HOWTO: Create a 3-Tier App using VB, MTS and SQL Server

ID: Q186342

The information in this article applies to:


This article describes how to create a Visual Basic database application, which uses components that are installed under Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS). The steps in the MORE INFORMATION section outline what is necessary to set up the database application using Visual Basic (VB) and MTS.

This article assumes that you are running MTS 2.0 and SQL Server 6.5 on the same computer on which you develop the application.


To set up an application that uses remote components running under the control of MTS there are four basic steps:

  1. Create the server component. This is an ActiveX DLL written in Visual Basic.

  2. Create the client application. This is a standard EXE written in Visual Basic.

  3. Install the server components into a MTS package.

  4. Setup the client computers (if necessary).

A more detailed explanation of each of the steps follows.

Step 1: Creating the Remote Component

  1. Create a new Visual Basic ActiveX DLL project.

  2. From the Project menu, choose References and add a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 1.5 Library and to the Microsoft Transaction Server Type Library.

    NOTE: For Visual Basic 6.0, select the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library.

  3. From the Project menu, choose Project Properties. Click the General tab and change the Project Name to MTSTest. Make sure that the Threading Model is Apartment Threaded.

  4. Add the following code to the GENERAL DECLARATIONS section of the default class module:
       Option Explicit
       Public Function Database_Test_Method( _
       ByVal szConnect As String) As String
          On Error GoTo errhandler
          Dim ctxObject As ObjectContext
          Set ctxObject = GetObjectContext()
          Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
          Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
          Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
          With cn
             .ConnectionTimeout = 10
             .ConnectionString = szConnect
          End With
          Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
          rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Authors", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, _
          Database_Test_Method = "First value from database:  " _
                               & rs(0).Value
          Set rs = Nothing
          Set cn = Nothing
          Exit Function
             Err.Raise vbObjectError, "MTSTest.Class1.Database_Test_Method", _
             Exit Function
       End Function
       Public Function General_Test_Method() As String
          On Error GoTo errhandler
         Dim ctxObject As ObjectContext
          Set ctxObject = GetObjectContext()
          General_Test_Method = "String from General_Test_Method"
          Exit Function
             Err.Raise vbObjectError, "MTSTest.Class1.General_Test_Method", _
             Exit Function
       End Function 

  5. Compile the project into a DLL.

Step 2: Creating the Client Application

  1. Create a new Visual Basic standard EXE project.

  2. Add two Command buttons to the standard form.

  3. Add the following code to the GENERAL DECLARATIONS section of the form:
       Private Sub Command1_Click()
          Dim obj As Object
          Set obj = CreateObject("MTSTest.Class1")
          MsgBox obj.General_Test_Method
          Set obj = Nothing
       End Sub
       Private Sub Command2_Click()
          Dim szConnect As String
          szConnect = "Driver={SQL Server};" & _
          '(NOTE: You may need to change the connection
          ' information to connect to your database.)
          Dim obj As Object
          Set obj = CreateObject("MTSTest.Class1")
          MsgBox obj.Database_Test_Method(szConnect)
          Set obj = Nothing
       End Sub
      Private Sub Form_Load()
          Command1.Caption = "Call General_Test_Method"
          Command2.Caption = "Call Database_Test_Method"
       End Sub 

Step 3: Installing the Component Into MTS

  1. Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), Transaction Server Explorer.

  2. Using the Treeview in the left-hand pane, expand each folder by clicking the plus sign beside the folder. First, select and expand Microsoft Transaction Server, then expand Computers, then My Computer and finally expand Packages Installed.

  3. Right-click Packages Installed, select New and then choose Package.

  4. When the Package Wizard screen displays, select Create and Empty Package. Name the package MTSTest and have it run as the interactive user.

  5. Select the Components folder under the newly created package, right-click, choose New and then select Component.

  6. Select Import component(s) that are already registered and choose MTSTest.Class1 from the list that displays.

NOTE: Now you should be able to run the client on the server computer successfully. If you want to set up remote clients, use the instructions found in step 4.

(Optional) Step 4: Setting up Remote Clients

There are really two parts to this step. The first part is creating a Visual Basic client setup program using the Visual Basic application setup wizard. The second part is creating and using the client setup program generated by MTS.

Detailed instructions are below for creating and using the client setup program generated by MTS.

For information on distributing VB Clients using the Visual Basic setup wizard, please see the article listed in the REFERENCES section.

NOTE: Please disregard step eight located in the "Distribute the Client", section of the article. There is no need to add a reference to the VBR file when using the client setup program provided by MTS. During the Visual Basic client setup process, remove all references to any remote components.

Steps to Create the MTS Setup Program

  1. Start Microsoft Management Console.

  2. Using the Treeview in the left-hand pane, expand each folder by clicking the plus sign beside the folder. First, expand Microsoft Transaction Server, then Computers, My Computer and then expand the MTSTest Package folder.

  3. Right-click the MTSTest package, select Export, and then select the directory to which you want to export the package.

  4. Navigate to the directory to which you exported the package and open the clients directory. In this directory, you will find an executable built by exporting. Move this EXE to the CLIENT computer and run the EXE. (Do NOT run this program on the server). This program correctly registers the remote components on the client computer.

  5. Run the client setup EXE for the client application, created in step 2, on the client computer.

You should now be able to run your client remotely against the component that you created and installed into MTS. If any problems are encountered please see the references section for information on troubleshooting and creating distributed applications.


MTS 2.0 Online Help

For additional information about distributing Visual Basic Clients using the Visual Basic setup wizard, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q161837 HOWTO: Create a DCOM Client/Server Application

Q177394 HOWTO: Troubleshoot Run-Time Error '429' in DCOM Applications

Q172869 HOWTO: Debug a Component Written with Visual Basic 5.0

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbADO200 kbDatabase kbDCOM kbMTS kbVBp600 
Version           : WINDOWS:1.5
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: May 27, 1999