XFOR: Accept/Decline Message ID Mismatch on a Meeting InvitationID: Q202105
When a meeting invitation is sent from a user on one server to a user on another server, the server times need to be synchronized.
If the times are not synchronized, then the message ID of the Accept/Decline message (produced by the invitee when she or he accepts or declines the meeting invitation) is mismatched from the original invitation message ID. Consequently, the Accept/Decline message received from the invitee does not update the invitee response list.
This problem occurs if the Accept/Decline message is sent within the timeframe of the time difference on the two servers. That is, if the time difference between the sender's server and invitee's server is five minutes, an Accept/Decline message sent within five minutes of receiving the message can result in the behavior reported.
Additional query words:
Keywords : exc55
Version : winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: June 9, 1999