XADM: Description of ISINTEG Utility

ID: Q182081

The information in this article applies to:


ISINTEG is a utility that searches through an offline information store and looks for integrity weaknesses. The user also has the option to repair problems that are detected. ISINTEG is run at a command prompt.

When ISINTEG is run at a command prompt the following switches are available. This is also the usage display (-? switch).

isinteg [-pri] [-pub] [-fix] [-l [logfilename]]

   Switch           Result
   ------           ------

   -?               Usage is displayed.
   -pri             Check private information store (default).
   -pub             Check public information store.
   -fix             Repair information store.
   -l [logfilename] Store log information in logfilename.
                    Default is isinteg.pri or isinteg.pub.
   -patch           Offline backup restore patch. 


This header is displayed regardless of whether a switch is provided or not.
Microsoft (r) Exchange Server Information Store Integrity Utility Version 4.0 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved.

Log File

The log file allows you to specify the log file for output.

   Private    Database path of private DB\Isinteg.pri
   Public     Database path of public DB\Isinteg.pub 


When ISINTEG is run, it first checks to see if the MSExchangeIS service is stopped. If it is not, the following message is displayed and execution halts:
The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service
must be stopped to run ISINTEG.
If the service is stopped, ISINTEG looks in the registry for one of the following paths:
Private database path, value DB Path:

Public database path, value DB Path:

Log file path, value DB Log Path:

Working Directory, value Working Directory:

Next, ISINTEG browses the tables looking for errors. For the cross- reference tables, ISINTEG builds an Exchange database, Refer.mdb, of reference counts before browsing the tables. After it traverses all the cross- reference tables, it compares the counts found to the counts in the reference database. If ISINTEG is running with the fix switch, these counts will be updated to their true values as determined by ISINTEG. Another check performed is the named to ID or named properties cleanup which removes unused named properties.

The following tables are examined by ISINTEG:
ACL List
ACL Member
Cross Reference
Deleted Folders
Deleted Recipients
Oof History
Per-User Read
PropsIn Contents
Special Folders
Timed Events

Keywords          : XADM 
Version           : Windows:4.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: April 1, 1999