XADM: Sending Encrypted Mail to Users with Different Encryption Levels

ID: Q181921

The information in this article applies to:


Using the Microsoft Exchange Key Management Server, users have the ability to encrypt messages. The North American version of the Exchange client can encrypt messages using a 64-bit encryption key. This level of encryption cannot be exported out of the United States and Canada; therefore, international Exchange clients are only enabled with 40-bit encryption.

This article describes what happens when a user with 64-bit encryption tries to send a messages to other users, some of whom have 64-bit encryption and others have 40-bit encryption.


The level of encryption that a mailbox is enabled with is stored in the Exchange directory. When you send a message to a user, it is possible to determine what level of encryption that user has.

When a user with 64-bit encryption sends an encrypted message to a mixed group of users with 40-bit encryption and 64-bit encryption, Exchange uses the strongest encryption level that all recipients have in common. In this case, it selects 40-bit encryption. A 64-bit client can read a message encrypted with a 40-bit key.

If any one of the recipients is not security-enabled, then the Exchange client displays a message asking the sender either to send the message without encryption or to remove the users who are not security-enabled from the list of recipients.

Keywords          : kbusage XADM 
Version           : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: March 31, 1999