INFO: MDAC Related White Papers ODBC/OLE DB/ADO/RDS)

ID: Q190215

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This article contains a listing of white papers, newsgroups, and other resources that you may use for Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) technologies.


White Papers Included with the Data Access Software Development Kit (SDK)

The Data Access 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) contains several white papers. However, they are not indexed within the On-line help. To find the white papers you have to open the Dasdk.chm file (requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 or later), and proceed to the following help topic:

   \Microsoft Data Access SDK
       \Microsoft Data Access Technical Articles
           Microsoft Data Access Technical Articles Overview 
There are numerous other articles that are posted on the Web. A quick summary of these articles follows. The most recent articles are listed first. Each article is also rated with stars, (****) to indicate the technical depth of the article. Four stars is a very technical article, that has lots of practical information or source code. One star indicates a high level overview, something you might see from marketing.

Universal Data Access Frequently Asked Questions

Although this is not a white paper, the site does reference numerous other resources and is an index for common customer questions. The site will soon be updated for MDAC version 2.0.

The Web site is:

Universal Data Access: It's Not Your Father's Data Anymore (*)

An overview of Microsoft's Data Access Technologies that discusses OLE DB 2.0 and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.0.

The Web site is:

What's New (and Improved) in Microsoft Data Access 2.0 (**1/2)

A technical discussion examining the foundation of Universal Data Access as implemented within Microsoft Data Access Components 2.0, which includes ODBC 3.51, OLE DB 2.0, ADO 2.0, RDS 2.0.

The Web site is:

What's New in ADO 2.0 (****)

Details new features in ADO 2.0. Lots of sample sode.

The Web site is:

Redistributing Microsoft Data Access Components (****)

This presents the grand vision of MDAC Redistribution, and details some of the problems along the way. Nearly two dozen Knowledge Base articles present small pieces of information, but this white paper brings them together in a cohesive manner.

NOTE: This white paper also presents a detailed explanation of the acronyms for MDAC technologies as well as which version of MDAC was shipped with a given Microsoft product.

The Web site is:

Remote Data Service in MDAC 2.0 (***)

Details new features in Remote Data Service (RDS) version 2.0.

The Web site is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle: Tips, Tricks, and Traps (****)

Details the new Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle, best practices for performance and which Oracle features are and are not supported by the provider.

The Web site is:

Implementing ADO with Various Development Languages (****)

Also known as the ADO Rosetta Stone. This white paper details the nitty gritty details of implementing ADO with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA, used in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access), C++ (via #import, MFC OLE, or COM API's), Java (Web Foundation Classes (WFC) Classes, Java Type Library Wizard or Microsoft Java SDK), Scripting (Visual Basic Script or JavaScript), and Visual FoxPro. A companion download includes 500K of (compressed) sample code.

NOTE: The Web Foundation Classes and FoxPro discussion will not be available until 10/1/98.

The Web site is:

OLE DB Leveling: Choosing the Right Interfaces (***)

Invaluable for anyone creating an OLE DB Provider to expose data. This document is evolving, and you should check every few months for corrections and/or modifications. The Web site is:

All Data to All Consumers (**)

Article reproduced from May 1998 issue of DBMS Magazine (

There are some minor errors in this article, but otherwise a good overview.

The Web site is:

Exploring ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 from an RDO 2.0 Point of View (****)

The initial release of this white paper was written about ADO 2.0 before ADO version 2.0 released and contained numerous assumptions and errors. Updated in June '98 for TechEd 98, the current version offers a useful roadmap for RDO developers.

The Web site is:

Say UDA for All Your Data Access Needs (**1/2)

The April '98 issue of Microsoft Internet Developer magazine featured a cover story on Universal Data Access giving a high-level overview.

The Web site is:

OLE DB/ADO: Making Universal Data Access a Reality (***)

Written collectively by many of the Program Managers in the Data Access Group. Discussed MDAC 2.0 features approximately seven months prior to release of MDAC version 2.0. Moderately detailed and technical.

The Web site is:

OLE DB for the ODBC Programmer (****)

A favorite of Product Support Engineers, this is a must-read for anyone using OLE DB, either to create a consumer or provider. The white paper focuses on creating a consumer, and is useful if you have not developed in ODBC.

The Web site is:

Universal Data Access through OLE DB (*)

High-level overview of OLE DB.

The Web site is:

Choosing the "Right" VB5 Data Access Interface (**)

A useful overview of database technologies, although written very early in ADO's history. The same author's "Exploring ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 from an RDO 2.0 Point of View" is a more current discussion of these two technologies.

The Web site is:

Understanding ODBC and OLE (1/2)

A brief comparison of ODBC and OLE, leading up to the creation of OLE DB.

The Web site is:

Understanding ODBC Security Issues (*1/2)

A very terse discussion referencing other materials treating ODBC Security.

The Web site is:

Securing Windows NT to Prevent ODBC Tracing (**)

A brief discussion of the registry settings to use with Windows NT to prevent ODBC Tracing.

The Web site is:

Jet Database Engine ODBC Connectivity (***)

A classic discussion of using Jet to ODBC. For example, your client is using DAO or ODBCDirect through Jet to an ODBC Datasource (and not so much your client is using ODBC through the Access ODBC Driver).

The Web site is:


For additional information, please see the following World Wide Web URL:

Additional query words: ado rds odbc oledb

Keywords          : kbADO100 kbADO150 kbADO200 kbOLEDB100 kbOLEDB150 kbOLEDB200 kbRDS100 kbRDS110 kbRDS150 kbRDS200 kbODBC300 kbODBC350 kbODBC351 
Version           : WINDOWS:1.0,1.1,1.5,2.0,3.0,3.5,3.51
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: August 5, 1999