ID: Q189838
The information in this article applies to:
If you declare your recordset variable with the New keyword in the declaration on the object, the variable never returns nothing. This behavior could cause problems when using multiple recordsets and looping through the recordsets using the NextRecordset until the recordset returns nothing.
This occurs because the act of checking for nothingness instantiates the object.
To avoid this problems, do not declare the recordset object with the New keyword in the declaration.
This behavior is by design.
1. Start a new Visual Basic Standard EXE project.
2. On the Project menu, choose References and add a reference to Microsoft
ActiveX Data Objects 2.0.
3. Create a command button on the default form.
4. Behind the command button's click event place the following code:
NOTE: You might need to change the connection information before you run
the code.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'This causes an error.
Dim cn As New Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
'This does not cause an error.
' Dim cn As Connection
' Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
' Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
' Set cn = New Connection
' Set cmd = New Command
Dim i As Integer, Records As Integer
Dim SQL As String
Dim bFlag As Boolean
cn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={sql server}" & _
'cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
"Location=YourServer;Data Source=pubs;User ID=sa"
On Error Resume Next
cn.Execute "DROP TABLE x"
On Error GoTo eh
cn.Execute "CREATE TABLE x(rdint INT CONSTRAINT " & _
"pk_rdint PRIMARY KEY, rdchar CHAR(255) )"
SQL = ""
SQL = SQL & "INSERT INTO x(rdint, rdchar) VALUES(1, 'ONE') "
SQL = SQL & "INSERT INTO x(rdint, rdchar) VALUES(2, 'TWO') "
SQL = SQL & "INSERT INTO x(rdint, rdchar) VALUES(3, 'THREE') "
cmd.CommandText = SQL
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
i = 1
bFlag = True
Set rs = cmd.Execute(Records)
While bFlag = True
If rs Is Nothing Then
bFlag = False
Debug.Print "i: " & i; " State:"; rs.State;
Debug.Print " Records Affected:"; Records;
Debug.Print " Is Null: " & IsNull(rs)
i = i + 1
Set rs = rs.NextRecordset(Records)
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " -- " & Err.Description
End Sub
When you run the code using the New keyword in the declaration of your
recordset object, you will receive the Error 3251 "The operation requested
by the application is not supported by the provider." To avoid this error,
comment out the section labeled "This causes an Error." and uncomment the
section labeled "This does not cause an error."
Additional query words: kbvbp600 kbADO200 kbADO
Version : WINDOWS:2.0;
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: August 7, 1998