ACC: Using the INSTCAT.SQL Script with an ODBC ApplicationID: Q104601
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
The INSTCAT.SQL script should be run on SQL Server for products that use
the SQL Server driver. Because different versions of the INSTCAT.SQL script
ship with different versions of the products and of the SQL Server driver,
this article discusses compatibility issues.
The INSTCAT.SQL script, when run on SQL Server, installs several stored
procedures that are later used by the ODBC SQL Server driver to query the
system catalog. Products such as Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft
Access, which use the SQL Server driver for ODBC access to SQL Server,
cannot be fully functional unless this script is run on the server.
The INSTCAT.SQL script may have been run on SQL Server during the
installation of SQL Server itself. As a rule of thumb, we recommend that
the INSTCAT.SQL script that ships with Microsoft Access or Visual Basic be
used instead. (Note that this is an uncompressed file on the driver disk.)
To verify which version of the INSTCAT.SQL script is running on the server,
the following command can be issued from any client utility (ISQL, SAF, and
so forth):
sp_server_info 500
Product Size Version
Visual Basic 3.0 93834 01.01.2806
Microsoft Access 1.1 93834 01.01.2807
Microsoft Access 2.0 100363 01.02.3015
Microsoft Access 7.0 137788 06.00.120
Additional query words: adk
Keywords : kbusage OdbcOthr
Version : 1.0 1.1 2.0 7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999