replicated?

  20. SQL Server version 6.0

    TEXT/IMAGE columns can participate in replication, but only for "scheduled table refresh" publications. This means that a synchronization of the table can be done to include the TEXT/IMAGE data, but not logged changes of that column. If a published table is "transaction based" and contains a TEXT/IMAGE column, any value for this column, after initial synchronization, will be distributed as (null).

    SQL Server version 6.5

    Support for TEXT/IMAGE transaction-based publications is now a new feature of SQL 6.5. Note that only applications that use the "WITH LOG" option when writing out text/image data will be able to take advantage of this support.
  21. Windows NT Server names can conflict with replication.

  22. If the characters in the name of your Windows NT server conflict with the valid list of characters that SQL server supports for an identifier, you will run into problems when setting up replication. The SQL Server Setup program issues a warning when installing the product that the Windows NT server name will cause problems when setting up replication.

    The most common situation for this problem is when the Windows NT computer name (that is, the name of the Windows NT computer as defined in the Networks application in Control Panel) contains a hyphen "-" or "space" character.
  23. What are the "job batch size" and "commit batch size"?

Job batch size is a parameter (-b) that can be configured for both a LogReader and Distribution task to control the maximum number of jobs processed by both tasks. For a LogReader task, this is the maximum number of jobs (that is, transactions) that will be read out of the transaction log and placed into the distribution database. This parameter is actually called "transbatchsize." The default is 100 and is passed as a parameter to sp_replcmds to extract, at most, this number of committed transactions from the published database transaction log. The commit batch size (-c) is by default the same as the job batch size for the LogReader unless explicitly specified. It defines the maximum number of jobs that are applied to the distribution database before a COMMIT TRAN is executed. Decreasing this value from its default may help reduce deadlock contention between LogReader and Distribution tasks, but could also affect performance of a LogReader task.

The job batch size for the distribution task defines the maximum number of jobs that will be read from the distribution database to execute on a subscription server. The commit batch size defines the maximum number of jobs that will be executed on a subscription server before a COMMIT TRAN is executed on the subscription server.

An example might help clarify these terms. If the LogReader was configured with a job batch size of 10, it would read at most 10 jobs (that is, transactions) at a time from the published database transaction log and add these to the distribution database. If the commit batch size is not explicitly specified, all 10 jobs would be added to the distribution database in one logical transaction (BEGIN/COMMIT block). However, if the commit batch size were reduced to five, then five jobs at a time would be committed in one logical transaction against the distribution database. This same concept applies to the Distribution task against the subscription server. Note that if the subscription server "republishes" the changes from the Distribution server, what was originally 10 transactions from the publication server may now appear to be one transaction, because the Distribution task committed the 10 jobs as one logical transaction. Large commit batch sizes from the Distribution task can result in very large transactions to process for subscription servers that "republish."

Be careful in reducing these parameters to extremely low numbers if the volume of replicated transactions are high. This may help in reducing deadlock situations, but could decrease performance. Only proper testing for your environment will indicate what the optimal setting should be. For most users, leaving the defaults provide a good base to work from.

Additional query words: rep admin sqlfaqtop

Keywords          : kbusage SSrvAdmin SSrvRep 
Version           : winnt:6.0,6.5
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: June 30, 1999