XADM: Err Msg: Error Encountered Accessing Registry Keys/Values for Exchange StoreID: Q167281
When you run EDBUTIL.EXE /D or EDBUTIL.EXE /R and you use the registry switches of /DS, /IS, /ISPRIV, or /ISPUB to specify the location for the database, the following error message may appear:
Error encountered accessing registry keys/values for specified
Exchange store.
Operation terminated with error -1907
This error occurs when EDBUTIL is running on a computer other than the one Microsoft Exchange Server is installed on. When you run EDBUTIL /R, the registry switches /DS or /IS must be used to specify the database name. Thus, if you want to use the registry switches to specify the database name, you must run EDBUTIL /R from the Exchange Server computer.
To run EDBUTIL /D or EDBUTIL /D /R on a non-Exchange Server computer:
EDBUTIL /D c:\exchsrvr\dsadata\dir.edbWhen you run EDBUTIL with both the /D and the /R switch, the database path and name must be placed after the /D switch and before the /R switch, as in the following example:
EDBUTIL /D c:\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv.edb /R
Keywords : kbusage XADM
Version : WinNT:4.0,5.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: April 29, 1999