SMS: "SMS Logon Server Not Found" Message Displayed at Logon Time

ID: Q185345

The information in this article applies to:


After installing Systems Management Server 1.2 Service Pack 3, the following message will appear on Systems Management Server client computers that are not currently connected to the network (for example, an undocked laptop computer):

SMS Logon Server Not Found. This could be due to temporary network problems or inactive servers, but is not critical. Continue looking for an SMS logon server?


This message is a feature that was added in Service Pack 3 for Systems Management Server, version 1.2.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server version 1.2 Service Pack 3. Enhanced functionality has been added in the latest U.S. service pack for Systems Management Server version 1.2 to allow user control of this message. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

   S E R V P A C K 


By default, Systems Management Server 1.2 Service Pack 4 also displays the message. After applying Systems Management Server 1.2 Service Pack 4, if you want to suppress the message display, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure the following files are located in the <Smsroot>\Site.srv\\Client.src\X86.bin and <Smsroot>\Logon.srv\X86.bin directories:

          File name      Date          Size
          Smsrun16.exe   08/13/1998   176,000 bytes
          Smsrun32.exe   08/13/1998    94,176 bytes
          Smssvr16.exe   08/15/1998    98,672 bytes
          Smssvr32.exe   08/15/1998    89,656 bytes    

  2. Run the appropriate command for your client, as indicated below:

          Client computer operating system      Command to run
          Windows 95                            cli_dos /u
          Windows NT                            cli_nt /u 

  3. Log off the client computer.

  4. Log back on to the client computer and allow it to upgrade.

  5. After the upgrade is complete, restart the client computer.

    NOTE: The Ms\Sms\Bin directory should now contain either Smsrun16.exe or Smsrun32.exe, depending on the operating system. The new files Smssvr16.exe and Smssvr32.exe are not installed on the client computer.

  6. After the files are updated on the client, add the following lines to the Sms.ini file:

  7. After completing the above steps, the dialog box will no longer appear. To turn it back on, change the line in the Sms.ini file to read:

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords          : kbSMS200 kbSMS200bug kbbug1.20.sp3 kbfix1.20.sp4 
Version           : 
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: February 19, 1999