HOWTO: Get Fractions of a Second from ADO adDBTimeStamp FieldID: Q193869
The ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) field type 135, adDBTimeStamp, represents a
date-time stamp in the form of "yyyymmddhhmmss" plus a fraction in
billionths. Therefore, an ADO adDBTimeStamp field can contain the fraction
returned from a server Date/Time field. For example, an ADO adDBTimeStamp
field can contain the fractional portion of a SQL Server 6.5 DATETIME
If you try to assign the ADO adDBTimeStamp field to a Visual Basic DATE
datatype variable or to output the field value, Visual Basic drops the
fractional portion of seconds for the adDBTimeStamp field. This article
demonstrates how to retrieve the fractional portion of seconds from an
adDBTimeStamp field.
You may use a function, such as GetMilliseconds, to retrieve the fractional
portion of an adDBTimeStamp field and convert the billionths to fractions
of a second. The following code uses the Visual Basic decimal datatype to
help perform the conversion, but you could create a string function to
parse the fractional value.
One-fourth of the time, ADO returns a time 1 millisecond later than the
time returned from the following SQL Server functions:
DATEPART(MS, fieldname)
CONVERT(CHAR(24), fieldname, 109)
For this reason, you should limit your code to returning two
decimal places, hundredths of a second, or use the SQL Server DATEPART or
CONVERT functions to return the fractions. You should use whichever method
you choose consistently.
Form1.Width 8000
List1.Width 6500
Function GetMilliseconds(ByVal varDateTime As Variant) As Long
' The Decimal datatype can store decimal values exactly.
' Variables cannot be directly declared as Decimal, so
' create a Variant then use CDec( ) to convert to Decimal.
Dim decConversionFactor As Variant
Dim decTime As Variant
'K is used to convert a VB time unit back to seconds
'K = 86400000 milliseconds per day
decConversionFactor = CDec(86400000)
'Store the DateTime value in an exact decimal value called decTime
decTime = CDec(varDateTime)
'Make sure the date/time value is positive
decTime = Abs(decTime)
'Get rid of the date (whole number), leaving time (decimal)
decTime = decTime - Int(decTime)
'Convert to time to seconds
decTime = (decTime * decConversionFactor)
'Return the milliseconds
GetMilliseconds = decTime Mod 1000
End Function
Private Sub Form_Click()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim Millisecs As Integer
Dim Hundredths As Integer
'We'll use the OLE DB for SQL Provider, Local, Trusted login
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=Pubs;"
'Update table to current date and time
cn.Execute "UPDATE Titles SET Pubdate = GetDate()"
'We'll get the date, plus the SQL Server DATEPART value
strSql = "SELECT Pubdate, DATEPART(MS,Pubdate)AS SQLsDP FROM Titles"
rs.Open strSql, cn
Millisecs = GetMilliseconds(rs("Pubdate"))
Hundredths = (Millisecs + 5) \ 10
'Display Pubdate, Hundredths, Milliseconds, DATEPART value
List1.AddItem rs("Pubdate") & vbTab & Hundredths & _
vbTab & Millisecs & vbTab & rs("SQLsDP")
'Clean up
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Display Header in Listbox
List1.AddItem "Pubdate" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "1/100's" & _
vbTab & "Millisecs" & vbTab & "DATEPART"
End Sub
For information on the SQL Server DATEPART function, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q186265 HOWTO: Use the SQL Server DATEPART Function to Get MillisecondsFor information on the ADO adDBTimeStamp datatype, please see the ADO 1.5 or 2.0 Online Documentation for the Type property.
Additional query words: kbADO150 kbADO200 kbSQLServ kbvb
Keywords : kbADO150 kbADO200 kbDatabase kbSQLServ kbVBp500 kbVBp600
Version : WINDOWS:1.5,2.0,5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: August 9, 1999